

curmudgeon / cascarrabias

No twitter / no facebook / no instagram / no tiktok / no bluesky / no regrets

Ann Hell Musichttps://exode.me/accounts/annhell
YO NO SOY PAVEL (novela)https://distrito93.com/catalogo/yo-no-soy-pavel/

Location: 40.4235492,-3.6617828

76 following 89 followers

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Ángel »

You're great, Stefano.

    Ángel boosted

    Stefano Marinelli »

    Client: Help, emergency. I have 24 hours to move my workload to another server. What do we do?
    Me, five minutes later: "Done. Your workload is now running on the new server."
    Client: "How did you move over 200GB with just a minute of downtime, from one provider to another and in a different country?"
    Me: "Thanks to FreeBSD, ZFS, and a little bit of proactive planning."

    I have a task that replicates all the VMs from one server to another every 15 minutes using zfs-send/zfs-receive. This VM connects to a VPN with two reverse proxies.
    Meaning, when I move this VM, we don’t need to change any IPs since it’s not directly exposed.
    I powered it off, cloned the differences in seconds, and restarted it.

    Client in disbelief.
    Me, relaxed and happy.

    Thank you, FreeBSD, thank you, ZFS!

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      Ángel »

      Good remark.

      I think that we the artists and the people should not care about if AI is intelligent or not (it's just a semantic discussion with no interesting conclusions), but who benefits and who is damaged from the current hype.

      And this is clear: the bigtech is taking the food from our mouths. Sadly, many artists are hypnotised by the new bling. But it's destroying us and robbing our work. We must take action as soon as possible.

        Ángel boosted

        Alice McFlurry »

        When I was about twelve, I went on my first flight as a solo traveler where part of that included a layover in Chicago.

        When my flight landed in Chicago, I went to my transfer’s gate, but there was a wait before my next flight departed so I went into the restroom to kill time.

        It seems like a weird place for a kid to kill time, but I had this thing where I’d do karate kicks in front of public restroom mirrors because I didn’t have a full-length mirror at home and I wanted to be able to see my “full moves.”

        It should be noted that the only karate “training” I’d ever had was watching a VHS tape of the Karate Kid on repeat, but I was certain I was an absolute natural, so I “did my kicks” in front of the mirror and was having a great time until a lady walked in the restroom and saw me doing my kicks.

        I was absolutely mortified, so I grabbed my enormous backpack and tennis racket bag and proceeded to hide in a restroom stall until I was confident that nobody else was in there, at which time I exited the restroom and headed to my gate which was just across the aisle.

        As I was walking up, I noticed that all of the people who were previously waiting by the gate were now gone and it was then that I learned I was too late and they had already closed the boarding doors.

        I was absolutely terrified that I was going to be trapped in Chicago for the rest of my life and I broke down crying, but the gate attendant was very nice and made a call to the plane and they ended up making an exception to let me on and the doors were reopened and I made my way toward the plane.

        Because I was late, they had given away my seat so I had to take the last seat available which was at the back of the plane. As a result, I began my torturous walk of shame past all of the other passengers who were now delayed because of me.

        It felt like slow motion as I sobbed uncontrollably and lugged my gigantic backpack, all while my tennis racket bag smacked against every single seat as I walked down the aisle toward the back of the plane.

        After what felt like an eternity, I FINALLY made it to my seat at the back of the plane and I was relieved that the embarrassment was over—until I looked up and saw the very same lady who caught me doing karate kicks in the restroom.

        She didn’t seem to recognize me (or at least pretended not to), but *I* knew.

        As a result of that traumatic experience, I never practiced my karate kicks again, but I bet I’m still REALLY good at them.

        Ángel boosted

        David B. Himself »

        I think it's a great thing that Pixelfed is getting adopted by a lot of people who are not Mastodon users.
        Among other reasons because people will finally start to understand what the Fediverse is and that it's not synonymous with Mastodon.

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          Ángel »

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          Ángel »

          Great decision.

            Ángel boosted

            gyptazy »

            I got asked if I could create a for creating a (public) service - just like I did recently for . With and you can also reach resource in the legacy internet () on only systems.

            While this is based on and , there’s also a solution by using the 's native way which is also running on the other gateway. I’ll share a second how to how to do this in OpenBSD and pf.


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              Ángel »

              Love the ghost face 😆

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                Ángel »

                Si 7291 muertos les dan igual, no sé por qué les iban a importar 224.

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                  Ángel »

                  Oh, that's sad. It is (was) a living snapshot of a past. Maybe no longer relevant, but a part of yourself anyway.

                  Unless maintaining it was expensive or a hassle, I would keep it.

                    Ángel boosted

                    Victor Moral ⁂ »

                    Y llevo unos días pensando en ello y creo que para mí ha llegado el final. Se me han quitado las ganas de estar con esta gente. Ellos van por un camino que no quiero recorrer. Yo quería, quiero, hacer teatro con pocos medios y pasarlo bien mientras tanto. Sé que no podríamos hacer obras largas ni con mucho elenco porque nos faltaría una dirección que le diese coherencia pero si hacer lo que estábamos haciendo hasta ahora: escenas cortas y con gracia. Podíamos dirigirnos en ese ámbito nosotros mismos; somos adultos con buen ojo y experiencia como espectadores.

