Ángel Ortega


Escritor de novela negra, realista y de terror. Autor de las novelas YO NO SOY PAVEL (ed. Distrito 93, 2023), LA ATALAYA RECORTADA CONTRA EL CIELO (finalista del Premio Pedro Carbonell 2023) y EL LEGADO DEL CORNEZUELO (finalista del Premio Domingo Santos de Novela 2021). Madrid, 1968.

YO NO SOY PAVEL: https://distrito93.com/catalogo/yo-no-soy-pavel/

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Ángel Ortega »

Recuerdo que cuando era joven era capaz de oír las frecuencias altas que emitían los CRT (pantallas de tubo de rayos catódicos). Así que podía saber si el monitor estaba encendido o apagado en la habitación de al lado solo escuchándolo.

Fui perdiendo ese superpoder con el tiempo.

Ahora que soy viejo y tengo acúfenos (o tinnitus) todo el rato, es como si tuviera una pantalla de tubo encendida todo el rato al lado de mi cabeza. De vez en cuando, la busco para apagarla.

Craig Maloney ☕ »

If @medium embraces the Fediverse they do realize that will give folks a working RSS feed, right?

I just don't want there to be any surprises. 😁


Art Delano »

@craigmaloney Wordpress has an official ActivityPub plugin. Shouldn't this mean that any Wordpress installation can already provide a Fediverse RSS feed?

(I know you're not the tech support, I'm thinking aloud.)


Michael Lucas¹ »

@ardgedee @craigmaloney

Yes, but IME not yet.

I tried it. php-fpm pegged all four CPU cores, ate 8GB RAM, and paged maniacally.

Yes, probably some plugin incompatibility. No, no clue what it was. Use it on a test server and deploy carefully, see what happens.


florian »

@mwl 4 cores, 8GB... How quaint...
@ardgedee @craigmaloney


Craig Maloney ☕ »

@florian @mwl @ardgedee Not all of us can have 128 racks of computers with 24 cores and 2TB of memory to serve a static webpage that just says "Hello world" on it.

Come to think of it, why not?

(Edit: making a little more family friendly).


florian »

@craigmaloney I liked the pre-edited version better it kinda captures the spirit of late 90s early 00s personal websites

(Just to clarify, I like quaint things. Quaint is cool.)

@mwl @ardgedee

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Ángel Ortega »

That's inexact.

does not provide feeds; some implementations, like , or provides RSS feeds of an actor's timeline, but as an added value, not as part of the protocol. You can be fully ActivityPub compatible without generating RSS.


Craig Maloney ☕ »

@angel I know this. The joke was that RSS feeds that aren't hidden would be available to users via these servers.

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Vosotros que tenéis la mente sana,
observad la doctrina que se esconde
bajo el velo de versos enigmáticos.

Víctor Moral »

Open APIs From Space

Open Notify is an open source project to provide a simple programming interface for some of NASA’s awesome data. I do some of the work to take raw data and turn them into APIs related to space and spacecraft.


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Ángel Ortega »

Random floating point numbers:


Víctor Moral »

Así de fácil es manipular el identificador de llamadas para cometer fraude o hacer spam telefónico sin que la ley pueda actuar

Manuel Zamora »

Ayer estuve en la presentación del libro "Yo no soy Pavel" de mi gran amigo Ángel Ortega @angel.
El libro está genial, divertidísimo y trepidante.

La presentación con Fernando Cámara y Ángel Ortega Ángel Ortega (el autor) firmándome un ejemplar


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Ángel Ortega »

¡El placer fue todo mío! Muchas gracias por venir.

#FediPact! »

aaaaaaaand another big tech person does an article about The Pact lol

and it's actually good, wow


Dave Dawkins »

What kind of history do you write for your world?

Rocky Horror is turning 50 next month and people still act like being gay was invented by Ellen in 1997

I fully know what you mean! but! I did also think


Basil »

@golgaloth it's gays all the way down.


Matthew Graybosch »

@basil @golgaloth It was Adam & Steve and Eve & Lilith way back in the Garden of Eden, too.

Matthew Garrett »

I know there are people reading this who work for major companies still advertising on Twitter (Apple, Google, and Amazon at least), so: two days before the SF Trans March, Elon is making it even more explicit that Twitter is a transphobic platform. You have the ability to influence the behaviour of your employers. Maybe do that?

Screenshot of a tweet from Elon Musk reading:



Joscelyn Transpiring »

@mjg59 it's not just that he's created a transphobic platform - he has declared he is going to put money and power into banning gender affirming care and believes trans people shouldn't be included in the LGBT. And he directly featured and platformed (a thankfully glitch-filled) presidential campaign announcement by the most powerful anti-trans bigot around right now.

Like, maybe we should treat advertising on Twitter would be like advertising in a nazi-owned publication back in the day?

Christopher Schmidt »

@mjg59 bleh. What a horrible human being.

But I feel like making the connection of “this advertising platform allows hateful bigotry, maybe we shouldn’t advertise there” is a pretty failed pitch to the company that runs (and presumably uses) Google Adwords.

Wolf_Baginski »

Oh bugger! I just asked on my local DIY store's Twitter account if they had a straight ruler.

notabird »

@mjg59 No one has the power to even mildly offend him. He will turn a cult of millions to boycott the company, attack the offices and employees.

Jens Ljungkvist »


If someone else struggles with what forbidding “cis” means I found that “cis” means “on this side” and is used instead of “trans” which means across to refer to non-transgender people.

Using terms such as man or woman reinforces cisnormativity, and that instead using the prefix cis similarly to the way trans is used would counteract the cisnormative connotations within language.

That’s why forbidding the use of “cis” is a blow at the trans community.

