Location: 40.4235492,-3.6617828
80 following 93 followers
Ok, so i've been reading the wikipedia entry on nazi economy for... obvious reason: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany
It's quite fascinating, actually. I got three main takes out of it:
(1) The so-called "nazi economic miracle" of 1933-1939 was a complete fabrication. It was a ponzi scheme. They were fudging the numbers, hard. And even the looting of jewish properties, the slave labor, the looting of conquered land, they couldn't make it.
By September 1939, they *had* to be at war with Britain and France because their bonds were coming due and they had no money to pay them back.
Or in other words, don't invest in fascist shit. They lie all the time, why do you think they'd stop lying in their economic reports?
(2) So, 1933 was pretty much the bottom of the barrel of the Great Depression, right? Working condition in 1933 must have been terrible, but thing would be going better (well for the white non-jewish, non-queer males, anyway), right?
Wrong. The average salary of the workers went *down* 25% from 1933 to 1939, mostly due to the elimination of unions. That so-called "miracle" never reached down to the actual people.
Or in short, you think things are bad? They'll get a lot worse.
(3) We can't blame the factory owners at the time, they had to follow orders, right? It was obey or be shot, right?
Turns out that wasn't the case. The nazis didn't put pressure on factory owners because they didn't have to. The great capitalists were quite happy with the new regime, and almost to a T they supported what they did. They didn't even flinch when slave labor was introduced, heck most of them complained that they didn't get enough of them slaves!
Or in other words, eat the rich, because they sure have no qualms about eating you.
So, this is a wikipedia reading, don't quote me on this stuff. But it's worth doing your own reading i think, given where we're headed.
#RepublicansAreNazis #FuckNazis #MakeTheWorldABetterPlacePunchANaziInTheFace #FuckTrump
#Data #Fediverse #Hosting #ITNotes #Networking #Nginx #NoteHUB #Ownyourdata #Server #Snac #Snac2 #Social #Tipsandtricks #Tutorial #Web
Thank you very much for sharing.
I have long loathed Oracle, mostly for their draconian licensing practices and litigious proclivities. However, occasionally I get tempted by their "hey, we offer a free tier for VPS instances" and think, maybe just maybe it could be fun.
But then I read a thread like this one¹ from @ErikUden and it's a bucket of ice-water to the face, steeling my resolve. No. Never Oracle. Not ever, no matter how tempting "free" may seem.
A few days ago, a client of mine asked me to install an open-source software (which I won’t name for now). The software has only one official installation method: Docker. This is because, as they themselves admit, it has a huge number of dependencies - some quite outdated - that need to be carefully managed and forced into place; otherwise, nothing works.
I tried replicating the same setup on FreeBSD but didn’t succeed, as some dependencies either aren’t compatible or simply refuse to run. I could try finding workarounds, but I can already picture the chaos every time an update is needed.
So, I decided to build it via Docker to get a better sense of what we’re dealing with. The sheer number of dependencies that Node pulls in is impressive, but even more staggering is the number of warnings and errors it spits out: deprecated and unsupported packages, security vulnerabilities, generic warnings- you name it, and there’s plenty of it.
Since my client needs to launch this service but is subject to audits, they want to be fully compliant and ensure security. Given their substantial budget, they offered financial support to the developers (a company, not just a group of hobbyists) to help improve the project either by making it FreeBSD - compatible or, at the very least, by reducing dependencies with critical vulnerabilities. The client was willing to pay a significant sum, and since the improvements would be open-source, everyone would benefit.
The response from the team? A flat-out refusal. They claimed they couldn’t accept any amount of money because many of these dependencies are "necessary and irreplaceable, as parts of the code relying on them were written by people who no longer work on the project, and we can’t rewrite the core of the software.” Then came the part that really got under my skin: they stated they would rather deal directly “with my client, not with me, because in the end, my concerns are just useless and irrational paranoia.”
Translation? Just pay, and you’ll pass compliance checks - never mind the fact that underneath, it’s a tangled mess of outdated and insecure components. And don’t make a fuss about it.
While I can understand some of the challenges the team faces, I might have accepted this response if it had come from a group of volunteers or hobbyists. But if you’re a company whose sole business revolves around a single software product (with no real competition at the moment), this approach is not just short-sighted - it’s outright dangerous for your users’ security and for your own survival as a business.
The result? They lost a paying client who was ready to invest a significant budget into their software. That budget will now go elsewhere. My client is considering hiring developers to build a similar project with better security (they have both the time and the money for it). I’ll do my best to convince them to release it as open-source - at which point, a new “competitor” will emerge in the market.
