Si es que estos dos son unos jefazos... https://buff.ly/4eV4eTa
Secret Panel HERE 😑 https://tapas.io/episode/2927671
Estuve 10 minutos mirando a mi perro atrapar a una mosca, y pensé; ‘con qué poco se entretienen’; luego caí en cuenta que llevaba 10 minutos mirando a mi perro atrapar a una mosca
CC: @Remittancegirl@mstdn.social @fencepost@infosec.exchange
I'm truly a fool. 😆No, you're not. You are a professional and a good human being. They are the ones that are very unprofessional.
Ars headline: "Found in the wild: The world’s first unkillable UEFI bootkit for Linux"
Article then proceeds to describe a toy GRUB wrapper bootkit that has nothing to do with UEFI firmware (other than running on UEFI systems like any other UEFI bootloader), does not persist in UEFI firmware whatsoever (it just is installed in the ESP partition on disk), and can be killed by not just a drive swap, but any OS reinstall, and even simply a GRUB update/reinstall.
And which looks like a toy demo from every angle, that any experienced security researcher could have cooked up in a couple afternoons. Hardcoded kernel patch offsets for a single specific Ubuntu kernel build and all. No novel techniques in use. This could have even been a homework exercise as far as I'm concerned.
In fact, it has an obvious mistake, touched on by the original article: LD_PRELOAD
is set to a string trailing with " /init", no doubt a copy+paste of the command line used to achieve the same execution during testing. The correct string would have omitted the " /init", and the mistake would have caused an error message like this to be printed for every executable launched until LD_PRELOAD is overridden:
ERROR: ld.so: object '/init' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (invalid ELF header): ignored.
Furthermore, this bootkit is incomplete, since it relies on chaining into components installed via another mechanism (e.g. /opt/injector.so in the initramfs). A true bootkit only relies on its own first stage to drop all subsequent stages. That's the whole point of setting up a boot chain compromise like this. Otherwise you can defeat it by removing any of the stages, even if the bootkit stage is intact. As it stands, this bootkit isn't really a bootkit, it's just a module signing side-step that allows a traditional rootkit to be loaded on a system with Secure Boot enabled (and, since the Secure Boot is still working as intended, that results in a prompt on the first reboot asking the user to install the "bootkit"'s certificate into the UEFI trusted certificate store, since it is obviously not trusted by default). So it can't even be installed without clear warning to the user that something is wrong.
Come on, @dangoodin. I expect better than this from Ars, and I expect a correction, because this is just inexcusable misinformation. The original article clearly mentions how to kill this "unkillable" bootkit, which tells me you didn't even read the original article all the way.
A simple remedy tip to get rid of the bootkit is to move the legitimate /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64-real.efi file back to its original location, which is /EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi.
Dev: "Can we deploy this? It's a simple application I've developed, it's secure as it's in rust and won't use many resources".
Me: "Sure, let's try"
user@devtest:~/devtest # cargo build --release
Building [> ] 1/1067
Addendum: when finished, I launched it. After 5 minutes, it segfaulted (!!!)
If you are thinking of moving from Windows to Linux and are not sure where to start, here's the software that I am using day to day:
(Work-focus, as that is where I spend most of my (computing) time, but I am Linux-only for personal computing too.)
And don't forget that many Free software programs have Windows versions too, so you can test before you leap.
Good luck!
Mi experiencia es diferente. Yo no me corto en sonreír, ser afable y hasta simpático, respetando las distancias y sin intentar ser gracioso. Muy pocas veces he tenido otra respuesta que simpatía de vuelta y buen rollo, y cuando no ha sido así, entiendo que no es el momento ni la situación y paso a un modo correcto y distante.
Yo soy un tipo bastante sociable y me resulta fácil entender las señales que mi interlocutor/a me manda. Entiendo que no todo el mundo tiene esa facilidad (pero, conociéndote como te conozco, creo que tú también la tienes).
been here
the whole timeFor years, I misread the title as Lonely as an Eyesore.
Mastodon Migration Blog »
Mastodon Follow Pack FAQ 1.0
What are Follow Packs?