Oliver Schafeld »

Has anyone still on Twitter yet asked when "Autopilot" will come out of beta and stop being a safety hazard?

More than once, I mean.

DaisyGeekyTransGirl »

@mjg59 Elon Musk is cisgender. I’m going insane on Twitter repeatedly saying that. XD

「 Fristi 」 »

@mjg59 what people need to get is that twitter isn't twitter anymore. It's now Elon's house. His house, his rules. He doesn't care what anyone else thinks, and so he's filtering the userbase to weed out anyone he doesn't want in his house.

Unfortunately he bought it so he has every right to do with it as he pleases. Now it's "Elon's Social Media". Old twitter is gone, forever. Just get out of there.

The only thing I agree with on his post is that "cis" or "cisgender" often can be seen as slurs as they are very frequently just used as a label to exclude straight men and women.


Matthew Garrett »

@fristi What? Being cis has nothing to do with sexuality.


「 Fristi 」 »

@mjg59 i know, it means "one who identifies as their birth sex". But I do often see the term used to specifically target non-trans straight people. And not always in a very friendly manner.

Just saying, some people see it this way and I can sorta understand where it would come from, even if it's based on technically incorrect usage of a word.


Matthew Garrett »

@fristi That's not what it means and it's not how it's used

Grandalf 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯 𝘙 »


OK, but I can't find a tweet in his June timeline that says that. Perhaps it's 'shopped? It certainly sounds like made-up bullshit.


Matthew Garrett »


Grandalf 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯 𝘙 »


Thanks 🙏

I was only looking at his timeline, not his replies to others. Seems strange to outline a policy in a reply, rather than in a tweet, but this IS Elon after all.

They're also wrong; "cisgender" wasn't coined by Sigusch; he coined the word "cissexual" as to oppose "transsexual".

Dana Defoss coined the term "cisgender" in 1994 while struggling to not "other" transgender people; completely unrelated to Sigusch.

It seems that lying is a habit for some.

Wilfried Klaebe »


I couldn't resist to answer:

"Do you even know what those words actually mean? Maybe you should read simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisg and reconsider several of your decisions!"


aismallard »

@mjg59 I can't find this post, did he delete it?


Matthew Garrett »


aismallard »

@mjg59 oh in a reply

good lord, what a pos

joe »

@mjg59 good God I hate that piece of shit so much, wish I never clicked to read his tweet and replies

Peace Out Art »


Everyone one twitter should change their names to cis

Ohio Rob 🇺🇦 🐶📻 »


Apple could take one for the team and kick the Twitter app out of the app store.

Commissar Mitch »

God I am so happy I have now officially left Twitter

phi1997 »

Is he still salty over the time he said "I'm not cis, you are"?

Jeremiah England »

@mjg59 Didn't the guy he is replying there to say he didn't want to be called cis, and then a bunch of people did anything in the replies? That doesn't seem very nice.

I think banning the word cis on the platform would be terrible but given the context I think he's just saying don't call people cis who don't want to be called that.

An Adorable Sergal »

@mjg59 I'm truly disappointed that no one has "let that sink in" to Elon Musk. Repeatedly. Over the head.

Karl Morant 🇨🇦 🖖 »


Just delete any and all twitter accounts.

Sérgio Isidoro »

@mjg59 this starts to sound like rage-bating to draw attention to his dying platform...

SquidAceBoi »

@mjg59 uh oh! How will I describe my cisgender repair person repairing my cistern?! Oh no! I did a hate speech according to free speech activist, Peon Musk!!! /s
Also, how does anyone with +2 brain cells think this guy is capable in any capacity?

Catarina Lourenço »

@mjg59 and all the companies that change their logos to 🌈 in June and keep buying ads in that platform

Matthew »

Looks like elon isn't proud to be born male, amd is projecting his insecurities.

Lily Star »

@mjg59 so many elon apologists in this thread...

Jordi (Chaotic Aspect 2.0) »


Elon Musk is cisgender. Elon Musk is cisgender. Elon Musk is cisgender. Elon Musk is cisgender. Elon Musk is cisgender. Elon Musk is

Fresa Fox »

@mjg59 he's digging Twitter's grave. Mastodon is a blessing to exist.

thomholwerda »

@mjg59 Apple and morals?

Barking up the wrong tree, I'm afraid.

myrmepropagandist »


I literally had to search around and check this was real... because Elon is bad... but ... he can't possibly be this bone-headed ...

How naive of me.

toxtethogrady »

@mjg59 Curious that Musk decided to highlight those terms specifically. And it looks like without provocation...

airik »

@mjg59 Captain snowflake strikes again.

philpem »

@mjg59 I know you mean well, Matthew, but most of the remaining Tw staff are probably H1B visa holders who'd probably be deported if Musk fired them. Undoubtedly if they made a stand, he'd do it in a heartbeat. With that sword above their heads - as much as I'd love them to unionise and stand up against him... they probably won't.
Seen this play out in several businesses and the only way to "win" (or at least not lose as bad) is to save yourself. And if enough do, the outcome is the same.

Oregon Wine Woman »

Oh well, guess those who use many platforms, including the blue bird site, will just have to "cis" the holy h**l out of Elon-guy. 😆😆😆😆

johne »

@mjg59 I need to be more of an ally. So, locked my account over there and added "Elon is a cissy" to my profile.

Phil Rees »

@mjg59 If I were Alphabet I'd start by having a word with Google's Director of Creative Works and get them to stop pushing the myth that a toxic platform can be a catalyst for positive social change. And that side gig would have to go.