                    No sería lo mismo que con un profesional pero seguiríamos teniendo un perfil bajo de gastos. En el teatro, igual que en el software, siempre me ha parecido más valioso el resultado de partir de poco y usar ingenio y talento para resolver.

                    No sé cómo terminará la cosa pero veo un cisma. Y si hay que "forzar" a que no se suba la cuota y no se contrate al cantamañanas del profesor seguirá habiendo algunos que tampoco querrán estar.

                    Ángel boosted

                    Victor Moral ⁂ »

                    El sábado pasado celebramos una junta en la asociación teatral en la que estoy (y que ayudé a fundar) y tuvimos que aplazarla hasta el siguiente viernes porque algunos nos metieron en un callejón sin salida.

                    La asociación está sirviendo (y debería servir en el futuro) para llevar el teatro a sitios como prisiones o residencias de ancianos y tener una finalidad social. Muy pocos recursos pero bastantes ganas. Y entre esos pocos recursos está la falta de una dirección teatral. Claro, cinco eurazos al mes de cuota no dan para casi nada y menos para pagar a un profesional ... Hasta ahora.

                    Ahora algunos han visto la oportunidad de contratar unas horas al mes a uno de los antiguos profesores de teatro municipal y plantearon primero aprobar que queríamos dirección teatral y luego subir la cuota para poder pagarle. Muy bien todo. ¿O no?

                    No, porque hay algunos que no queremos pagar esa cuota. Tampoco es que podamos hacerlo pero sobre todo no queremos. ¿Qué ocurre con nosotros? Y ahí estuvimos encallados las últimas dos horas de la junta y el motivo por el que hemos tenido que aplazarlo.

                    Si se aprobase todo eso, y se va a aprobar, significa que para ser socio de Bóvalo, la asociación, se tendrá que pagar una cuota de cuarenta o cuarenta y cinco eurazos o si no ... No se podrá ser socio, ¿no? Si no pagas no puedes pertenecer. Al menos yo lo veo así. Hacer teatro juntos en ese caso no tiene sentido. Unos podrán estar dirigidos y otros no; será estupendo organizar funciones con esa disposición.

                    Ángel boosted

                    War and Peas 🧿 »

                    RATE YOUR DEATH

                    4 panel comic by War and Peas: 1st Panel: The Grim Reaper is standing in front of a ghost that hovers over a dead body. He says, "Thank you for using our soul-reaping services." 2nd Panel: He continues, "Would you say your death-experience was Good, Great, Not Sure?" 3rd Panel: The ghost just angrily stares at the Grim Reaper. 4th Panel: The Grim Reaper says, "I'm gonna put down great."

                    Alt...4 panel comic by War and Peas: 1st Panel: The Grim Reaper is standing in front of a ghost that hovers over a dead body. He says, "Thank you for using our soul-reaping services." 2nd Panel: He continues, "Would you say your death-experience was Good, Great, Not Sure?" 3rd Panel: The ghost just angrily stares at the Grim Reaper. 4th Panel: The Grim Reaper says, "I'm gonna put down great."

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                    Ángel »

                    Sí que está bien explicado, lo que pasa es que yo no me imaginaba que era el iconito de la aplicación, sino un logo dentro de la aplicación, y no terminaba de pillarlo.

                    Lo cierto es que hay algunos a los que se les sale la sonda y no saben mear.

                      Ángel boosted

                      El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

                      Mas ¿quién eres, que husmeas en la roca,
                      tal vez por retrasar ir a la pena,
                      con que son castigadas tus acciones?»

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                        Ángel »

                        Madre mía, no lo había entendido 🤦

                          Ángel boosted

                          Victor Moral ⁂ »

                          Decir adiós al instituto sin saber casi nada de la dictadura: "Reproducen falsos mitos como que 'con Franco se vivía mejor'"


                          La derecha y demás morralla llevan tiempo intentando (y consiguiendo) que cuestionar ese pasado en concreto sea molesto o incluso peligroso en algunos sitios y eso nos va a llevar otra vez a tiempos tenebrosos, ya no creo que haya vuelta atrás por desgracia.

                          Y mira que en los chavales pobres (la mayoría) puedo entender que anhelen la vuelta de ese pasado "mejor" porque futuro no les hemos dejado mucho; ¿pero los ricos? ¿Los hijos y familiares de familias pudentes -ricas- quieren ese pasado mejor porque éste les parece malo? ¿En qué?

                          Bueno, quizás sea porque como decía Miles Vorkosigan en Barrayar tenían bonitos uniformes y botas de caballería, y eso siempre tira siempre que no exista riesgo como hemos podido ver hace unos días en Carabanchel o en el Garibaldi.

