is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

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Admin account

Search results for tag #linux

fanta »

Steve Ballmer fue CEO de Microsoft desde el año 2000 hasta el 2014.
En 2001 Steve dijo «Linux es un cáncer» para luego en 2016 decir «Puede que haya llamado a Linux un cáncer, pero ahora lo amo»

💾 Una nube se hace con software libre

¿Sabes que llevó a rectificar a Ballmer?, que la nube se hace con software libre ...

Ballmer haciendo el ridiculo en la presentación de windows 95

Alt...Ballmer haciendo el ridiculo en la presentación de windows 95

Unix Weekly » 🤖

popey »

My man @jorge is an intelligent guy. To users, "You are not the target audience" is seen as a bold statement.

He's right, though. If you want to wear a hair shirt, that's fine. Most regular people don't want to.

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Carl Richell (System76's CEO) announced that the first alpha release of Pop!_OS 24.04 with COSMIC will be released August 8th!


Unix Weekly » 🤖

Koen de Jonge - SynQ »

Next time when someone asks me which #Linux do I use my answer will be [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

@solene correct, the question was about not operating systems in general 😎

Darth ŠČ! »

Next time when someone asks me which #Linux do I use my answer will be [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I use 6.1

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Wesley Moore »

strlcpy and how CPUs can defy common sense

Fascinating post and good showing for glibc’s optimised string and memory functions—15 times faster than a naive implementation in one example.

Raven »

Linux Mint 22 "Wilma" has been released based on Ubuntu 24.04 with Kernel 6.8, PipeWire as default audio server, Online Accounts GTK3, downgraded GNOME GTK4 applications

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly boosted

Programming Weekly » 🤖

Stefano Marinelli »

Good. After a small grub modification (about cgroups - I don't know how related it could be) the interface name changed from enx3e3300c9e14e to enp10s0f0np0

Drew DeVault boosted

Mehrad »

I was checking out this year's annual developer report that few things caught my eye:

1. They have deliberately drawn the wrong conclusion about most popular operating system. They have interpreted distro as operating system, so they have separately provided numbers for Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, and etc., and have concluded that "Windows is the most popular operating system for developers, across both personal and professional use".


Stefano Marinelli »

enx3e3300c9e14e - is this a sane default Linux network interface name?

Andrew Zah »

Hi and folks/consultants, I currently have a problem. I want to use 3.x with the module in a distroless docker container, built by . I have an example nix repo at

OpenSSL compiles with the enable-fips flag, but when I run the container, the fips provider does not appear. I'm not sure if it's the root cause, but with strace I see it wants to load glibc-hwcaps?

I've documented this in and

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

fanta »

Me lo pedís mucho 😜 asique por fin me he dignado a dejar documentado un poco el tema de como tener tu propio Theme Hospital en Linux y hackearlo a tope con scripts en Lua.

💾 Theme Hospital en Linux con tus propios hacks

Enjoy !

nadie me lo pide pero tenía el post a medio hacer desde hace un año y por fin lo he terminado.

Se ve el juego y se ve que los textos pueden alterarse así como el dinero que tienes, etc ...

Alt...nadie me lo pide pero tenía el post a medio hacer desde hace un año y por fin lo he terminado. Se ve el juego y se ve que los textos pueden alterarse así como el dinero que tienes, etc ...

Unix Weekly » 🤖

GaryH Tech »

jhx »

22 is out

Sure there are many enjoyers out there!

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Anticheat added to EA WRC, blocking the steam deck / proton. Patch notes: "Additionally, EA SPORTS™ WRC will not run on the native Steam OS for Steam Deck following the release of EA anticheat."



Eva Winterschön »

I wonder if anyone would be interested in my method for a running Element (matrix chat) natively on my workstation?

- using FreeBSD (of course)
- without resorting to Electron
- running in a Jail (vnet, vanilla)
- on a 10Gbit LACP bonded bridge
- with a wildcard TLS cert (for free)
- and Ansible-ized for automation

Yes, give us a how-to tutorial!:52
Nah, don't care about Matrix:5
XOR... perhaps a comment?:1

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Nyan Max boosted

Shoshana 🏳️‍⚧️ »

Plato's Cave, but it's the Windows Blue Screen of Death being projected by people holding CrowdStrike logos. Outside the cave are people with Tux, the Linux penguin

Alt...Plato's Cave, but it's the Windows Blue Screen of Death being projected by people holding CrowdStrike logos. Outside the cave are people with Tux, the Linux penguin

fanta »

💾 Modificar textos de mierda en Monkey Island sin despeinarte mucho el personaje de monkey island mirando un cartel. el texto ha sido modificado y pone Aurora como el nombre de la gobernadora.