Meow.tar.gz »

@mjg59 Elon Musk is a prime example of how if you're a billionaire you can do whatever the fuck you like so long as it is not a serious crime. Different rules for different classes of society I guess.

Kat ♾️ »

@mjg59 @jrdepriest

I just refused yesterday to add to a client’s ad and marketing campaign. They were poised to spend thousands of dollars monthly. When I explained how it would be a bad look for their brand, they agreed and let it go (with some relief).

🎓 Dr. Freemo 🇳🇱 »

@mjg59 Umm, thisd was a sarcastic comment in response to a guy who was being harassed by the trans community for asking not to be called "CIS"... Seems odd to turn a person who was being harassed for not being trans into something that is actually transphobic.... I hope im just missing some context here maybe.

Mollie »

@mjg59 If there is one thing I have learned about Corporate America it's that the consumers have much more of a voice than employees, who face backlash. How about making your appeal to the customers?

Victor Volle »

@mjg59 let’s see …

Screenshot of my Twitter profile. Bio says: Cis white older male

teeko »

@mjg59 am I being naive if I think that if someone doesn't like to be called cis, cisgender, or cissy, then why would any reasonable person insist on calling them with such description?

On other hand:
-Transwomen are women
-cis women are women
Then wouldn't it be more equal if we just call women women?

Disclaimer: I have little knowledge on these things, so please be understanding when I try to figure this out.

Barry Goldman »

@mjg59 @futurebird wait... no chemistry on twitter anymore? damm that's low.

Sam Wronski »

@mjg59 I'm more disappointed in the advocates still on that platform. Your advocating for diversity and inclusion and then building your audience from people who think this is OK? Like this isn't even remotely the first hint at this stance.

dro »

@mjg59 say something. Do something.

matzipan »

@BVG_Kampagne last time I landed on the bird site, I saw an add from BVG on it 🙈

GMcGath »

@mjg59 People can't talk about stereochemistry on Twitter?

Jamie Mason »


The platform is running just how Musk had intended it to. It is stunning to look at what he's done to that app. "Cis gender" is a slur now because he's transphobic.


vampirdaddy »

@mjg59 if "cis" is forbidden, is "des" then the proper musical notation? 🤓

Lorgenz »

@mjg59 The fact they are calling Cis or Cisgender slurs is laughable. They are just normal ways to describe gender identity. Meanwhile trans individuals get far more venom thrown their way than the Muskrat ever does.

Deadly Headshot »

I'm presuming he's going to declare "heterosexual" a slur too, given it's an equivalently pointless but offensive action?

Asaf »

@mjg59 frEeZe pEacH

graphictruth »


Elon sucks even as a troll. I am starting to think that his reputation as a chaotic wunderkind is exaggerated.

He doesn't understand that people he doesn't like cannot reach out and touch him. He doesn't grasp that being forced to sit next to racists and Christian Supremacists who "did their research " and demand the right to be Taken. Seriously is not what Twitter was, nor digg, not Compu$pend or AOL.

He may come up with another 4, 6 or 8Chan but who the hell cares?

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Terrible Maps » 🤖

I might just turn this into a steak account


Terrible Maps » 🤖

Steak britain


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Ángel Ortega »

I see Linux's penguin here

editora »

Gracias a , el newsletter de , descubro esta web en la que puedes seleccionar un recuadro en un , por muy pequeño que sea, y te muestra las que se encuentran ahí, según una inteligencia artificial que recoge datos de varias fuentes. Por ejemplo, en mi pueblo recoge 62 especies en 2 km2 (yo creo que hay más, pero en las que muestra acierta bastante) identify.plantnet.org/predicti

Pantallazo de la web de localización de plantas. A la izquierda se muestra un mapa, con vista satelital, con un recuadro marcado encima y a la derecha vemos los resultados 62, encabezados por Juniperus thurifera y seguido por Querqus Faginea, o sea, sabinas, primero y luego robles.


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Ángel Ortega »

según una inteligencia artificial que recoge datos de varias fuentes
Y, si no tiene datos suficientes, se los inventa.


editora »

@angel Bueno, al menos lo deja bien claro ya en el título: «PREDICTION of observable species at a given location». Particularmente soy muy escéptica con lo que ahora se llama «Inteligencia artificial» porque en realidad me parece un modelo estadístico puro y duro que te lanza lo más probable y no la verdad absoluta. Al final la pregunta a la que responde es «¿Qué es lo más probable que encuentres aquí?» y no «¿Qué hay aquí?». Es un uso que con un buen dataset podría ser interesante.

Solène »

$ cat size

cat's eyes?

Is it the same pronunciation?



ed(1) conference »

@solene yes!

English is weird like that, growing artifacts like "an apron" because the word use to be "a napron" for the same mis-division reason.


fraggle »

They feel different in my brain, but wiktionary says that eyes is /aɪz/ while size is /saɪz/ so apparently not. "cat sighs" would also be the same.

Ed Davies »

@solene Native English speaker from NE London, with probably a relatively “posh” accent for that area, here: I think I do pronounce them slightly differently with a slight buzz for the zed in “size” which is completely missing from “eyes”.

Larry »

@solene while not as often as French, English has elision too. To tell those two apart, a deliberate pause would have to be inserted.

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Ángel Ortega »

The same as cat's ice.

𝓻𝓻𝓪 boosted

a libi rose »

the most eco-friendly computer is the one you already own. i know they're not pretending they're green this year but. stop buying new shit and start demanding better support for keeping old shit running


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Ángel Ortega »

The most eco-friendly computer is the one you already own and it's off.

Marcos M. »

¿Sabías que...? El ventilador funciona igual que funciona soplar la sopa para enfriarla. (Tú eres la sopa)

El ventilador desplaza el aire alrededor de las personas, aumentando un parámetro llamado "coeficiente general de transferencia de calor" (U).

