is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for tag #openbsd

Steve Lord »

Great guide from @solene on setting up an mailserver: - would be great to see something about running this with mailman 3, postorious and hyperkitty in the future (but not expecting it)

Solene % bot » 🤖

Steven Rosenberg »

Since I'm not working on the #OpenBSD laptop, I can use it for music and video playback. I remember from the past that video could be a little janky in OpenBSD, but that is no longer the case.

I'm getting great video, no stuttering. Great audio as well.

I have been experiencing some stuttery video in the Threads website in Fedora 40, but that doesn't happen at all in OpenBSD 7.5. It's the exact same hardware (I boot Fedora from an NVMe SSD and OpenBSD from a SATA SSD). Maybe it has something to do with Wayland in Fedora vs. Xenocara in OpenBSD.

This OpenBSD system, using #Firefox, is great for YouTube. Again, this OS hasn't had a previous "reputation" for smooth video playback, but I have been very pleasantly surprised.

I tried the Pandora music service in Firefox, and that plays very well.

Spotify will NOT let you use its service via browser on OpenBSD (maybe you can "trick" it, but I haven't tried), and of course there is no official app on OpenBSD. However, I've been using the great #ncspot — an ncurses app written in Rust ( — in the terminal for Spotify playback, and it has been working really well. I had to specifically set my terminal in Xfce to allow for Unicode so everything looks better, but the audio (and UI) is pretty great.

ncspot is available as a package in OpenBSD, making it easy to install. I like it in Linux as well, where I tend to add it as a Flatpak.

Philip Kaludercic »

For over a week I haven't been able to set up OpenBSD's relayd to work the way I want it to. Would someone be so kind to help or refer me to someone who can help.

Summary: I have one VPS with IPv4 and IPv6 running OpenBSD 7.5. I want to provide multiple TLS-capable services that relayd should dispatch based on the hostname of the HTTP request. In that case I want to redirect the request to some other port. It would be nice if the default could just fall back to httpd on port 80/443, but manually listing these is also acceptable. The non-httpd services don't do encryption, so it would be nice if relayd could take care of that.

From what I understand this is a pretty standard setup with nginx, but unusually tricky with httpd/relayd.

If it makes it easier, I could set up a virtual machine on the server, but I'd like to avoid the overhead.


Stefano Marinelli »

Just booked my round-trip flights for EuroBSDCon in Dublin! With this step completed, I’d say everything is set, and I’m looking forward to attending this amazing event for the first time.

Taking this opportunity for to express my gratitude to the organizers ( @EuroBSDCon ) for their kindness and availability throughout the process.

I truly appreciate it!

intro »

....drink more water

What a beautiful treasure trove

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

I just remember that I already wrote down how to link Agent with on in 2022. And it still work on my new 7.5 instance.

Solène »

TIL about vacation(1) on

Learned about it via a patch on tech@

Stefano Marinelli »

This world needs less and more - a single letter can make a difference!

Lovis IX ♿ »

Stefano Marinelli »

Email received a few days ago: "We need to know which version of SSH is installed on the server, as we want to ensure it is not vulnerable to external attacks." My response: "Don’t worry, SSH is accessible ONLY via VPN, and I am the only one with access to that VPN—activated only when needed—so there is no way for there to be any issues, regardless of the version used."

Email received this morning: "We’re not interested; you must provide the SSH version installed and, if it's not the latest, ensure us of the update date."
My response: "Sorry, could you explain the rationale? SSH is not exposed, it’s not listening on any public IP."
Their reply: "Provide the version."
My response: "OpenSSH_9.7, LibreSSL 3.9.0, on OpenBSD."
Their reply: "This is not considered secure. It must be OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3."
My response: "It’s not Debian; it’s OpenBSD."
Their reply: "So the systems are insecure."

And they claim to be a cybersecurity company...

gyptazy boosted

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟮 (Valuable News - 2024/07/22) available.

Past releases:

Raven »

My OpenBSD web server runs since three weeks and does not use much of the available resources 😃 I also like that it has an integrated web server that supports all the things I need (HTTPS redirects, TLS and compression) AND only consist of one config file for the website configuration

It is an awesome choice for people who look for a minimal, lightweight and secure operating system for servers

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟮 (Valuable News - 2024/07/22) available.