They are just packaged topical lists of up to 35 accounts you can follow from your Mastodon or other Fediverse account. You can follow the entire pack by importing a file. And the entire pack loads into a list, so it becomes a feed for that subject. You can also just browse for accounts you might want to follow individually.
So, they’re like Bluesky Starter Packs?
Yes, but not quite as convenient. It’s not hard, but because Mastodon does not have a one-click way to do this, you need to download a follow pack file and then use Mastodon’s import facility. Instructions are provided in the directory and also below.
What Follow Packs are there?
Packs are being added all the time. Right now there are packs for Astronomy and Space, Climate, US Politics and Miscellany. For a current directory check out the Mastodon Migration FediBlog at: https://mastodonmigration.wordpress.com/2024/11/20/mastodon-follow-pack-directory-nov-20-2024/
How do I do do it?
Check out the latest directory at https://mastodonmigration.wordpress.com/2024/11/20/mastodon-follow-pack-directory-nov-20-2024/ . Basically determine which pack you want to follow and download the .csv then import the pack. Instructions are provided. Follows are loaded into a list in your account.
OK, but I don’t want to mess up my lists. What happens if I already follow an account in the pack?
That’s fine. The followed account will just be added to the new list, and if you already had that account in a list, it will now just be in both lists.
Can I then add more accounts to the list?
Sure! That’s the idea. Many of these accounts boost other great accounts in their topic area. You will quickly find additional accounts you will want to follow. When you do follow a new account add it immediately to the list by clicking the “…” button at the top of the profile and selecting “Add or Remove from lists”
What if I don’t like your pack list title?
Simply change it. Click on the list, then the gear icon and you can edit the list name and contents. Also, you can determine if you want to “Hide these posts from home” so they don’t clutter up your home feed.
What if I’ve been added to a list and I don’t want to be in it?
Every follow pack has a listed administrator. Message them to ask to be removed.
How do I know if my account is in a Follow Pack?
You can search through the directory. Also, whenever a new directory is posted all members of every pack are notified by being copied on the post.
What if I don’t want to follow accounts from Threads or Bluesky?
Any pack that contains Threads or Bluesky bridged accounts will have a special notice. Just don’t import one of them.
#FollowPack #StarterPack #MastodonMigration #MastoTips #Help #Directory #Guides #Mastodon #Fediverse #FediBlog
Follow Pack Notices
OPT-OUT NOTICE: If your account is listed in any Follow Pack and you do not want it to be, please message the pack administrator and refer to the pack from which you would like your account removed.
BRIDGE ACCOUNT NOTICE: Packs that include accounts that bridge outside the Fediverse will be identified with a special notice.
REPLIES ON MASTODON NOTICE: Replies include all named accounts. Please edit any replies to remove addresses you do not intend to send the reply.
Follow Pack Instructions
Download the pack .csv file and import into Mastodon to follow all accounts:
– Click on a FollowPack .csv file link to download
– Click on Preferences (gear) icon on bottom right
– On mobile or narrow desktop click top right “hamburger” button
– Click Import and Export >>> Import
– Import type dropdown: Select “Lists” (NOT “Following list”)
– Verify that ‘Merge’ is selected (IMPORTANT)
– Click Browse… button >>> Select “[file name] – list.csv”
– Upload >>> Confirm
This post comes from the WordPress Mastodon Migration Blog: https://mastodonmigration.wordpress.com/
You can receive all new posts to this WordPress Blog on Mastodon by following Mastodon account:
(Copy and paste above address into search to find and follow)
Important: Replies on Mastodon to this WordPress post by default include all named accounts. Please edit your reply to remove all addresses you do not intend to send the reply. Thank you.
#accountlist #activitypub #astronomy #Astrophysics #bluesky #Booster #Climate #ClimateScience #Dire #Directory #FediBlog #fediverse #followpack #followpackdirectory #GlobalWarming #guide #Guides #Help #mastodon #mastodonmigration #MastoTips #Media #Miscellany #mmfp #Politics #Random #socialMedia #Space #StarterPack #Threads #twitter #USPol #USPolitics #USPoliticsBoos #USPoliticsMedi #USPoliticsMedia #USPoliticsThreads
It's owned by crypto dipshits and is therefore destined to fail no matter what technical decisions they make in the meantime. They're venture-backed and the bills will come due. No amount of licensing can save them from shit-ass leadership of the type who is already discussing subscription models. The engagement hacking has already begun with starter packs.