En esencia, lo que hace es retirar la capa de aire caliente que tu cuerpo ya ha calentado previamente, colocando en su lugar una capa de aire más fría que se empieza a calentar con rapidez debido a la diferencia de temperatura entre tu piel y esa nueva capa.

Persona sentada en una silla con los brazos apoyados sobre una mesa. Tiene calor.

A la derecha, misma escena pero añadiendo un ventilador. La persona tiene menos calor.


Fernando »

@euklidiadas no tienes en cuenta el coeficiente de evaporación del agua (sudor) que aumenta por la presión negativa que ejerce la corriente de aire. En realidad se pierde mucho más calor por evaporación de agua que por la transferencia de calor entre el cuerpo y el aire que le rodea.


Marcos M. »

@selbor Supongo que en función de cómo de bestia seas con la velocidad del ventilador. xD


Fernando »

@euklidiadas no es necesario, es una de las propiedades mágicas del agua que la hacen esencial para la vida.

En el diagrama de fases del agua, la imagen de abajo, se ve que la fase gaseosa se encuentra por debajo de la línea roja y azul, que marcan los cambios de fase a sólido y líquido respectivamente. Es decir que el agua en estado gaseoso existe aún a temperaturas y presiones muy bajas. El agua está en un continuo equilibrio entre el estado gaseoso (vapor de agua de la atmósfera) y el estado líquido. También pasa con el estado sólido, pero el ejemplo es más rebuscado, nos tendríamos que ir a los polos para comprobar que también hay humedad ambiental (agua gaseosa).

Y todo esto venía a explicar que aunque no nos demos cuenta el agua de nuestro sudor corporal se evapora, de ahí su función biológica como termorregulador.


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Ángel Ortega »

Este es el hilo más deliciosamente friki que he encontrado hoy.

CC: @euklidiadas@red.niboe.info


Marcos M. »

@angel @selbor

Hay mucho de esto por aquí. xD

Es lo bueno.

Low Quality Facts »

We're seeing a large influx of new users, so here's some helpful Mastodon tips:

1. Liking a post does not affect its visibility. Instead, use the like button to let a user know that you find them to be irresistibly attractive and would like to become their internet soulmate.

2. Instead of saying orthodontist on here, we say mastodontist. This is important to know.

3. Tell us about yourself! Write either "pro-cannibalism" or "anti-caniballism" in your bio to avoid simple misunderstandings.


James Ryan »


Aren't you worried that asking people to take a stand on pro- or anti- cannibalism might offend the vegans? Not all vegans like to think about getting protein from living creatures, and this puts them in an odd spot...

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Ángel Ortega »

Liking this post because I would like to become your internet soulmate. I don't have a clear position on caniballism, though.

Leviatar »


He estado leyendo una tontería sobre la productividad en España con respeto a Europa.

En España la productividad laboral es más baja que en la mayoría de países europeos, pero se trabajan más horas al año. Además, se hacen más horas extra.

¿Que por qué? Jornada partida, jefes incompetentes haciendo y deshaciendo, exceso de burocracia para cualquier cosa, mala implantación de IT...

No tengo pruebas pero tampoco dudas.


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Ángel Ortega »

Yo sí tengo las pruebas: Si mides la productividad como una proporción entre resultados (sea lo que sea eso) divididos por el número de horas trabajadas, y teniendo en cuenta que por la ley de los retornos decrecientes cada hora que pasa se rinde menos, nuestro índice de productividad se va a la mierda.

Jesse Pinkman gritando Science, Bitch!


Leviatar »

@angel así me gusta, dándome la razón con datos 🥰🥰🥰

Aaron A. Glenn »

animal death [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

I stopped at an ATM to grab some cash -- intending to use another one but grabbing this one since now is better than later.

I hear a loud thud next to me and think "oh geez glad that didn't hit me" and look over only to see a featherless baby bird on the ground

I freaked the fuck out wondering "fuck fuck how do I help oh god no" and immediately looked for parents and nest.

the parents were flying around above me and the nest was five stories up, nestled precariously between a drainage pipe and the recessed wall.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I looked down, wondering if I could pick it up. the birds themselves are so small there was no way the parents could pick it up and bring it back up. these were not corvid sized birdies. how would I even get to the nest? I'd have to get to the apartment with the window...and have a bigger chance of somehow fucking it up further than anything else.

nearly crying in anguish (feelin sensitive these days, I guess?) I look to see if the bird is still alive only to notice it is motionless and the eyes are closed.

feeling relieved there really was nothing I could do I walked off, eyes closed, but also feeling like absolute shit with sad pit in my stomach.

I feel better typing this. thanks for reading.


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Ángel Ortega »


Not a bird expert at all, but most probably the baby bird was already dead and its parents drop it off the nest on purpose. They may even have another baby up there.


Aaron A. Glenn »


@angel it’s eyes were faintly open on first glance. perhaps you are right


Lars E »

Bigger siblings often push out the smaller ones to increase their chances to get fed.
Nature is cruel...

Linus Torvalds »

@morgthorak I think you might want to make sure you don’t follow me.

Because your “woke communist propaganda” comment makes me think you’re a moron of the first order.

I strongly suspect I am one of those “woke communists” you worry about. But you probably couldn’t actually explain what either of those words actually mean, could you?

I’m a card-carrying atheist, I think a woman’s right to choose is very important, I think that “well regulated militia” means that guns should be carefully licensed and not just randomly given to any moron with a pulse, and I couldn’t care less if you decided to dress up in the “wrong” clothes or decided you’d rather live your life without feeling tied to whatever plumbing you were born with.