The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on https://bits.debian.org , on https://micronews.debian.org/ , or any media as listed on https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Publicity/otherSN #debian
"OpenAI shocked that an AI company would train on someone else's data without permission or compensation."😆 😆 😆
Investigating the possibility of adding a brand-new service to BSD Cafe - potentially replacing an outdated one that's just not cutting it anymore.
Stay tuned for updates!
Comunicar el qué, preguntaréis. Pues resulta que éramos los últimos comensales en el local y ella, cuando le pedimos la cuenta, se acercó y nos preguntó -muy seria- si podía preguntarnos algo. Le dijimos que sí, claro, y es cuando nos contó lo que le había pasado a su hijo y qué creíamos que tenía que hacer.
En realidad ella sabía cuáles eran los siguientes pasos, como supimos al final, pero necesitaba contarlo. El por qué nos eligió para eso ya ni me lo pregunto porque con mi aspecto a mí me cuentan su vida y milagros todo quisque. Estoy acostumbrado.
La historia del chaval, aspecto japonés y veinte añitos, es que había ido al supermercado en Majadahonda y al salir se había encontrado el coche con un buen viaje en un lateral. Pero bueno, bueno, de los de taller de chapa y varios repuestos. El chico pregunta primero en el super. No han visto nada y no le pueden decir nada porque no tienen cámaras cubriendo la entrada (los cojones). De ahí se va a la policia local que le dice que ellos no se encargan de esos asuntos y que vaya a la guardia civil. En el cuartel, extrañados, le dicen que para cosas de tráfico es la policia local la que se encarga y el pobre vuelve extrañado a preguntar otra vez a la policia. Y allí, tan panchos, le dicen que no, que eso ha ocurrido en el aparcamiento del supermercado y que no tienen jurisdicción para eso, que pregunte al seguro del super.
La madre nos preguntaba qué podía hacer, que la situación le parecía injusta y que creía que era porque su hijo no es español y no le habían atendido. Mi hija y yo intentamos quitarle hierro al asunto aunque estamos seguros de que si el chaval tampoco se maneja bien en el asunto -tenía aspecto "de chino"- y no sabía cagarse en las muelas de alguien, el racismo que no existe en España había influido en que le toreasen y le mandasen de un sitio a otro. A mí no me lo hacen; a mí hija puede porque es joven pero a mí no. Y a muchos otros que ya ni peinamos canas ni nada -porque no hay qué peinar- tampoco[1].
Le recomendamos que acudiese a su seguro para que si tenía servicio de atención legal le dijesen qué había que hacer en este caso y poco más. Se la notaba muy indignada porque ella pagaba impuestos, tenía derecho a atención policial. Y no salía de ahí la señora. Le dijimos que pagase o no pagase si está aquí tienen que atenderla. Que no se hiciese mala sangre, que le había tocado a su hijo un idiota que no había querido atenderle en ese momento (un idiota racista y vago) y que insistiese porque era su derecho humano.
Nos dio pena; está en un país que no es el suyo, con códigos que no termina de aprehender del todo y no por falta de capacidad -que inteligente es-, y le toca lidiar con alguien así. Nos pidió disculpas por interrumpirnos; necesitaba contarlo decía.
Pues espero que haya conseguido algo y no se le quede la sensación agria de no ser considerada persona.
[1]: Esta es otra de las ocasiones en las que me pregunto para qué cojones queremos policía municipal además de hacer pasarelas de chulería total en las calles y portar material militar y acojonar un poco al débil.
I'm sure all these investors are supper happy about the efficiency of free market capitalism and the innovation from this company they didn't invest in
to a direct connection to an SMTP server, so this issue will eventually fix itself.Added support for subscribing to LitePub (Pleroma-style) Fediverse Relays like e.g. https://fedi-relay.gyptazy.com to improve federation. See snac(8)
(the Administrator Manual) for more information on how to use this feature.
Added support for following hashtags. This is only useful if your instance is subscribed to relays (see above).
Added support for a Mastodon-like /authorize_interaction
webpoint entry, that allows following, liking and boosting from another account's Mastodon public web interface. To be able to use it, you must reconfigure your https proxy to redirect /authorize_interaction
to snac (see snac(8)
Some fixes to accept Event
objects properly (like those coming from implementations like https://gancio.org/ or https://mobilizon.fr).