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                          Ángel »

                          ¿Explica por qué los libros de romántica sí y otros no?

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                            Ángel »

                            No lo pillo. ¿Por qué no pueden trabajar?

                              Ángel boosted

                              DB 🇵🇸 🌎🌏🌍 »

                              Ángel boosted

                              jwz »

                              What is this? I've seen it on Tumblr.

                              I had not seen anyone make the obvious thing, so I made the obvious thing.


                              Ángel boosted

                              Li Chen »


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                              Ángel »

                              This is fucking great.

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                                Ángel »

                                Great author. Reading Koolau the Leper as a kid made me want to become a fiction writer.

                                  Ángel boosted

                                  Tom Gauld »

                                  My latest cartoon for @newscientist.bsky.social

                                  A venn diagram.

The three circles are labelled:
The Archaeologist
The Pirate
The Dog

The area where all threel overlap is labelled: Loves digging things up

Dog/Archaeologist overlap is labelled: Gets excited by bones
Pirate/Archaeologist overlap is labelled: Good with maps
Dog/Pirate overlap is labelled: Buries things for later

                                  Alt...A venn diagram. The three circles are labelled: The Archaeologist The Pirate The Dog The area where all threel overlap is labelled: Loves digging things up Dog/Archaeologist overlap is labelled: Gets excited by bones Pirate/Archaeologist overlap is labelled: Good with maps Dog/Pirate overlap is labelled: Buries things for later

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                                    Ángel »

                                    ... [SENSITIVE CONTENT]This photo is pure magic.

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                                      Ángel »

                                      Ángel boosted

                                      Dave Rahardja »

                                      Software engineers: CAPITAL IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. You are not a billionaire; you are a worker. Rich investors are trying to take your livelihood away any way they can to keep more money in their pockets. Don’t be smug because you make more money than the median; your worth is smaller than a rounding error on any given billionaire’s spreadsheet.

                                      I repeat: YOU ARE A WORKER. Stand with your fellow workers AGAINST capital. Capitalists and billionaires make life worse for others. They’ve been coming after other workers; and now they’re coming after YOU.

                                        Ángel boosted

                                        ChocoDrawing »

                                        @MostlyHarmless as seen right here:

                                          Ángel boosted

                                          MostlyHarmless »

                                          Ángel boosted

                                          Stefano Marinelli »

                                          UPDATE: I haven't seen Recall in action there. I was just asking the doctor how they'll deal with it.

                                          This morning, I went to the doctor for a scheduled appointment. While she was looking at the results of blood tests from two years ago on the screen (and suggested repeating them for a follow-up), I realized she was using Windows 11. A detail came to mind. The doctor is extremely polite and friendly, so I asked her, "How do you handle the feature called Recall?" The doctor was taken aback and had no idea what I was talking about. I was about to drop the conversation, but she, being a serious professional, immediately called the technicians who manage their PCs to ask for clarification. They downplayed it, saying it's not an issue and that it's a feature "on all PCs, so we can't do anything about it." She started to express that she didn’t like it and wanted it deactivated. No luck: they won’t proceed because, according to them, even deactivating it is "a hack that could compromise future updates." She’s furious and will talk to her colleagues and the decision-makers. She wants secure systems because "there’s patient data involved."

                                          In reality, patient data is stored on servers (which I haven't investigated), but everything that appears on the screen is, in my opinion, at risk.

                                          I’ve offered to help them find a solution—because, if I'm right, all they need is LibreOffice and a browser. In that case, I’ll suggest one of the *BSD or Linux systems and do it for free.

                                          I don’t want to make money off my doctor. I just want patient data to be (sufficiently) secure.

                                            4 ★ 0 ↺

                                            Ángel »

                                            Montaña Artificial, Parque del Retiro, Madrid, Spain

                                            Ceiling window

                                            Alt...Ceiling window

                                              Ángel boosted

                                              khm »

                                              snac2 wins again

                                              CC: @michel@bsd.cafe

                                              my profile picture in a colorful, empty void

                                              Alt...my profile picture in a colorful, empty void

                                                Ángel boosted

                                                Cobweb 💿 »

                                                I’d like to send a special “fuck you buddy” to all the boomers that told me “oh you’ll get more conservative as you get older, once you get some money”

                                                I don’t know what world those people live in, but every day since probably 1989 everything I have seen in the world has only convinced me more and more that capitalism is a disease that is destroying lives and the planet.

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                                                Ángel »

                                                I love that lake Michigan has been drained into land to compensate for lost territories

                                                  Ángel boosted

                                                  ErosBlog Bacchus »

                                                  @Daojoan Except that boredom is something else entirely. Boredom is the lack of essential mental stimulation. I spent my pre-digital childhood doing endless amounts of routine physical labor (offgrid peasant shit like cutting and stacking firewood, digging potatoes, etc) and was bored out of my mind the entire time. Boredom is purest misery, not success. I didn't defeat boredom until the e-reader, and later the smartphone, guaranteed that I'd always have something to do with my brain.