And dammit, if that all makes me “woke”, then I think anybody who uses that word as a pejorative is a f*cking disgrace to the human race. So please just unfollow me right now.

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Ángel Ortega »

Why is Nine Inch Nails so far from ANGRY?

Víctor Moral »

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Ángel Ortega »

JSON is fine for me. A Windows-style .ini is also fine.

Solene % bot » 🤖

Backport OpenBSD 7.3 pkg_add enhancement

In this blog post, you will learn how to backport a huge speedup to pkg_add for OpenBSD 7.3




Elvira »

😮 !!! 😂

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Allí estoy con los niños inocentes
del diente de la muerte antes mordidos
que de la humana culpa fueran libres.

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Ángel Ortega »

El 22 de junio a las 7 de la tarde presentaré mi libro YO NO SOY PAVEL en La Casa del Libro de la calle Alcalá, 96 de Madrid.

Me acompañará mi compinche Fernando Cámara, que ha estado a mi lado en tantas cosas.

¡Os espero!

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Ángel Ortega »

Números de las elecciones a la Comunidad de Madrid 2023, comparados con las de 2021:

El PP ha perdido 44623 votantes.
Vox ha perdido 88188 votantes.
El PSOE ha ganado 2904 votantes.
Más Madrid ha perdido 4044 votantes.

Los números son los oficiales, sacados de la web del diario El Mundo.

Jason Gorman »

We spend roughly 10x as much time reading code as we do writing it. A tool or technique that makes you twice as "productive" at writing code *at best* makes you 5% more productive over all. Making your code easier to understand will have 10x the impact. But that doesn't sell tools or put developers out of work, so you won't be reading about it in Forbes.

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Ángel Ortega »

A "choose you own adventure" text game, but implemented using private polls.


Un juego de texto tipo «elige tu propia aventura», pero implementado mediante encuestas privadas.

tedu »

@trwnh I wanted to respond to this. I'm not sure how to articulate, but I think there's sometimes a benefit to some redundant explicitness in protocols. So a chat message and note are the same, yeah. But mastodon at least has a confusing interface where you mention somebody in a purportedly secret note and now they get a copy, too, because addressing and scope is all mixed up with content.

Introducing a new object type means a new UI means a new interpretation. Necessary? Not at all. But practically, pushing people to add a new code path sometimes requires a new case for their switch statement.

JamesB »

@revk @foone

And the original poster was you, ten years ago and you'd forgotten all about it.

Víctor Moral »

¿Por qué tardaron tanto en extenderse las maletas con ruedas?

WesDym »

English has two different terms for words that come into English from other languages. A 'calque' is translated from the source language. (E.g., flea market, beer garden, paper tiger) A 'loanword' is ported in its original form. (E.g., cafe, bazaar, kindergarten) Perhaps ironically, the word 'calque' is a loanword, while 'loanword' is a calque (from Ger. 'lehnwort').

C & C++ Weekly » 🤖

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Ángel Ortega »

Fair enough.

Sindical Today » 🤖

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Ángel Ortega »

Seems like an awful design decision to me.

What development environment is it, if you can disclose?

CC: @bagder@mastodon.social

John-Mark Gurney »

Ok, to install [and build] git-tiny, you need Ruby, tcl, Python, ipython, cython, Lua, Perl, mercurial. gcc (despite clang being part of the system), redis, subversion, and w3m.

A total of 604 ports.

This is f'ing insane for a "tiny" port. (yes, a majority of it is build tools that aren't needed at runtime, but still it shows how bloating modern software packages are.

Elvira »

Happy 🖤🦇🖤

Steven Saus [he/him] »


IMHO, the real concern isn't the technology itself, but the economic pressures from the investor class and capitalism.

(Longer take on that, especially regarding the arts):


Jason Gorman »

Liberal arts majors: "A.I. will make science and engineering degrees obsolete"

STEM majors: "A.I. will make liberal arts degrees obsolete"

Plumbers: "First hour is £150, then every hour after that is £90"

SuperSantiEgo »

RT @cunado_medieval

Moritz Heiber »

@doot this you?

Screenshot of the top of a Wikipedia entry for the North Atlantic garbage patch. It says to not confuse the garbage patch with Great Britain.

The Real Grunfink »

The powers that be have provided links to manual pages in HTML format:

https://comam.es/snac-doc/snac.1.html - User Manual
https://comam.es/snac-doc/snac.5.html - Message Formatting and File Format Documentation
https://comam.es/snac-doc/snac.8.html - Administrator Manual


daniel:// stenberg:// »

@mjgardner @icing actually, being liberal in accepting things is not a good idea either. If it violates the protocol, eject, close, kill, abort. At once. That leads to better code and protocols in the longer run.

Mark Riedl »

@petealexharris @cstross It's true. A running joke amongst my peers is that any AI news headline can replace "AI" with "capitalism" and remain 100% true.

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Ángel Ortega »

What would happen if the EICAR text string was posted in an post? Would the Fediverse collapse? Fun to try.

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Ángel Ortega »

Filomena destruyó muchos árboles en Madrid (según este artículo de El Diario, 80.000):


No sé si el artículo que enlazas menciona este hecho, no lo he leído.

En parques que conozco bien, como la Quinta de la Fuente del Berro, fue una catástrofe.