Added some caching for local Actor
Hashtags that are not explicitly linked in a post's content are shown below it.
Fixed broken NetBSD build (missing dependency in Makefile.NetBSD).
The user profile can now include longitude and latitude data for your current location.
Mastodon API: implemented limit= on notification fetches (contributed by nowster), implemented faster min_id handling (contributed by nowster), obey the quiet public visibility set for posts, other timeline improvements (contributed by nowster).
Reduced RSA key size for new users from 4096 to 2048. This will be friendlier to smaller machines, and everybody else out there is using 2048.
environment variable is defined and set to the base directory of your installation, you don't have to include the base directory in the command line.
Fixed a bug in the generation of the top page (contributed by an-im-dugud).
Added support for Markdown headers and underlining (contributed by an-im-dugud).
If you find #snac useful, please consider contributing via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/grunfink/
This release has been inspired by the song Nine Hundred Miles by #BarbaraDane.
Some technical details for those interested:
The entire FediMeteo setup runs on a FreeBSD VM costing around 4 euros per month. It supports almost all major EU countries (plus the UK), with just a few left to complete. Currently, there are 25 separate jails, each running its own instance of snac, totaling 25 instances. The VM load typically stays around 10%, which increases to 30% when updates are published for countries with larger numbers of cities (currently Germany and Italy). The only time the load spikes is when new countries are announced; during that time, all remote instances connect to all cities to download their details.
As for RAM usage, excluding the ZFS cache, it's currently a total of 213 MB. Yes, MB.
"I prefer to meet people where they are" says reasonable-sounding white dude holding court at a table in the back of a Nazi Bar, redux.
There are people out there apparently seriously proposing to spend over *thirty million dollars* and an uncountable amount of labor, to adversarially interoperate with Blue Sky...
- i deserve to spend time doing things that make me feel good and whole.
- i am capable of listening to my body and responding to what it needs.
- it's okay if i no longer have ambitions for a career.
- i am worth so much more than what i produce for the consumption of others.
- it's okay to redefine what a successful life looks like for me.
- i am allowed to enjoy things simply because they bring me joy.
- spending time doing something I love is enough
Musk: Does a Nazi salute, twice
Neo-Nazis: Those were Nazi salutes!
Holocaust Scholars: Those were definitely Nazi salutes!
Literally Everyone Who Saw It: WTF those were Nazi salutes!
ADL: What awkward gestures.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Anyways the real antisemitism is believing Palestinians should have a State
In this release:
New file system gefs(4) now enabled in the installer.
CVE-2024-8158 fixed.
ip/ipconfig now support dhcpv6 dynaic allocations and handles prefix expirations.
honeycomb kernel
git fixes
custom sam b2 menu items
@CdnCurmudgeon Are you being silly?
Fascism wasn't a phenomenon tied to the geography of DE
In fact, Hitler openly stated he was modeling the US
Hitler really dug prison slave labor exemption, especially when disproportional amount of ppl in prison being black, who are then forced with violence to work
Also, Churchill was an open fascist, unaware of his work in Palestine? Or anything beyond some radio speeches?
Oh yea, the genocide rn, are we rly to pretend you avoided all news about it?
R.I.P. David Lynch
La compra de Twitter (X) de Elon Musk tuvo sus trampas. Se saltó la ley y ahora la SEC (CNMV) lo quiere sentar en el banquillo antes de que Trump y el propio Musk despidan al presidente de la SEC.
Resumo el caso en El Salto. https://www.elsaltodiario.com/elon-musk/regulador-estadounidense-sec-lleva-tribunales-compra-x-twitter
Client: Help, emergency. I have 24 hours to move my workload to another server. What do we do?
Me, five minutes later: "Done. Your workload is now running on the new server."
Client: "How did you move over 200GB with just a minute of downtime, from one provider to another and in a different country?"
Me: "Thanks to FreeBSD, ZFS, and a little bit of proactive planning."
I have a task that replicates all the VMs from one server to another every 15 minutes using zfs-send/zfs-receive. This VM connects to a VPN with two reverse proxies.
Meaning, when I move this VM, we don’t need to change any IPs since it’s not directly exposed.
I powered it off, cloned the differences in seconds, and restarted it.
Client in disbelief.
Me, relaxed and happy.
Thank you, FreeBSD, thank you, ZFS!
#FreeBSD #ZFS #TechSupport #ServerMigration #OpenZFS #SysAdmin #RunBSD
I think that we the artists and the people should not care about if AI is intelligent or not (it's just a semantic discussion with no interesting conclusions), but who benefits and who is damaged from the current hype.