                                                    Ángel boosted

                                                    JA Westenberg »

                                                    Here’s the brutal truth about mainstream success: You either need to be famous already, or you need to be willing to light yourself on fire for attention.


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                                                    Ángel »

                                                    So true. Thanks.

                                                      Ángel boosted

                                                      Victor Moral ⁂ »

                                                      En este caso a la duquesa no le falta razón. La concesión era por 60 años y ha terminado y debe volver a las manos de su propietaria. Pero debería abrir un debate importante y que no llega y con el PSOE en el poder (no municipal, quiero decir) menos aún.

                                                      Durante 60 años el estado ha reparado, mantenido y promocionado el castillo. El parque adyacente que sufrió la misma suerte hace poco también. ¿Vamos a recuperar de alguna manera esas inversiones o como siempre además de puta ponemos la cama y el condón?

                                                      O mejor aún, ¿cobraremos IBI o cualquier otro impuesto a la duquesa de marras y su casa nobiliaria o seguiremos igual, intentando negociar cualquier acuerdo porque la propiedad privada es intocable?

                                                      Lo mismo tres millones de euros anuales de IBI la convencen de hacer una donación al estado español, que tanto quieren y por el que tanta sangre derramarían, y así todos ganamos.

                                                      Hoy no tengo el día para pensar con equidad, lo reconozco. No obstante estoy harto de que ciertos lugares estén protegidos por el estado pero éste no tenga la más mínima potestad sobre ellos.

                                                      Ángel boosted

                                                      Yago Álvarez Barba »

                                                      No, Elon Musk no es un simple loco. Todo lo que ha hecho y todos sus apoyos a la extrema derecha le han reportado beneficios directos. Y lo de Groenlandia, Panamá, Alemania, UK, etc., también...

                                                      Os hago un resumen en @elsaltodiario.com con arte de Byron Maher elsaltodiario.com/estados-unid

                                                      Ángel boosted

                                                      Stefano Marinelli »

                                                      This is the FediMeteo VPS's LibreNMS CPU graph.

                                                      A significant spike occurs in the early afternoon, where the activity level reaches nearly 100, marking a sharp increase in activity. This spike coincides with the announcement by @FediFollows of new cities. Throughout most of the day, activity levels fluctuate between 10 and 40, with some peaks reaching up to 50 at different times. Notably, some of these levels coincide with backup operations. Early morning and late evening hours show lower activity levels, generally ranging between 10 and 20. The graph clearly highlights the midday burst of activity, followed by a return to more moderate levels throughout the rest of the day.

                                                      The screenshot displays a time-series graph from the FediMeteo VPS (by LibreNMS), tracking activity levels over a 24-hour period. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis shows the CPU level, ranging from 0 to 100. The graph consists of orange bars indicating the intensity of the activity.

A significant spike occurs in the early afternoon, where the activity level reaches nearly 100, marking a sharp increase in activity. This spike coincides with the announcement by FediFollows of new cities. Throughout most of the day, activity levels fluctuate between 10 and 40, with some peaks reaching up to 50 at different times. Notably, some of these peaks coincide with backup operations. Early morning and late evening hours show lower activity levels, generally ranging between 10 and 20. The graph clearly highlights the midday burst of activity, followed by a return to more moderate levels throughout the rest of the day.

                                                      Alt...The screenshot displays a time-series graph from the FediMeteo VPS (by LibreNMS), tracking activity levels over a 24-hour period. The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis shows the CPU level, ranging from 0 to 100. The graph consists of orange bars indicating the intensity of the activity. A significant spike occurs in the early afternoon, where the activity level reaches nearly 100, marking a sharp increase in activity. This spike coincides with the announcement by FediFollows of new cities. Throughout most of the day, activity levels fluctuate between 10 and 40, with some peaks reaching up to 50 at different times. Notably, some of these peaks coincide with backup operations. Early morning and late evening hours show lower activity levels, generally ranging between 10 and 20. The graph clearly highlights the midday burst of activity, followed by a return to more moderate levels throughout the rest of the day.

                                                        Ángel boosted

                                                        Yago Álvarez Barba »

                                                        ¿Qué tienen en común Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Fernando Savater o el rapero el Jincho?

                                                        Pues que todos se han dado cuenta de que se gana más dinero siendo un buen trozo de mierda.

                                                        Me quedo agusto en esta opinión en El Salto.

                                                        Ángel boosted

                                                        khm »

                                                        it is important to move to a mastodon instance that does not federate with Facebook's threads.net service. it's about to get real, real ugly over there


                                                        Ángel boosted

                                                        inquiline »

                                                        tiny complaint [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

                                                        Too many ideas get cited as belonging to Cory Doctorow. There, I said it

                                                        Ángel boosted

                                                        FediMeteo »

                                                        A big, huge thank you to @grunfink@comam.es, the creator of Snac.
                                                        They are modifying the software based on the needs of FediMeteo – something amazing that shows the quality of the person involved.