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Ángel Ortega »

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Ángel Ortega »

Let's hope nobody creates a .com TLD

CC: @tac0shell@hackers.town

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Ángel Ortega »

Qué raro y qué trágico. No sé cómo irá la legislación allí en la «land of the free», pero aquí es obligatorio que las salas refrigeradas (y otras salas estancas como salas limpias) tengan picaportes para abrirlas desde dentro.

helleano)))r »

no one has ever surpassed the animated netscape logo's ability to make the internet feel majestic and awe inspiring

brennen »

young me: i wonder if this new technical thing is cool

middle-aged me: i wonder if i can avoid knowing about this new technical thing until it goes away

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Ángel Ortega »

If you use the vi text editor or one of its derivatives, $ moves to the end of the line.

CC: @Perl@chirp.social

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Ángel Ortega »

@VictorMoral@mastodon.social @rb3n@mastodon.social Puf. Los mensajes de audio.

Al menos puedes "silenciar" el grupo para que no te interrumpa con notificaciones y solo mirarlo de cuando en cuando.

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Ángel Ortega »

@charlie_root@annihilation.social is great for the desktop. I've used it on my laptop for years; had to replace the OS back to just for the battery usage, but will get back to it whenever possible.

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Ángel Ortega »

@rb3n@mastodon.social @VictorMoral@mastodon.social sí que es un lujo poder tener una vida "Whatsapp-free". Yo tengo a tanta gente ahí que me es imposible zafarme de él.

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Ángel Ortega »

Mi novela YO NO SOY PAVEL ya se puede comprar desde la página web de la editorial Distrito 93.


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Ángel Ortega »

Me parece razonable que se muestre en lugar de descargarlo (de hecho, creo que la operación por defecto de cualquier Content-Type text/XXXX debería ser mostrarlo).

Pero dado que Markdown no es una especificación clara ni única (hay un montón de variantes), preferiría que Firefox no se hiciera aún más gordo con otro intérprete + validador + conversor a html.

ʷᵃᵏᵉˢᵗ »

new twitter encrypted messenger sounds real secure

wsb »

@pi protip: don't use a relational database if you already have the filesystem.

brennen »

on computer botherers as an endless supply of enthusiastic marks [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

i was thinking about stuff like big web APIs for social media sites going paywalled (or just breaking because of mismanagement by jackass oligarchs), and i was like i wonder if this will teach programmers a lesson - some kind of "gosh, maybe protocols were good after all" moment.

and then immediately: of course it won't. programmers are eternally looking to get scammed.

and then i thought: "you can't cheat an honest man."


brennen »

on computer botherers as an endless supply of enthusiastic marks [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

that's the root of it, a lot of ways. as a class, we are not honest persons. we're grifters and cheaters and scabs, almost definitionally. our stock in trade is the betrayal of labor, the extraction of surplus value from angles on automation, or often more honestly from ideas that assholes with money have about how surplus value will be extracted, or whatever.

and then we get scammed so hard because we think we're doin' the scams.

Dan Gillmor »

"(W)hat we are witnessing is the wealthiest companies in history (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon …) unilaterally seizing the sum total of human knowledge that exists in digital, scrapable form and walling it off inside proprietary products, many of which will take direct aim at the humans whose lifetime of labor trained the machines without giving permission or consent."


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Ángel Ortega »

Un pavo real macho subido a un tejado / a male peacock up on a roof

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Ángel Ortega »

Everytime I read people experiences like this one (and it's getting increasingly common), I wonder why people keep using Apple systems at all.

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Ángel Ortega »

Are cw links clickable? (Should be.)
In , it's clickable.

Jared Davis »

“People who criticize new technologies are sometimes called Luddites, but it’s helpful to clarify what the Luddites actually wanted. The main thing they were protesting was the fact that their wages were falling at the same time that factory owners’ profits were increasing, along with food prices. They were also protesting unsafe working conditions, the use of child labor, and the sale of shoddy goods that discredited the entire textile industry. The Luddites did not indiscriminately destroy machines; if a machine’s owner paid his workers well, they left it alone. The Luddites were not anti-technology; what they wanted was economic justice. They destroyed machinery as a way to get factory owners’ attention. The fact that the word is now used as an insult, a way of calling someone irrational and ignorant, is a result of a smear campaign by the forces of capital.”

Ted Chiang in the New Yorker.

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Ángel Ortega »

Ayer vi a este perro en el parque.

Estaba jugando él solo: subía su pelota a lo alto de la pendiente, esperaba a que cogiera velocidad y cuando casi se le escapaba corría a por ella, la cazaba y la volvía a subir hasta lo alto. No fue casual: lo hizo varias veces. Lo hacía adrede.

He tenido perro y sé lo listos que son pero no dejan de sorprenderme.

Radical Graffiti »

"Replace capitalism with a good nap"
Stencil seen in Marseille, France

Red and blue stencil on a wall that says

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Ángel Ortega »

The thing is, if you suppress comments like that, then you may think that people like that aren't out there, and that they won't use these systems in that way.
This is a devastating truth.

Please, Jon, forget about the goats, we need you.

@LWN@fosstodon.org @delroth@delroth.net

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Ángel Ortega »

Escuchado por casualidad en el bar:

"El capitalismo es una máquina creada para impedir que los mercados se vean afectados por la democracia".

Matto F »

@raspbeguy @solene I have my $HOME in ramdisk for over 20 years, wouldn’t want to have in other way :-)

The technic, how to get there, has varied over the years, see for example




El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Y aquella que las tetas se recubre,
que tú no ves, con trenzas desatadas,
y todo el cuerpo cubre con su pelo,
fue Manto, que corrió por muchas tierras;
y luego se afincó donde naci,
por lo que un poco quiero que me escuches:
Después de que su padre hubiera muerto,
y la ciudad de Baco esclavizada,
ella gran tiempo anduvo por el mundo.