And this is clear: the bigtech is taking the food from our mouths. Sadly, many artists are hypnotised by the new bling. But it's destroying us and robbing our work. We must take action as soon as possible.
I got asked if I could create a #howto for creating a (public) #NAT64 service - just like I did recently for #BoxyBSD. With #DNS64 and #NAT64 you can also reach resource in the legacy internet (#IPv4) on #IPv6 only systems.
While this is based on #unbound and #tayga, there’s also a solution by using the #OpenBSD's native way which is also running on the other gateway. I’ll share a second how to how to do this in OpenBSD and pf.
Unless maintaining it was expensive or a hassle, I would keep it.
No sería lo mismo que con un profesional pero seguiríamos teniendo un perfil bajo de gastos. En el teatro, igual que en el software, siempre me ha parecido más valioso el resultado de partir de poco y usar ingenio y talento para resolver.
No sé cómo terminará la cosa pero veo un cisma. Y si hay que "forzar" a que no se suba la cuota y no se contrate al cantamañanas del profesor seguirá habiendo algunos que tampoco querrán estar.
La asociación está sirviendo (y debería servir en el futuro) para llevar el teatro a sitios como prisiones o residencias de ancianos y tener una finalidad social. Muy pocos recursos pero bastantes ganas. Y entre esos pocos recursos está la falta de una dirección teatral. Claro, cinco eurazos al mes de cuota no dan para casi nada y menos para pagar a un profesional ... Hasta ahora.
Ahora algunos han visto la oportunidad de contratar unas horas al mes a uno de los antiguos profesores de teatro municipal y plantearon primero aprobar que queríamos dirección teatral y luego subir la cuota para poder pagarle. Muy bien todo. ¿O no?
No, porque hay algunos que no queremos pagar esa cuota. Tampoco es que podamos hacerlo pero sobre todo no queremos. ¿Qué ocurre con nosotros? Y ahí estuvimos encallados las últimas dos horas de la junta y el motivo por el que hemos tenido que aplazarlo.
Si se aprobase todo eso, y se va a aprobar, significa que para ser socio de Bóvalo, la asociación, se tendrá que pagar una cuota de cuarenta o cuarenta y cinco eurazos o si no ... No se podrá ser socio, ¿no? Si no pagas no puedes pertenecer. Al menos yo lo veo así. Hacer teatro juntos en ese caso no tiene sentido. Unos podrán estar dirigidos y otros no; será estupendo organizar funciones con esa disposición.
Lo cierto es que hay algunos a los que se les sale la sonda y no saben mear.
La derecha y demás morralla llevan tiempo intentando (y consiguiendo) que cuestionar ese pasado en concreto sea molesto o incluso peligroso en algunos sitios y eso nos va a llevar otra vez a tiempos tenebrosos, ya no creo que haya vuelta atrás por desgracia.
Y mira que en los chavales pobres (la mayoría) puedo entender que anhelen la vuelta de ese pasado "mejor" porque futuro no les hemos dejado mucho; ¿pero los ricos? ¿Los hijos y familiares de familias pudentes -ricas- quieren ese pasado mejor porque éste les parece malo? ¿En qué?
Bueno, quizás sea porque como decía Miles Vorkosigan en Barrayar tenían bonitos uniformes y botas de caballería, y eso siempre tira siempre que no exista riesgo como hemos podido ver hace unos días en Carabanchel o en el Garibaldi.
What is this? I've seen it on Tumblr.
I had not seen anyone make the obvious thing, so I made the obvious thing.
My latest cartoon for @newscientist.bsky.social
UPDATE: I haven't seen Recall in action there. I was just asking the doctor how they'll deal with it.
This morning, I went to the doctor for a scheduled appointment. While she was looking at the results of blood tests from two years ago on the screen (and suggested repeating them for a follow-up), I realized she was using Windows 11. A detail came to mind. The doctor is extremely polite and friendly, so I asked her, "How do you handle the feature called Recall?" The doctor was taken aback and had no idea what I was talking about. I was about to drop the conversation, but she, being a serious professional, immediately called the technicians who manage their PCs to ask for clarification. They downplayed it, saying it's not an issue and that it's a feature "on all PCs, so we can't do anything about it." She started to express that she didn’t like it and wanted it deactivated. No luck: they won’t proceed because, according to them, even deactivating it is "a hack that could compromise future updates." She’s furious and will talk to her colleagues and the decision-makers. She wants secure systems because "there’s patient data involved."