None of this is to say you can't use whatever you want, including Bluesky. But please limit the number of words and red herrings you wrap around "I want the reach".
It's probably one of the oldest sounds on EarthIt surely is. And since the ocean inception, that voice has never stopped.
Bluesky lacks the one federated feature that is absolutely necessary for me to trust it: the ability to leave Bluesky and go to another host and continue to talk to the people I’ve entered into community with there. While there are many independently maintained servers that provide services to Bluesky and its users, there is only one Bluesky server. A federation of multiple servers, each a peer to the other, has been on Bluesky’s roadmap for as long as I’ve been following it, but they haven’t (yet) delivered it.https://doctorow.medium.com/https-pluralistic-net-2024-11-02-ulysses-pact-tie-yourself-to-a-federated-mast-b2f89bb5b4d8
It looks pretty cool.
it’s reassuring to know that the most vocal leftist influencers are laser-focused on the greatest challenge of our time: the size of their audience on bluesky
Se aprueba finalmente la conocida como "Ley Mbappé", con su trampa incluida como expliqué hace un tiempo en El Salto...
The idea of starter packs and introductions are nice and all, but then this happens:
"omg someone who self labels as a zionist put me on an antisemite list on bluesky" (real case, anonymized)
People added to such (publicly shareable) lists and starter packs (two different things) do not get notified at all! Furthermore, they cannot remove themselves from such packs. Yes, you can report, but that might be too late.
Where is the informed consent? Why is it not a requirement to give consent before one shows up on lists. Why can consent to inclusion not be withdrawn? I mean, this stuff is trivial to do in a centralized app developed by a company with a lot of staff and millions in funding. Yet, it doesn't happen.
Move fast and break someone's life.
Joder, en esto no había caído yo. Ahora resulta que comprar casa es también una especie de juegos del hambre trampeados. Estaría bien saber cuántas personas trabajan ahora mismo para dar con soluciones al problema de la vivienda. No importa de qué partido, es por saber si hay alguien pensando en ello y no haciendo el paripé.
Bueno, la solución de la derecha es siempre construir más vivienda y eso está superbien porque tenemos mogollón de pruebas de lo bien que ha funcionado en este país tiempo atrás.
Es que todo empieza con las definiciones. Te dicen que cincuenta kilómetros es aceptable como distancia al lugar de trabajo y a partir de ahí date por jodido. 😞
This afternoon, an acquaintance joined a Mastodon instance and asked me which "celebrities" are present in the Fediverse, as if it were important to determine the value of a social network based on that.
I told him that the most important user in the Fediverse is him. Just as it’s you, reading this. Someone who has decided to interact with others freely. Who has chosen to trust their administrator (or create their own instance) more than they trust those who run traditional, monolithic, centralized social networks.
So, I want to thank all the friends of BSD Cafe, whether local or not, for being here and making this place what it is. And I thank all my friends in the Fediverse, who make my timeline lively, interesting, intelligent, fun, and thought-provoking - every day, at any time.
#BSDCafe #Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialNetworks #SocialMedia #Community #Trust #OpenSource #DigitalFreedom #JoinTheFediverse
He visto muchísimos programas que no utiliza, especialmente VPN y "aceleradores del sistema", que muestran ventanitas informativas de muchas formas y a las que hay que contestar, patrón oscuro mediante, que no te interesa, gracias, me cago en tus muelas, etc., para que se cierren.
Lo peor es que al desinstalarlos han redoblado esfuerzos y han vuelto a sacar otras muchas ventanas más y, como no parecía suficiente, abriendo también varias páginas web. En todas ellas me recuerdan que desinstalarlo es una mala elección y que me ofrecen un descuento si compro una licencia del programa que estoy desinstalando. ¿Tan difícil es de pillar o es que son unos cabrones desalmados?
Google Chrome, por cierto, estaba desaparecido en el sistema sin saber cómo y es su navegador favorito. He tenido que desinstalarlo (fallo), acceder a la página de descargas de Google vía Microsoft Edge primero (imposible con todas las pantallas que me ha abierto para preguntarme cosas) y luego con Firefox.