                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                          Stefano Marinelli »

                                                          A big, huge thank you to the Open-Meteo team.
                                                          Patrick told me that they appreciate the project, that we can continue, and he provided me with tools to go beyond the allowed calls.
                                                          At this point, I’m fixing a few things to improve the addition of countries and cities, and... we’re moving forward!


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                                                            Ángel »

                                                            Boosted. I also love it.

                                                              Ángel boosted

                                                              Jonathan Corbet »

                                                              So is there anybody out there who can explain this image?

                                                              I bought this card in Korea some years ago after having seen this theme - a tiger and a rabbit seemingly getting stoned together - in a number of places. There must be a story behind it, but my meager search skills have never managed to turn it up. I do still love the image, though...

                                                              A greeting card from South Korea with a drawing of a tiger and a rabbit, hanging out together, each toking off of its own pipe.

                                                              Alt...A greeting card from South Korea with a drawing of a tiger and a rabbit, hanging out together, each toking off of its own pipe.

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                                                              Ángel »

                                                              Qué bonita. Parece frágil.

                                                                Ángel boosted

                                                                JA Westenberg »

                                                                Social media’s golden rule: if you see someone having fun, shame them for not taking the world’s problems seriously enough. Rinse, repeat.

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                                                                Ángel »

                                                                Mutt is great in the TUI department. You must do some acrobatics regarding different configuration files if you use more than one account.

                                                                Aerc (TUI) is also fine. It supports multiple accounts natively, but you can't move messages from one account to another (that I know of). I find the interface a little kludgy.

                                                                But everybody and their dog is sending HTML mail these days, and though both programs do their best to convert to text / use the alternative plain text format, you always have the sinking feeling that you are missing something (and sometimes you really are missing something).

                                                                Thunderbird is OK. It has its annoyances, but it's solid, multi-account, and supports everything. Sometimes it starts burning all my CPU cores at 100% and I don't know why, it's probably doing some garbage collection or whatever.

                                                                Evolution (GUI) is also kinda fine, but it's GNOME, and you may not like that. It's heavy.

                                                                Claws Mail (GUI) is also OK. It's lighter than Evolution or Thunderbird, but in the past it did something wrong that annoyed me and that I cannot remember and I stopped using it.

                                                                I also remember using Kmail (KDE) more 15 years ago and it was also OK, but a bit sluggy.

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                                                                  Ángel »

                                                                  I've always considered the Sun Microsystems logo a piece of art.

                                                                    4 ★ 3 ↺

                                                                    Ángel »

                                                                    I believe in a universe that doesn't care and people who do.

                                                                      Ángel boosted

                                                                      El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

                                                                      En el vidrio fundido, al estar dentro,
                                                                      me hubiera echado para refrescarme,
                                                                      pues tanto era el ardor desmesurado.

                                                                        Ángel boosted

                                                                        Stefano Marinelli »

                                                                        @phantomofopera Hi! The BSD Cafe is an instance for enthusiasts, not business-oriented. There are a few projects (like @BoxyBSD ) that have found a home here, but they are not actual businesses. I also do not promote my own company here - I would prefer it to remain a café, not a commercial promotion space. My advice, from a business perspective (and which could serve as a good example for other businesses as well), would be to create a dedicated instance with the business domain. This would provide direct visibility (you have an instance - you believe in the Fediverse) and show the world that your business has a live and active presence in the free social networks.

                                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                                          Jonathan Corbet »

                                                                          Two years ago, I installed solar panels on the roof, and was rewarded with enough power to run the house, charge the car, and even run the heat pump for much of the year.

                                                                          Another reward was the SunPower monitoring system that lets us track the performance of the system and see how each individual panel is working. Naturally, this system only delivers its data to some proprietary cloud system run by SunPower. Just as naturally, SunPower has gone bankrupt, and the monitoring system is now just a useless brick sitting on the wall.

                                                                          ...or at least it would be, had I not gone through the effort of integrating it with Home Assistant — a mildly difficult task involving hooking into a maintenance port on the device itself. So now I have the data out of the monitoring box stored on a local system, under my control, and I don't need to go scrambling for alternatives. I can obsess over my post-solstice data, waiting for production to reach decent levels again — that happens faster if I stare at it, I'm convinced.

                                                                          Maybe there's something to this free software idea after all.

                                                                          Two bar-chart plots from Home Assistant showing solar production and home power usage.

                                                                          Alt...Two bar-chart plots from Home Assistant showing solar production and home power usage.

                                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                                          Vary, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩🍉 »

                                                                          (2). Algunas editoriales han empezado a hacer portadas de libros (e incluso ilustraciones de contenido) generadas por IA. Cada ilustración generada por IA es una ilustración para la que no se ha contratado a un ilustrador profesional.