In reality, patient data is stored on servers (which I haven't investigated), but everything that appears on the screen is, in my opinion, at risk.
I’ve offered to help them find a solution—because, if I'm right, all they need is LibreOffice and a browser. In that case, I’ll suggest one of the *BSD or Linux systems and do it for free.
I don’t want to make money off my doctor. I just want patient data to be (sufficiently) secure.
#IT #Recall #Windows #OwnYourData #Security #Privacy #RunBSD #Linux
CC: @michel@bsd.cafe
@Daojoan Except that boredom is something else entirely. Boredom is the lack of essential mental stimulation. I spent my pre-digital childhood doing endless amounts of routine physical labor (offgrid peasant shit like cutting and stacking firewood, digging potatoes, etc) and was bored out of my mind the entire time. Boredom is purest misery, not success. I didn't defeat boredom until the e-reader, and later the smartphone, guaranteed that I'd always have something to do with my brain.
Here’s the brutal truth about mainstream success: You either need to be famous already, or you need to be willing to light yourself on fire for attention.
Durante 60 años el estado ha reparado, mantenido y promocionado el castillo. El parque adyacente que sufrió la misma suerte hace poco también. ¿Vamos a recuperar de alguna manera esas inversiones o como siempre además de puta ponemos la cama y el condón?
O mejor aún, ¿cobraremos IBI o cualquier otro impuesto a la duquesa de marras y su casa nobiliaria o seguiremos igual, intentando negociar cualquier acuerdo porque la propiedad privada es intocable?
Lo mismo tres millones de euros anuales de IBI la convencen de hacer una donación al estado español, que tanto quieren y por el que tanta sangre derramarían, y así todos ganamos.
Hoy no tengo el día para pensar con equidad, lo reconozco. No obstante estoy harto de que ciertos lugares estén protegidos por el estado pero éste no tenga la más mínima potestad sobre ellos.
No, Elon Musk no es un simple loco. Todo lo que ha hecho y todos sus apoyos a la extrema derecha le han reportado beneficios directos. Y lo de Groenlandia, Panamá, Alemania, UK, etc., también...
Os hago un resumen en @elsaltodiario.com con arte de Byron Maher https://www.elsaltodiario.com/estados-unidos/elon-musk-sa-asi-gana-dinero-apoyando-trump-extrema-derecha
This is the FediMeteo VPS's LibreNMS CPU graph.
A significant spike occurs in the early afternoon, where the activity level reaches nearly 100, marking a sharp increase in activity. This spike coincides with the announcement by @FediFollows of new cities. Throughout most of the day, activity levels fluctuate between 10 and 40, with some peaks reaching up to 50 at different times. Notably, some of these levels coincide with backup operations. Early morning and late evening hours show lower activity levels, generally ranging between 10 and 20. The graph clearly highlights the midday burst of activity, followed by a return to more moderate levels throughout the rest of the day.
¿Qué tienen en común Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Fernando Savater o el rapero el Jincho?
Pues que todos se han dado cuenta de que se gana más dinero siendo un buen trozo de mierda.
Me quedo agusto en esta opinión en El Salto.
A big, huge thank you to the Open-Meteo team.
Patrick told me that they appreciate the project, that we can continue, and he provided me with tools to go beyond the allowed calls.
At this point, I’m fixing a few things to improve the addition of countries and cities, and... we’re moving forward!
Social media’s golden rule: if you see someone having fun, shame them for not taking the world’s problems seriously enough. Rinse, repeat.
Aerc (TUI) is also fine. It supports multiple accounts natively, but you can't move messages from one account to another (that I know of). I find the interface a little kludgy.
But everybody and their dog is sending HTML mail these days, and though both programs do their best to convert to text / use the alternative plain text format, you always have the sinking feeling that you are missing something (and sometimes you really are missing something).
Thunderbird is OK. It has its annoyances, but it's solid, multi-account, and supports everything. Sometimes it starts burning all my CPU cores at 100% and I don't know why, it's probably doing some garbage collection or whatever.
Evolution (GUI) is also kinda fine, but it's GNOME, and you may not like that. It's heavy.
Claws Mail (GUI) is also OK. It's lighter than Evolution or Thunderbird, but in the past it did something wrong that annoyed me and that I cannot remember and I stopped using it.
I also remember using Kmail (KDE) more 15 years ago and it was also OK, but a bit sluggy.