Descargar, instalar y ... ¡reiniciar el sistema! Tampoco sé por qué pero los enlaces de escritorio y barra de tareas NO reconocían el programa al que estaban apuntando que antes no estaba pero ahora sí. La hostia, oiga.
Aún me queda por quitarle Skype corporativo que ella tampoco utiliza y que se abre siempre, quieras o no, al iniciar sesión. Curiosamente no aparece como aplicación instalada (curioso para mí, que soy rarito para estas cosas) aunque sí aparece mencionado cuando abres el menú ese que está abajo a la izquierda e incluso te indica que puedes desinstalarlo. Pues guay, ¿no? Pues no, porque te abre el navegador de archivos en un directorio concreto y allá te las compongas.
Supongo que estará instalado junto con el Office y habrá que decirle que, joder, NO se abra en cada comienzo de sesión. Como ella tenía que irse pues lo hemos dejado para otro momento. Al menos ha recuperado el Chrome y el sistema va más fluido. Y únicamente se aprecia porque no hay que andar cerrando ventanitas.
Ah, y en la barra del sistema, la de abajo y lo digo porque no sé si hay más, también aparece el tiempo, la cotización del IBEX, el tráfico y noticias de salseo (Nuria Roca te enseña cómo debes ir vestida a trabajar, por ejemplo) entre otras cosas. No veo forma de eliminarlo pero al menos he podido quitar lo del IBEX y las noticias. Esta chica, rozando el medio siglo, no tiene mucho interés en que la enseñen ahora cómo vestir. Me ha dicho que ya sabe. Y yo la creo.
Y ya. No me extraña que tantos y tantos informáticos aprecien y promocionen windows como sistema. Tienen trabajo para siempre jamás.
Se la conocía como «la ciudad de las corrientes de agua». Y este mural, que tiene el texto «fui sobre agua edificada, mis muros de fuego son», hace referencia a eso. Lo de los «muros de fuego» viene de que las murallas eran de pedernal, y los flechazos contra ella soltaban chispas.
This is my comic about chicken.
Y los del grupo de teatro en el que estoy, que le quedan dos telediarios conmigo a este paso, me dicen que me relaje, que me tranquilice, que siempre puede ser peor.
Me cago en todo.
Claro que puede ser peor. ¿Y qué? ¿Dejamos de lado cualquier queja porque siempre puede ser peor? ¿Qué chorrada es esa?
En fin, que luego, cuando me vaya, se preguntarán qué ha pasado; me lo preguntarán a mí, se lo explicaré y, ¿sabéis qué? Que terminarán diciéndome que estas cosas "hay que hablarlas".
Goths For Kamala!!!
Pro tip: if you cover the display on your appliances with a piece of tape, you never have to reset the clock.
So open up your drive model like this:
And change the "device_properties.xml" in the URL to the ".fluf" file given in the XML, like this:
then, for FreeBSD follow the commands given in the manual:
nvmecontrol identify nvme0 | grep -i 'firmware'
nvmecontrol firmware -s 1 -f 731130WD.fluf nvme0
nvmecontrol firmware -s 1 -a nvme0
nvmecontrol reset nvme0
If you've noticed that the Mastodon stampede DDoS is back, hammering your servers even though you have applied countermeasures -- that's because they CHANGED THEIR FUCKING USER AGENT for no good reason and without telling anybody.
Ok, yes, technically the plans were on display in a toilet with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard".
Prepend "^Mastodon\/|" to your regexps.
"[...] cada vez se investiga más cómo este agotamiento afecta a quienes cuidan de otros, ya sean personas o animales no humanos"Los animales humanos parece que han quedado excluidos del estudio.
the beauty of crypto is that instead of getting robbed by a bank, you can get robbed by a 15 year old in latvia who named his smart contract “SafeMoonCumRocket”
him: you should try to get out of your comfort zone
me: people are comfortable?!!
When I want to give visibility to an awful post, I just link to it in my own one, prefixed by a bitter and awry comment.
I also wish social networks were designed differently, but it's too late.
Secret Panel HERE 🌳 https://tapas.io/episode/2806870