                                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                                          Vary, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩🍉 »

                                                                          (1). Muchos portales web, incluyendo revistas y similares, algunos de ellos que en su día pudieron ser Muy Interesantes, antes empleaban fotografías de stock para ilustrar sus artículos en la web. Para ello pagaban religiosamente suscripciones editoriales a estos stocks, dinero que repercutía en los fotógrafos que elaboraban esos materiales.

                                                                          Cada imagen generada por IA es una foto de stock que no se usa, y es un fotógrafo que no recibe remuneración.

                                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                                          Vary, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩🍉 »

                                                                          Recordatorio adicional: si alguien os dice “la inteligencia artificial no está quitando el trabajo a los creadores, sino que es una herramienta para que los creadores expriman todo su potencial”, os está mintiendo. Y voy a dar ejemplos directos.

                                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                                          Stefano Marinelli »

                                                                          I created a Fediverse account for FediMeteo - announcements, news, and updates will be posted there. To stay updated, simply follow the account @admin

                                                                            Ángel boosted

                                                                            Stefano Marinelli »

                                                                            Announcing FediMeteo – Weather in the Fediverse!

                                                                            UPDATE: I have created an account for updates and other information on FediMeteo - follow the account @admin to stay updated!

                                                                            UPDATE: Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland have just been added

                                                                            Weather has always influenced our lives: from agriculture to outdoor activities, to extreme events that, thanks to modern technology, can now be predicted with greater reliability. Personally, weather plays a significant role in my daily decisions, which is why I decided to create a service tailored for the Fediverse.

                                                                            FediMeteo uses Open-Meteo data to publish updates every 6 hours, including current weather conditions, forecasts for the next 12 hours, and predictions for the upcoming days. Each country is served by its own dedicated instance (e.g., it.fedimeteo.com for Italy), managed through snac to ensure simplicity and efficiency in publishing.

                                                                            You can follow FediMeteo directly in the Fediverse (on Mastodon and compatible platforms), via RSS, or by visiting the dedicated page for your city (e.g., fr.fedimeteo.com/paris).

                                                                            Currently supported countries include:
                                                                            Austria, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, – with many more regions coming soon!

                                                                            FediMeteo is hosted on a FreeBSD-based VPS, with each country isolated in its own jail to ensure security and scalability.

                                                                            Visit the main site to explore the national instances and start following your local weather updates today:

                                                                            Happy weather monitoring to all! 🌦️

                                                                            FediMeteo is dedicated to my grandfather, who every evening would give me the weather forecast based on TV, radio, and his personal experience. He would convince me that the weather would be bad, so he had an excuse to accompany me to school instead of me going alone.

                                                                              Ángel boosted

                                                                              David B. Himself »

                                                                              Wow, America has already found its iconic image to summarize 2025.
                                                                              That was fast!

                                                                              A cybertruck (or is it a dumpster?) on fire in front of a Trump Hotel

                                                                              Alt...A cybertruck (or is it a dumpster?) on fire in front of a Trump Hotel

                                                                                Ángel boosted

                                                                                El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

                                                                                Aquello que quedó, como de grama
                                                                                la tierra, de las plumas, ofrecidas
                                                                                tal vez con intención benigna y santa,
                                                                                se recubrió, y también se recubrieron
                                                                                las ruedas y el timón, en menos tiempo
                                                                                que un suspiro la boca tiene abierta.

                                                                                  2 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                  in reply to »

                                                                                  Ángel »

                                                                                  You've created a very remarkable place in the Fediverse. The community is vibrant and awesome. Congratulations!

                                                                                    0 ★ 0 ↺

                                                                                    Ángel »

                                                                                    1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                    in reply to »

                                                                                    Ángel »

                                                                                    Living not far from the sea is half the best life ever.

                                                                                    Merry Christmas, Stefano.

                                                                                      2 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                      in reply to »

                                                                                      Ángel »

                                                                                      Young and beautiful and unique like a raindrop in the storm.

                                                                                      5 years is a lot of time for a feral cat, but they are hard as fucking stones, and they know how to play their cards well, so it's probably taking a nap now in a warm house as a proud home cat.

                                                                                        Ángel boosted

                                                                                        wakest ⁂ »

                                                                                        antifascist + zionist = fascist

                                                                                        (just a little fyi to )

                                                                                          1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                          in reply to »

                                                                                          Ángel »

                                                                                          supports full text search (with regexes) on everything that is on your timeline, your posts and other's.

                                                                                            1 ★ 2 ↺
                                                                                            Deka Black boosted

                                                                                            Ángel »

                                                                                            Por lo que yo sé, ni Threads ni Bluesky usan el protocolo Nostr. El de Bluesky es el AT Protocol, un invento "overengineered" del copón, y sobre lo que internamente usa Threads no sé nada, pero hacia el Fediverso usa su propia implementación de ActivityPub.

                                                                                            El protocolo de Nostr es técnicamente un buen diseño, pero la gente que hay detrás son criptobros de la peor calaña con las intenciones más rastreras.

                                                                                            No quiero emponzoñar tu hilo con detalles técnicos cuando lo que importa es denunciar la chusma que hay detrás.