Paladina »

Halp! Comando Linux! Qué debo hacer aquí para mantener Windows e instalar Mint (Debian).

Salta el aviso de El formato de la partición EFI debe ser vfat. Está sobre una tabla de particiones donde tiene como punto de montaje /boot/efi la destinada a Windows bootloader/recovery con formato ntfs.

Alt...Salta el aviso de El formato de la partición EFI debe ser vfat. Está sobre una tabla de particiones donde tiene como punto de montaje /boot/efi la destinada a Windows bootloader/recovery con formato ntfs.

Unix Weekly » 🤖

intro »

....drink more water

What a beautiful treasure trove

Stefano Marinelli »

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Linux Magazine »

ICYMI: Check out last week's Linux Update newsletter. Subscribe free to get it every week

LINUX UPDATE | No. 369 | July 18, 2024 | AKADEMY 2024 Register today! | AI Queries from the Command Line: Connect to the Google Pathways API Large Language Model (PaLM) from the command line via a Bash script.

Alt...LINUX UPDATE | No. 369 | July 18, 2024 | AKADEMY 2024 Register today! | AI Queries from the Command Line: Connect to the Google Pathways API Large Language Model (PaLM) from the command line via a Bash script.

Unix Weekly » 🤖

gyptazy boosted

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟮 (Valuable News - 2024/07/22) available.

Past releases:

vermaden »

We now know that about 8.5 million of Microsoft Windows machines were bricked on the CrowdStrike fuckup.

What is more interesting that Linux machines got bricked too:

Keep that in mind installing and using any close source software - production or not.

You never know what is inside and you never can estimate the risk attached to it.

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟮 (Valuable News - 2024/07/22) available.

Past releases:

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

FOSS Post » 🤖

It was fun while it lasted and we have a good laugh. 😏

But truth be said, even Linux wouldn't have helped in preventing the CrowdStrike catastrophe, and it has actually happened with it in the past (from the same company!).

Drive into details: 🔽

jhx »


Wiping a hard disk is easy via the shred tool. 😎

sudo shred --verbose --random-source=/dev/urandom -n1 --zero /dev/sdX

More options:

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Raven »

OpenMandriva ROME 24.07 has been released with KDE Plasma 6.1.3, LXQt 2.0.0, GNOME 46.3, Kernel 6.10, AMD ROCm support, Proton in the default repositories

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Juno »

Last strategy for package conflict resolution ready!

tori can now handle conflicts between your configuration and the actual list of installed packages.

Check out the update for all details:

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Linux Magazine »

Have you checked out our Summer Clearance Sale yet? Save at least 50% on select Linux Magazine and @adminmagazine back issues, special editions, and more! Sale ends July 31st

Summer SALE from ADMIN Network & Security and Linux Magazine

Alt...Summer SALE from ADMIN Network & Security and Linux Magazine

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

How using Linux on endpoints can fix the monopolistic security software problem


jhx »


Show the creation of a ext filesystem 😎

sudo tune2fs -l $DEVICE_PART | grep "^Filesystem created" | cut -f2- -d':' | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//g'

Replace $DEVICE_PART with the correct device partition, for example: /dev/sda3

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Hispa ♻️ boosted

Angel »

Linux users right now

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Steven Rosenberg »

I just noticed a new kernel today for #AlmaLinux 9. Updating my systems now.

#linux #security

Unix Weekly » 🤖

jhx »

I always like having different systems around me...

This brought me to a article that I've read in the past about a always on little system (low powered) that holds all the needed files to work/learn with.
All my files live on my NAS anyway - so having a system I ssh into to do my daily tasks would make sense.
This would also solve the issue of having to setup everything all the time on the system I'm using at the moment. 🙂

Does anyone have a setup like that? 😎

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

C & C++ Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Linux Magazine »

Kernel 6.10 is available now and includes significant performance increases and additions

Linux Magazine News

Alt...Linux Magazine News

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Linux Magazine »

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Stefano Marinelli »

Bcachefs For Linux 6.11 Landing Disk Accounting Rewrite & Self-Healing On Read I/O Error

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

mach »

Hola gente del , cómo les va

Intento entrar en un disco externo pero gparted no me reconoce. Sin embargo testdisk sí, pero la idea es formatear el disco externo.

