For a more portable/updated version, please see software/fr2002.
Freaks is a 3D game for MS/DOS written in 1993 by me and my friends Manuel Zamora and Antonio Guerrero. It was released as shareware; now you can download it for free. It's a complete game with 4 big episodies and a great variety of monsters (but somewhat crappy for today's standards).
- Coding: Ángel Ortega, Manuel Zamora
- Artwork: Ángel Ortega, Antonio Guerrero
- Maps: Ángel Ortega, Manuel Zamora, Antonio Guerrero
- Music: Ann Hell

The Incredibly Astonishing Freaks Development Trio

Left to right: Manuel Zamora and Angel Ortega (as demons in flames), Antonio Guerrero (as a glittering cherubin).