Past releases:

gyptazy boosted

Not Evander Sinque »

gyptazy »

Long post [SENSITIVE CONTENT]Happy Birthday, BSD Cafe! 🎂

Seeing your idea flourish into such a vibrant and supportive community is amazing. The positive atmosphere and mutual respect here are remarkable. It’s clear your hard work and vision have paid off.

You got me directly attracted last year on Twitter when I started with social medias and we shared exactly the same mindset - not only about related content but also about how a community around should look like. You got me back more into the community and into community related services and . I took the opportunity to create a service like for the BSD community, which provides free (, , , , for the community to learn, practice or to build their projects. Not everyone can afford own systems to learn in real setups and here we come back to the community mindset - which I honestly took over from you by providing us all your great services!

Getting in touch with all the members of the it was clear that we need something like a meeting - so we got the , where we can meet, discuss and share knowledge. I feel like home here in the BSDCafe and I can only recommend everyone who's interested into BSD to join.

Wishing you many more successful years ahead. Thank you for everything!

Solène boosted

jacqueline »

I'm protected from because I run !!

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

Asked by every you two people, my notes for dealing with video and audio editing using , and :)

gyptazy »

- Providing free VMs is not always fun. It went well for months but there's always someone abusing it.

Paul SomeoneElse »

Ohh! 's httpd directory auto index looks nice !

Someone zinged it up while I wasn't paying attention :)

I might steal it's css.

gyptazy »

Today, we had a nice user group meeting in person! Time to share stickers :) It was great, thanks for joining! Happy to see you next time again!

Solène »

Looks like 7.6 will have VAAPI support for intel / amd hardware accelerated video encoding / decoding

thanks @sizeofvoid

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

How to install and set up an graphical desktop for newcomers.

If you like it better, there's a video available here:

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟭𝟱 (Valuable News - 2024/07/15) available.

Past releases:

stu »

@h3artbl33d Hey 👋 there, I was curious what does use for desktop (.initrc or . xsession)?

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

/me learned to extract audio from generated video, remove ambiant noise, normalize sound and insert the corrected audio track back into the video.

A journey with and ; on obviously.

It's Just Me boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

**BSD Mail Project Update!**

Hello everyone! I wanted to share some exciting updates about the development of BSD Mail, our privacy-focused email service designed with robustness, security, and transparency in mind. Here’s a deep dive into the technical choices I've made, focusing on my use of open source solutions and open protocols:

🌍 **Servers & Location**

- We're running on two physical servers:
- One hosted by OVH in France
- Another by Hetzner in Germany
- Both servers operate on FreeBSD with NVMe drives in a ZFS mirror configuration for speed and data integrity.

🔒 **Virtualization & Security**

- We utilize jails on both servers to ensure isolated environments for different services, managed via BastilleBSD. On one server, jails are set up directly on the hardware, whereas the other server employs nested jails.
- Each server hosts a bhyve VM running OpenBSD with OpenSMTPD for handling SMTP duties securely.

🔗 **Networking**

- A Wireguard setup connects the two servers, facilitating routing capabilities so that jails and VMs can communicate seamlessly, supporting both IPv4 and IPv6.

📧 **Email Services**

- **Dovecot** is configured for maildir replication across the servers using Dovecot sync, ensuring email availability and redundancy.
- **Rspamd** instances are tied to local KeyDB jails, set up in master-master replication for consistent and reliable spam detection and greylisting.
- **ClamAV** runs in corresponding jails for virus scanning, maintaining a high level of security.
- **SOGo** provides a web interface for email management, connected to MySQL databases in master-master replication to handle sessions and authentication smoothly.

💾 **Data Management**

- Email data is stored on separate, encrypted ZFS datasets to secure emails at rest.
- MySQL databases are used for storing credentials and managing sessions for SOGo, also in a master-master replication setup. Importantly, all passwords are securely hashed using bcrypt, ensuring they are salted and safe.