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Ángel Ortega »

Micro-rant: if you are writing software that asks for a password, please tell me which password you mean. My Mac password? My 1Password password? OneLogin? ssh key?
Software: "please tell me all your passwords, I'll try them one by one until I find the one that works"

The Real Grunfink »

Regarding , no longer crashes and is pretty usable.

CC: @nick@norden.social

Chema Hernández Gil »

It has *two* external dependencies (openssl and curl) and no database or cookies. This is amazing!


El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Mientras que en verlo todo me ocupaba,
me miró y con la mano se abrió el pecho
diciendo: «¡Mira cómo me desgarro!

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Como la ola que sobre Caribdis,
se destroza con la otra que se encuentra,
así viene a chocarse aquí la gente.

mc »

Here's Andrew Eldritch in an OpenBSD hoodie. Compare with parent in thread. Realized today that not everyone might be familiar with Von's wearing of OpenBSD merch.

Does anyone know if he really is an OpenBSD user?

A white male with shaved head, sunglasses, a black hoodie with a blowfish and the text


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Ángel Ortega »

I never expected to see and in the same post.

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Ángel Ortega »

"Debugging Is Like Being The Detective When You’re Also The Murderer" — Filipe Fortes

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Ángel Ortega »

Campaña de firmas en change.org para que RTVE deje de llamar puentes a los findes largos.

tedu »

The good news is everyone can have an invite to honknet. The bad news is you have to make it yourself.

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Ángel Ortega »

Pero el lunes es fiesta nacional, ¿no? Eso cuenta como "puente" o, al menos, como "finde largo". En Madrid es de 4 en lugar de 3 días, eso sí.

Cuando yo era joven se llamaba "hacer puente" cuando caía un laboral/lectivo entre fiestas (como una especie de metáfora cutre de las patas y los ojos de un puente).

Jonathan Corbet »

Went for a bike ride this morning; quite windy, but nice anyway. The world is *finally* turning green.

Reflecting on the experience... on a bike, it's easy to notice (and complain about) a headwind. Tailwinds, instead, are much harder to notice. They can be a "I'm feeling good today, maybe I'm not in as bad a shape as I thought" experience, where you don't realize that you're getting help - until you turn the corner.

Life is kind of similar. It's easy to notice the headwinds (bad luck, discrimination, etc.) but just as easy to miss the tailwinds that make your experience easier and smoother than it could be. Tailwinds that others may not have.

A key to a good life (and a good bike ride) is to notice and appreciate the tailwinds.

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Ángel Ortega »

Jon Corbet nails it, as always:

"Authenticator apps are convenient, but some of us still use real computers and often want to access sites that way. Your editor, unlike his offspring, does not have a phone surgically implanted, so logging into a site can lead to a scramble to figure out where the damn phone is so that the code can be produced. [...]"


Deb Chachra »

TIL: lace cards

It’s a computer punch card with every possible spot punched out, so what remains is a flimsy filamentous net of paper that instantly tears and jams up the card reader.

Old-school denial of service attack.


A computer punch card with closely spaced rows of holes punched out, covering nearly the entire surface.

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Ángel Ortega »

Hay algunos que sospechan del sesgo de este artículo de Nitrokey:


Además, me ha parecido que estás mencionando a Apple y a Google como ejemplos de empresas que no espían a sus clientes y seguro que lo he entendido mal.

C & C++ Weekly » 🤖

Víctor Moral »

Busco a alguien profesional (que haga factura) que pueda hacerse cargo del mantenimiento de unas páginas web en WordPress, incluyendo alojamiento en algún sitio.

(Se agradece el RT)

The Real Grunfink »

'Names' are words we humans give to things and actions to distinguish from one another. But, here in the Fediverse, the act of re-sending another user's post...

In the protocol, it's called 'Announce'.

In the web interface (and here in too), it's called 'boost'.

In the Mastodon API, it's called 'reblog'.

Mastodon users say, informally, 'retoot'.

In the web interface (AFAIK), it's called 'repeat'.

In it's called 'bonk' (because, why not).

Outside there, in other crappy social networks, Facebook names the action 'share' (IIRC), Twitter users names it 'retweet'. I don't know about others, but they probably use a different verb.

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Ángel Ortega »

No tienen por qué usar ni Mastodon ni nada parecido. La necesidad de usar las redes sociales para notificaciones oficiales es ficticia: han sido sus propietarios y el papanatismo de los borregos de sus usuarios los que les han hecho creer que si no estás ahí no estás.

Todos esos sitios tienen ya una página web: es ahí donde tienen que publicar lo que tengan que decir.

Y si el ayuntamiento es tan pequeño que no tiene una página web, siempre tendrán un tablero de corcho donde clavar el mensaje con una chincheta.

CC: @fanta@mastodon.green @maxxcan@mastodon.social

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Yo, Beatriz, soy quien te hace caminar;
vengo del sitio al que volver deseo;
amor me mueve, amor me lleva a hablarte.

Mapas Milhaud »

The Real Grunfink »

Hi. When liking or boosting, the timeline position does not change. But, as there is (by design) no JavaScript, every like or boost operation implies a round trip from the server, and the conversation state may have changed with new replies and moved to the top due to activity (more active conversations are always moved to the top).

This is (also by design) different to what Mastodon does, so it may seem confusing until you get used to it.

✨Soff✨ Mawr »

Tumblr post screenshot of a text post and reply. Transcript follws.


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Ángel Ortega »

Quizá el problema viene porque todos hemos aceptado como bueno el que el canal oficial para emitir mensajes importantes sea una empresa privada.

CC: @fanta@mastodon.green

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Ángel Ortega »

In order to be remapped as the X Compose key

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

¡Ah, cuántas llagas vi en aquellos miembros,
viejas y nuevas, de la llama ardidas!
me siento aún dolorido al recordarlo.

