Location: 40.4235492,-3.6617828
80 following, 93 followers
Comprar LA ATALAYA RECORTADA CONTRA EL CIELO (editorial Libros del Futuro)
Bran tuvo una adolescencia complicada, y su vida adulta no es mejor. Una sucesión de pérdidas familiares, una gran cicatriz en la cara y sus circunstancias personales han forjado en ella una personalidad esquiva.Y como si fuera una maldición añadida, la protagonista hereda y debe hacerse cargo de una casa familiar, epicentro de buena parte de las desgracias que se abatieron sobre sus seres queridos.
Una visita a la enmohecida y arruinada vivienda, ubicada en un pequeño pueblo madrileño, sumergirá a Bran en una travesía angustiante por túneles oscuros, estancias claustrofóbicas y seres terroríficos.
I've been disappointed to see journalists I respect sticking with Twitter, but the more dangerous Musk gets, the less I can maintain that respect.
Pro tip: if you cover the display on your appliances with a piece of tape, you never have to reset the clock.
If you've noticed that the Mastodon stampede DDoS is back, hammering your servers even though you have applied countermeasures -- that's because they CHANGED THEIR FUCKING USER AGENT for no good reason and without telling anybody.
Ok, yes, technically the plans were on display in a toilet with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Leopard".
Prepend "^Mastodon\/|" to your regexps.
"[...] cada vez se investiga más cómo este agotamiento afecta a quienes cuidan de otros, ya sean personas o animales no humanos"Los animales humanos parece que han quedado excluidos del estudio.
the beauty of crypto is that instead of getting robbed by a bank, you can get robbed by a 15 year old in latvia who named his smart contract “SafeMoonCumRocket”
him: you should try to get out of your comfort zone
me: people are comfortable?!!
When I want to give visibility to an awful post, I just link to it in my own one, prefixed by a bitter and awry comment.
I also wish social networks were designed differently, but it's too late.
Secret Panel HERE 🌳 https://tapas.io/episode/2806870
Secret Panel HERE 🐻 https://tapas.io/episode/3308249
If you’re pro AI tools, and also anti-publishers putting content behind a paywall, the technical term for what you are is an utter fucking idiot.
Current state of American politics: actual dog killers claiming other people eat dogs and are mean to dogs.
The mental gymnastics required to be both 'pro-life' and pro-death penalty are unforgivable Olympic levels of fuckery
And while publishers generally demand Microsoft Word compatible DOCX files so that their production workflow can be standardized [...] nothing much has changed since 2013 when I wrote about why Microsoft Word must Die. (TLDR: it's a terrible tool, and if the only good argument for using it is that everyone else uses it, then you might as well eat shit like all the trillion other houseflies.)https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2024/09/zen-and-the-art-of-writer-deck.html
A small compendium of the Fediverse platforms I use/know well.
In the past few days, I revisited some of my old Fediverse instances since some friends asked me to help them set up a new one. I also took the chance to perform maintenance on some leftover instances. Here's my experience:
Akkoma: My oldest instance still running, opened in 2022. It was offline for a few months (3/4). I updated everything to the latest version and restarted it. I’m not sure why, but it’s extremely slow, with a heavy load on Postgres and many queries just to open the main page. I like Akkoma - I'll investigate further.
GoToSocial: I updated a friend's instance - GoToSocial itself was up-to-date, but the underlying system wasn’t. I noticed that once it exceeds 2000 followings, it becomes a bit slow. The database is PostgreSQL, but that's not the issue. The GoToSocial process becomes somewhat heavy on the VPS. Still, it's very usable and a software with great potential, in my opinion. The Mastodon API is implemented quite well and works with the major software.
Mitra: It seems well-built. The person had around 1000 followers and followings on a Mastodon account, which they moved from a large instance. No speed issues, though sending a message makes the server “heavy” for a bit, but it’s temporary. The Mastodon API is partially implemented, but the software is advancing quickly, and I find its native interface quite pleasant.
Snac2: I've always had a soft spot for Snac2. The lack of a database and some design choices make it an excellent solution for small instances. For example, sending posts to all known instances increases visibility and interaction. Its basic, JavaScript-free interface is very clear, though it might not be the best for those used to Mastodon. But the Mastodon API is improving version by version, and I think the developer is doing an excellent job. It struggles a bit with larger numbers, but that's due to the underlying file system, not the software itself. If "move" support (both in and out) were added, I would recommend it to anyone starting self-hosting for single-user or small community instances because "move" is one of the options that gives the most freedom in Fediverse software.
Mastodon: My “old” personal instance was stuck at version 4.1.x and had been offline for a few months. I updated the FreeBSD Jail and upgraded Mastodon to 4.2.12 and then to 4.3.0-beta1. No issues. I also helped a friend (who had an old Pleroma-based instance they barely used) migrate. This user has around 5000 followers and followings - Mastodon is running on FreeBSD on a VPS (arm64) for just over 3 euros a month, with no significant issues (apart from media storage, but that's not Mastodon’s fault). Mastodon is sometimes said to be heavy, and that's partly true, but its modularity ensures that even in cases of overload, queues may slow down, but navigation and the local timeline remain reasonably fast. I think this is a good thing for any larger-scale use of an instance.
In short, I think things are moving in the right direction, and the software is evolving nicely. Well done, devs!
#Fediverse #Akkoma #GoToSocial #Mitra #Snac2 #Snac #Mastodon #SelfHosting #InstanceManagement #FreeBSD #OpenSource
A great Fediverse software, written in https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2
«No obstante, el eurodiputado de ultraderecha Alvise Pérez, líder de la plataforma Se Acabó La Fiesta, ha votado este jueves en el Parlamento Europeo en contra de las subvenciones al toro de lidia por considerarlo un espectáculo de “brutalidad, crueldad y tortura”, en una posición muy diferente a la de PP y Vox.»Vaya, el tarado este votando cosas razonables. Vivir para ver.
the right are obsessed with "owning the libs" because they miss the good old days when their ancestors also owned people
-- Fernando Pessoa
‼️OJO A ESTO: Francia le quita el estatuto de medio online a un esparcidor de bulos: no podrá optar a subvenciones, ni ventajas fiscales (y supongo que tampoco a publi institucional).
Luchar contra la financiación de los pseudomedios ES POSIBLE. https://www.elsaltodiario.com/fake-news/medio-frances-france-soir-pierde-estatuto-servicio-prensa-bulos-covid
@ewenmcneill Possibly worth noting that the versions of grub revoked by this are known insecure