🔎 **Monitoring & Reliability**

- Our DNS is managed through BunnyNet, which continuously monitors our server status. Should one server—or a specific service—become unavailable, DNS configurations are dynamically adjusted to avoid directing users to the affected IP until full service is restored.

🌐 **Commitment to Open Source and Open Protocols**

- Every component of BSD Mail is built exclusively using open source software and open protocols. This commitment is crucial for ensuring data freedom and the reliability of the solutions we use.

This setup not only emphasizes our commitment to privacy and security but also our dedication to maintaining an open and transparent platform.
We're excited to bring you a service where your privacy, data integrity, and freedom are prioritized. Stay tuned for more updates!

Stefano Marinelli »

It's official: the new email hosting service I'll be launching will run on OpenBSD as well. The two OpenSMTPD SMTP servers will operate on two OpenBSD installations.

gyptazy »

⚠️ Weekly Meeting ⚠️

Our first weekly will start on the 25th, April 2024 at 7 PM (GMT+2).

You can find all the details on the wiki:

For the first one, I already created a small agenda ( You are highly encouraged to modify and extend this, as well as upcoming agendas!

Day: Thursdays (weekly)
Time: 7 PM - 8 PM (GMT +2)
Where: (Jitsi)
Info: No recordings, no deep tech dives (keep it simple, we have calls for the details, no pressures to anyone, have fun and enjoy)

When I started the poll to ask for interests in such a meeting I wasn’t sure that even more than 5 people would be interested. I’m happy to see this amount of interested BSD users. I’m aware of the different timezones and it might make sense to have a second timeslot. This one mostly covers the European and near-east users. I’m happy to hear suggestions regarding preferred timeslots for the US, Asia,… so far, I’m happy to see at least a few of you next Thursday in the call!


gyptazy »

⚠️ The BSD Pub ⚠️

Hey Fans!

We all share the same interests - based systems like , and .

We chat all day, sharing thoughts, questions and help. We talk on Matrix across different channels, we share on the . We have's newsletter, we have's and calls and many other ones I can't list here.

Wondering if there would be and interests in the , , etc., for a weekly smalltalk session like in a pub. Just a Jitsi based video/audio call where we can meet, discuss things from newsletter, trending things from the or just have off-topic and openminded discussions. This could result into the meeting.

I know, some people are shy - keep your cam off until you feel comfortable and feel free to join the discussions. Even this meetings should make fun and no pressure - so if someone is not in the mood or can't make it - no worries. No one will judge.

Would you be interested?



Stefano Marinelli »

Sharing some technical details about how I'm setting up the hosted email service. It will not be a service of BSD Cafe but tied to my own business. It will run entirely on BSD systems and on bare metal, NOT on "cloud" VPS. It will use FreeBSD jails or OpenBSD or NetBSD VMs (but on bhyve, on a leased server - I do not want user data to be stored on disks managed by others). The services (opensmtpd and rspamd, dovecot, redis, mysql, etc.) will run on separate jails/VMs, so compromising one service will NOT put the others at risk. Emails will be stored on encrypted ZFS datasets - so all emails are encrypted at rest - and only dovecot will have access to the mail datasets. I'm also considering the possibility of encrypting individual emails with the user's login password - but I still have to thoroughly test this. The setup will be fully redundant (double mx for SMTP, a domain for external IMAP access that will be managed through smart DNS - which will distribute the connections on the DNS side and, in case of a server down, will stop resolving its IP, sending all the connections to the other. Obviously, everything will be accessible in both ipv4 and ipv6 and in two different European countries, on two different providers. Synchronization will occur through dovecot's native sync (extremely stable and tested). All technical choices will be clearly explained - the goal of this service is to provide maximum transparency to users on how things will be handled.

Solène »

Solène »

Running compositor on is very easy (only -current at the moment)

- pkg_add sway
- stop xenodm
- log-in as your user in a tty
- run /usr/local/bin/

that's all

Screenshot of an OpenBSD desktop running the wayland compositor sway

Alt...Screenshot of an OpenBSD desktop running the wayland compositor sway