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Ángel Ortega »

@fanta Yo he trabajado con intercambiadores de calor y el agua no se contamina, solo pasa por los enfriadores y sale tal cual. Entiendo que las microalgas y la fauna microscópica que transporte igual se achicharran, pero salvo pérdidas o fugas, el agua no se desperdicia. Ni siquiera hay pérdidas por evaporación porque nunca abandona el circuito. Solo tiene que "pasar por ahí".

Y sí, yo también odio a Facebook y a todo lo que trae consigo.

otto@openbsd »

vorlon »

For anyone who wants to try out time-limited sessions, pam-session-timelimit is now in Debian unstable and Ubuntu lunar:


I've also finished a patch to make pam_time integrate with pam_systemd, which after 20+ years makes it possible for pam_time to enforce the end of sessions and not just their start times:


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Ángel Ortega »

¿Y qué ha pasado con los hombres del pueblo? ¿Siguen yendo, o ya no?

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Ángel Ortega »

La señora de la foto, ¿no nos está haciendo una peineta estilo Mañueco?

The Real Grunfink »

I'm very glad to announce the release of version 2.27 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in ANSI C. It includes some interesting new features (that I announced some days ago):

Started Mastodon API support, so you can use Mastodon-compatible apps to access accounts. What works so far: login, private and public timelines, full post information (replies and ancestors), liking and boosting posts. Things that don't work yet but eventually will: following accounts, posting and replying to messages (I still have to figure out how some things work, like posting images), notifications (needs some internal support), the instance timeline (snac does not have one, but it can be simulated with not much effort) and probably many other things. Things that will never work: bookmarks, pinning, a federated timeline, many other things that I don't remember right now. Please note that if you want to use this API in your instance, you must add some lines to your HTTP proxy configuration, see the snac(8) (administrator documentation) manual page. I'm doing my tests using the (which sometimes crashes, surely my fault), , and Android apps. Success or failure reports will be appreciated.

Fixed some buffer overflows (contributed by Saagar Jha).

Fixed overzealous rejection of some local boosts.


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Ángel Ortega »

Uno de los momentos más decisivos para alguien que escribe es enfrentarse a la «página en blanco» cuando tienes que escribir una dedicatoria a alguien a quien quieres.

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Ángel Ortega »

7.3 is out there.


Thanks again to the great people that makes this unique piece of software possible.

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Ángel Ortega »

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Dulce hermano ¿qué quieres que te diga?
Ya presiento unos tiempos venideros
de que esta hora ya no está lejana,
en que será en el púlpito vedado
el que las descaradas florentinas
vayan mostrando en público las tetas.

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Ángel Ortega »


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Ángel Ortega »

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Ángel Ortega »

Bitcoin white paper is hidden away in macOS’s system folder for some reason:


El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Mostraba el crudo ejemplo y la ruina
que hizo Tamiris cuando dijo a Ciro:
«tuviste sed de sangre y te doy sangre».

#Rafagas_y_Gas »

Estos mensajes los genero de forma aleatoria desde un pequeño script en Bash.
Pasé el epub del libro Verbolario a txt y así conseguí una definición por línea. Todos lo demás fue elegir una al azar y publicarla en Mastodon:
Es más o menos esto:

# Script para elegir, al azar, una linea del archivo Verbolario y publicarla en Mastodon.

# Acceso a mastodon


MENSAJE=$(awk 'NR=='$linea'' Verbolario.txt|sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//')

curl -X POST -Ss https://mi_instancia_mastodon/api/v1/statuses --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -d "status=${MENSAJE} ----> Del libro Verbolario, de Rodrigo Cortés"

The Real Grunfink »

Hi, everyone. I've just released version 2.26 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in ANSI C. This is a low profile maintenance version that includes just the following minor changes:

The OpenSSL code has been refactored to avoid using deprecated functions.

Added more aggressive filtering on unwanted Announce (boost) messages.


Stefano Zacchiroli »

RT @Noahpinion
15 years ago, the internet was an escape from the real world. Now, the real world is an escape from the internet.

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Ángel Ortega »

The age of average, or why everything looks the same these days:


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Ángel Ortega »

If you don't care about having the lastest version of every package, I think Debian stable meets your needs.

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Ángel Ortega »

Are you interested in Mastodon in particular only, or are we users of other Fediverse software that is not Mastodon also subjects of your survey?

CC: @__nate__@mstdn.social

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

volví hacia él mi rostro enlagrimado;
y aquí me descubrió completamente
aquel color que me escondió el infierno.

Jan Schaumann »

What's Ruby?

An interpreted, multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language. You need Rust to build it.

What's Rust?

A compiled, multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language. You need Python to build it.

What's Python?

An interpreted, multi-paradigm, high-level, general-purpose programming language.

Do I need, uhm, Perl to build it?

No, but you need Perl to build Rust.

I knew it. What's Perl?

An interpreted, multi-paradigm, high-level, general-

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

si el azar o el destino o Dios lo quiso,
no sé; mas paseando entre cabezas,
golpeé con el pie el rostro de una.

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Ángel Ortega »

Totalmente de acuerdo. Y nada dice «la vida aún merece la pena, al menos durante unos instantes» como ese silbidito que te dice que ya, ya te puedes tomar una pausa, pobre diablo.

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Ángel Ortega »

I miss the Cryptkeeper in this list. Also, Why Elvira is not in this list is a mistery to me.

Víctor Moral »

Debian 12 Bookworm: Best New Features


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Ángel Ortega »

Aquí tenemos el Pipewire, para ayudarnos a olvidar todo lo que habíamos aprendido sobre Pulseaudio.


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