Como puedo formatear?

Gracias a quien responda y todos aquellos que puedan aportar opción.

Saludos desde aquí 😃

mach »

Hola de

Pues que decir que realicé una partición junto a zorin e instalé el so que me permitió primeramente rescatar archivos. Al instalar me dió la opción de elegir entre uno y otro. Como ven pude acceder a zorin.

No tengo ni idea de que hice para que no me arrancara zorin. ¿Perdí la raíz? 🤔

Bueno, sea como sea, la cosa es que debo decidirme entre uno y otro. Zorin es bonito y cómodo de usar, pero le falta algo que no sé cómo explicar, ppepers parece más socializable con problemas.

Ustedes que me recomiendan? Que opinan?

mach »

Hola de nuevo gente de la

Vuelvo a intentar solucionar el disco externo conectado por USB.

Al parecer existe superbloque debido a que no existe punto de montaje.

Este disco estaba en un portátil, y tengo entendido que se intentó instalar una distro Linux.

Fíjense en las imágenes y díganme algún tuto para intentar solucionar este tema.


Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟭𝟱 (Valuable News - 2024/07/15) available.

Past releases:

Unix Weekly » 🤖

nixCraft 🐧 »

👋 Hey there! 🕰️ This is your friendly reminder from Uncle nixCraft.

Don't forget to back up your , , or desktop! 💻💾 Double-check your backups every now and then, and see how long it takes to restore them. ✅

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Raven »

pacman 7.0.0 released with support for cache servers, multiple "Architecture" values, changes to the download process, and bug fixes

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Juno »

Just one package conflict resolution strategy to go!

This is the dialog in tori ( that shows up when there is a conflict between the system state and the user's configuration. I've just implemented strategy 4.

Next is the most challenging one: parsing a user-edited file for input.

Once I'm done with it, I'll start working on file management.

A screenshot of a white-on-black terminal screen. It reads:

[tori] 07:37:38: System and configuration packages differ

Installed packages not on configuration: bastille fend ksh neomutt
  [1] Uninstall all
  [2] Enter packages to uninstall
  [3] Add all to configuration
  [4] Enter packages to add to configuration
  [5] Decide on editor
  [6] Cancel
Choose an option [1-6]:

Alt...A screenshot of a white-on-black terminal screen. It reads: [tori] 07:37:38: System and configuration packages differ Installed packages not on configuration: bastille fend ksh neomutt [1] Uninstall all [2] Enter packages to uninstall [3] Add all to configuration [4] Enter packages to add to configuration [5] Decide on editor [6] Cancel Choose an option [1-6]:

vermaden »

Added 𝗨𝗣𝗗𝗔𝗧𝗘 𝟮 – 𝗥𝗛𝗘𝗟 𝟴.𝟭𝟬 𝗡𝗲𝘁𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗜𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲 RHEL 8.10 Network Issue) to 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗕𝗦𝗗 𝗕𝗵𝘆𝘃𝗲 𝗩𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘇𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 (FreeBSD Bhyve Virtualization) article.

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Eva Winterschön »

prepare the smallest violin available, as we may recall hearing fanboys crow about such worn topics as docker:

"FreeBSD doesn't have Docker support omg"

except there are multiple directions one can take to use Docker on FreeBSD, if they bothered to try.

I suspect much of the "it doesn't X when I want it to" type of sentiment stems from a lack of effort to obtain easily available information combined with misinformation which exists as anti-BSD FUD (just like anti-Linux FUD in the 2010s coming from MSFT users).

- port sysutils/docker :: :: (port added: 2015-07-06)
- port sysutils/docker-compose :: :: (port added: 2017-04-19)
- (alternate approach)

jhx »

The joy of having multiple laptops and mini systems:

Endless computing fun at a low energy price 😎

Possibilities are endless and there are many things to explore. Besides, most of the systems I've got where used and pretty cheap. Beeing a fan of reusing hardware, this feels like heaven for sure 🙂

Try or on one of your older systems - and be amazed on how great these systems still are.

nixCraft 🐧 »

How to run command or code in parallel in bash shell under or

How to run command or code in parallel in bash shell under Linux or Unix

Alt...How to run command or code in parallel in bash shell under Linux or Unix

Unix Weekly » 🤖