                                                                                            CC: @alejandroamartin@laplaza.cafe

                                                                                              Ángel boosted

                                                                                              Victor Moral ⁂ »

                                                                                              1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                              in reply to »

                                                                                              Ángel »

                                                                                              el protocolo Nostr (El de threads).
                                                                                              ¿Seguro que Threads usa el protocolo Nostr?

                                                                                              (respecto a lo demás, estoy totalmente de acuerdo).

                                                                                              CC: @alejandroamartin@laplaza.cafe

                                                                                                1 ★ 1 ↺
                                                                                                mms + boosted

                                                                                                Ángel »

                                                                                                Sunset Boulevard, Double Indemnity, Angel Face, Psycho, Night of the Hunter, Rebecca, Brief Encounter... just from the top of my head.

                                                                                                And Casablanca, of course.

                                                                                                  1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                  in reply to »

                                                                                                  Ángel »

                                                                                                  Appalling. Thanks for sharing.

                                                                                                    0 ★ 0 ↺
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                                                                                                    Ángel »

                                                                                                    This is nihilist as heck and I love it

                                                                                                      0 ★ 0 ↺
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                                                                                                      Ángel »

                                                                                                      When I looked inside it was inhabited by a family of like 10 books, so I'm afraid it's not available for renting

                                                                                                        Ángel boosted

                                                                                                        Kevin Beaumont »

                                                                                                        7 ★ 4 ↺
                                                                                                        the roamer boosted

                                                                                                        Ángel »

                                                                                                        Intercambio de libros / book exchange (San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid, Spain).

                                                                                                        A small, street wooden box in the shape of a cabin in the woods, to share books

                                                                                                        Alt...A small, street wooden box in the shape of a cabin in the woods, to share books

                                                                                                        Ángel boosted

                                                                                                        ChatJERRYPT »

                                                                                                        Do you have a big monitor and often lose your mouse pointer on the screen?

                                                                                                        Are you in denial about being old enough to turn on mouse trails?

                                                                                                        Well, I have the solution for you!

                                                                                                        A desk kitten!

                                                                                                        Desk kittens can locate your lost mouse pointer in approximately 3 nanoseconds and feature a clear and reliable indicator that ensures you know EXACTLY where your mouse pointer is.

                                                                                                        Get your desk kitten today!

                                                                                                        Act now and we’ll throw in the relaxing “purr” mode upgrade, guaranteed to relieve stress while responding to people who are wrong on the internet.

                                                                                                        1 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                                        Ángel »

                                                                                                        Cómo se nota que el escudo constitucional está añadido después como un parche. El original llevaría la gallina negra.

                                                                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                                                                          Yago Álvarez Barba »

                                                                                                          Si el Estado recauda más IRPF con un millón de personas trabajando es porque "el Gobierno se forra", pero si lo hace un gobierno del PP con 35.000 declarantes más entonces es "el milagro Laffer"...

                                                                                                          Escriben para ignorantes.

                                                                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                                                                          The Whore of Blahbylon »

                                                                                                          0 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                          in reply to »

                                                                                                          Ángel »

                                                                                                          Those mouths make it even more obvious.

                                                                                                            Ángel boosted

                                                                                                            JA Westenberg »

                                                                                                            “You’ll be visited by three spirits.”

                                                                                                            The three spirits:

                                                                                                            1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                            in reply to »

                                                                                                            Ángel »

                                                                                                            Exacto, no hay como una fiera asesina con carita mona

                                                                                                              2 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                                              Ángel »

                                                                                                              "Not my kids, not my Lamborghini" is the new "not my circus, not my monkeys"

                                                                                                                1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                                in reply to »

                                                                                                                Ángel »

                                                                                                                Las ardillas se vuelven carnívoras. Esa peli la he visto.

                                                                                                                  Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                  Neil Brown »

                                                                                                                  Well that was an easy festive family tech support ticket:

                                                                                                                  Problem: USB flash drive was not working.

                                                                                                                  Diagnosis: that's not a USB flash drive. That is the dongle for your mouse.

                                                                                                                  Solution: here's a USB flash drive.

                                                                                                                  Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                  El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

                                                                                                                  Blasfemaban de Dios y de sus padres,
                                                                                                                  del hombre, el sitio, el tiempo y la simiente
                                                                                                                  que los sembrara, y de su nacimiento.

                                                                                                                    Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                    Yago Álvarez Barba »

                                                                                                                    Estos son los 175 contratos de la Xunta con la empresa donde la hermana de Feijóo es directiva

                                                                                                                    Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                    khm »

                                                                                                                    you don't need a tracker, you just need to look like you have one:
                                                                                                                    div class="ftf-dma-note d-none ad native-ad native-ad-1 ytd-j yxd-j yxd-jd aff-content-col aff-inner-col aff-item-list ark-ad-message inplayer-ad inplayer_banners in_stream_banner trafficjunky-float-right dbanner preroll-blocker happy-inside-player blocker-notice blocker-overlay exo-horizontal ave-pl bottom-hor-block brs-block advboxemb wgAdBlockMessage glx-watermark-container overlay-advertising-new header-menu-bottom-ads rkads mdp-deblocker-wrapper amp-ad-inner imggif bloc-pub bloc-pub2 hor_banner aan_fake aan_fake__video-units rps_player_ads fints-block__row full-ave-pl full-bns-block vertbars video-brs player-bns-block wps-player__happy-inside gallery-bns-bl stream-item-widget adsbyrunactive happy-under-player adde_modal_detector adde_modal-overlay ninja-recommend-block aoa_overlay message"

                                                                                                                    0 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                                    in reply to »

                                                                                                                    Ángel »

                                                                                                                    This is fucking brilliant

                                                                                                                      0 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                                      in reply to »

                                                                                                                      Ángel »

                                                                                                                      Madre mía

                                                                                                                        1 ★ 0 ↺
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                                                                                                                        Ángel »

                                                                                                                        Pues si implica software libre y ahorro energético, estamos en el mismo barco 😉

                                                                                                                          1 ★ 0 ↺
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                                                                                                                          Ángel »

                                                                                                                          Looking circular all day sounds like a great Sunday plan for cat.

                                                                                                                            1 ★ 0 ↺
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                                                                                                                            Ángel »

                                                                                                                            🙂 Si es algo para que alguien pase un buen rato, lo celebro totalmente.

                                                                                                                            0 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                                            in reply to »

                                                                                                                            Ángel »


                                                                                                                              0 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                                                              Ángel »

                                                                                                                              Read the song name "You Can Call Me Al" as "You Can Call Me AI" and realised the present is sad as fuck

                                                                                                                              1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                                              in reply to »

                                                                                                                              Ángel »

                                                                                                                              "Cat, this could be you if you weren't such a slacker"

                                                                                                                                0 ★ 0 ↺
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                                                                                                                                Ángel »

                                                                                                                                He empezado a leer "Pero bueno, 2025 pinta a revolución..." y me he dicho por fin y me he ido a buscar la palanqueta y resulta que es algo de meter más electrónica en casa.

                                                                                                                                  Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                                  DB 🇵🇸 🌎🌏🌍 »

                                                                                                                                  and workers are on strike.

                                                                                                                                  Please don't cross the picket line 🙏

                                                                                                                                  B&W image shows police on horseback. One of them is wielding a baton and is about to strike a woman standing on the ground, who has an arm up in self defense. 

Text at the top of the image reads:

Text at the bottom of the image reads:

                                                                                                                                  Alt...B&W image shows police on horseback. One of them is wielding a baton and is about to strike a woman standing on the ground, who has an arm up in self defense. Text at the top of the image reads: REMEMBER: IT IS A HISTORICAL FACT Text at the bottom of the image reads: THAT DURING A LABOR STRIKE POLICE WILL ALWAYS PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF THE BUSINESS

                                                                                                                                    Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                                    MostlyHarmless »

                                                                                                                                    Is it just me or does buying a Tesla in 2024/25 feel like buying a Mercedes in 1936?

                                                                                                                                    1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                                                    in reply to »

                                                                                                                                    Ángel »

                                                                                                                                    ¡Es el mercado, amigo!

                                                                                                                                      Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                                      Hollis »

                                                                                                                                      It's always nice when my random shuffle picks Ann Hell. Prince Prospero Meets the Red Death is solid coding music. Thanks, @angel !


                                                                                                                                        1 ★ 0 ↺
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                                                                                                                                        Ángel »

                                                                                                                                        Thank you so much!!!

                                                                                                                                          Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                                          Yago Álvarez Barba »

                                                                                                                                          Tanto Milei en Argentina como Bukele en El Salvador dijeron que si la deuda es aberrante, que si recortando no haría falta más deuda, que si sus políticas iban a ir muy bien, que si los Bonos Volcán y que si no se iban a endeudarse con el FMI...

                                                                                                                                          Los dos han pedido dinero al FMI y van a endeudar más a sus países...

                                                                                                                                          1 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                                                          in reply to »

                                                                                                                                          Ángel »

                                                                                                                                          What the F

                                                                                                                                            3 ★ 1 ↺

                                                                                                                                            Ángel »

                                                                                                                                            Docker [SENSITIVE CONTENT]Traffic sign: I double-dare you to drive at 69 km/h

                                                                                                                                            0 ★ 0 ↺
                                                                                                                                            in reply to »

                                                                                                                                            Ángel »

                                                                                                                                            This is SICK

                                                                                                                                              Ángel boosted

                                                                                                                                              Russ Sharek »

                                                                                                                                              While I was mucking about with an port, I got an email from github offering me access to their ai code writing uselessness.

                                                                                                                                              No! Bad website!

                                                                                                                                              *spritzes with water bottle*

                                                                                                                                              My code doesn't work at the moment. Broken is still better than this offer.

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