Ángel Ortega


de novela negra, realista y de terror. Autor de las novelas YO NO SOY PAVEL (ed. Distrito 93, 2023), EL LEGADO DEL CORNEZUELO (finalista del Premio Domingo Santos de Novela 2021) y LA ATALAYA RECORTADA CONTRA EL CIELO (finalista del Premio Pedro Carbonell 2023). , 1968.

YO NO SOY PAVEL: https://distrito93.com/catalogo/yo-no-soy-pavel/

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Ángel Ortega »

Mergesort For Linked Lists

Mergesort takes the input list and treats it as a collection of small sorted lists. It makes log N passes along the list, and in each pass it combines each adjacent pair of small sorted lists into one larger sorted list. When a pass only needs to do this once, the whole output list must be sorted.

tedu »

Not sure what it wants, but akkoma is super picky about webfinger accept header. Honk sends "Accept: application/jrd+json" as per spec, but akkoma rejects with 406 Not Acceptable. Listen here, you little shit, I'll decide what's acceptable and you'll like it.


eta »

@tedu talking of federation issues, I didn’t get this honk on my GtS server, and looking in the logs...

Jul 27 21:04:02 gotosocial gotosocial[11238]: timestamp="27/07/2023 21:04:02.460" func=middleware.Logger.func1.1 level=INFO latency=1.197229ms userAgent="honksnonk/5.0; honk.tedunangst.com" method=POST statusCode=400 path=/users/eta/inbox clientIP=64:ff9b::17e3:830c requestID=k9qjn6c904001sxwjvt0 msg="Bad Request: wrote 98B”

(I have no idea why it doesn’t like it)


tedu »

@eta yeah, weird, I can see i was posting ok for a while, then suddenly it switched to 400. no changes on my side. last success was 2023/07/27 15:09:36.

But due to the way the retry queue works, it's retrying the same message originally from 2023/07/27 15:27:16. That was a "Read" activity.


eta »

@tedu yeah, I added some more debug logging -- the problem is it doesn't support that activity, so it just gives you a 400 >.>

perhaps the retry queue should be able to distinguish this case, but also I feel like GtS should maybe just accept it even though it won't use it


tedu »

@eta related annoyance, your replies aren't recognized as mentions, so don't trigger the you've got mail notification on my end. But since I can't easily fetch the activity, not sure what's missing.


eta »


tedu »

@eta oh, ha, just found this looking for one of your posts. I wanted to ask for another reply now that i've got a little more logging in place, but I think i can see what's up now.


tedu »

oh, gross, if there's only one mention, it puts it in the tag property, instead of an array. wank, wank, technically correct spec superiority, but kind of annoying. fixable. thanks for the help.


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Ángel Ortega »

Gotosocial seems to do this (return lists having only one element as the object instead of a list) for many things, like tags or attachments.


tedu »

@angel it's not wrong, you're technically supposed to do it, although almost nobody bothers. just somewhat annoying that somebody went to extra effort to add more edge cases.

tedu »

I make one tiny star trek joke (here, not there) and now startrek.website has defederated me. Life in the lemmyverse.


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Ángel Ortega »

Was it the "one star trek series should be enough"? Oh my, people are really humourless out there.

tedu »

The posts have started to flow again, as mysteriously as they stopped. The timing was funny, but I guess it was coincidence, not enemy action.

I've seen several lemmy failure modes now, but usually there's some indication of the nature of the problem. Haven't gotten the silent treatment before. Will add that to the list.

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Ángel Ortega »


Sus dominios son los de la desazón y el pesar; sus ojos, facetados como el cuarzo, y su abdomen segmentado y piloso y carente de simetría. La monja polilla espera en su lecho de harapos de tela de saco, astillas de hueso y fermento de hebras de centeno. El hambre la mantiene en un sopor inquieto de tempestad inminente y de ligamentos tensionados.

El ruido de la reja al abrirse la sobresalta; sacude la gorguera quitinosa que a modo de cofia corona sus sienes y su patas de codos múltiples se retuercen y crepitan como ramas en la hoguera. Chapotea nerviosa sobre los restos de su último festín, una traductora checa demasiado ignorante del peligro; ahora es poco más que un aceite apestoso que ni siquiera la monja polilla reconoce como alimento.

Ella es ahora una criatura del umbral pero no siempre fue así; su deshecha mente apenas lo recuerda, pero cruzó un océano para saciar la inquietud de su espíritu, cuando aún era un ser humano, cuando buscó su redención pero encontró a un guía y mentor que era el morador del espacio liminal entre la realidad y el delirio, cuando se tropezó con El Lobo, que es bestia y es númen y es dios de la perversidad, que la desposó y la convirtió en lo que ahora es, ser errabundo y articulado y hambriento.

Por fin la presa apareció tras un recodo. Era una mujer esbelta, rubia como el sol, de movimientos elegantes pero estériles; sus ropajes relucientes reflejaban un río de rayos rojos. Entraba en busca de nuevas experiencias y de ideas deslumbrantes que transmitir a su audiencia. Su piel, su forma de caminar, su indisimulada arrogancia, mostraban sin pudor que jamás había sufrido necesidad alguna, que sus pies descalzos siempre habían pisado alfombras limpias, que siempre había tenido acceso a la más refinada formación y al agua corriente más clara.

La monja polilla tensó sus músculos preparando el golpe mortal; su ovipositor palpitó con fiebre al comprender que aquella carne aún viva será el cobijo y alimento para sus huevos, que ya eclosionarán con el hambre de un millón de años, una progenie maldita y doliente y de ojos facetados que se arrastrará por los dominios de la desazón y el pesar.

Voline »

I think it’s difficult for us in North America to appreciate how contrary, rebellious, and frankly prophetic Sinéad O’Connor was in an Irish context. I lived there briefly in 1985, and so saw a bit of the place and time she was from.

It was a bit of a culture shock. I was 19 and not in school. I got a work permit and flew over to Dublin. I only spoke English at the time so it was kind of a toss up between London and Dublin. I didn’t think there’d be much of a difference it was all “Western Europe” as far as I was concerned — Denmark, France, Ireland, … all pretty similar right? Hahahaha.

Unlike today, Ireland in 1985 was a poor country. Deprivation had forced generations of people to emigrate to seek a better life. There were 4 million people in the Republic, but in 1845 there had been 8 million. The only country in Europe whose population declined over that period. 1995 was the first time in 300 years Ireland did not have negative net migration.

And it was pious. Sinéad called it “a theocracy”. There were no state schools. All education was in the hands of religious schools — overwhelmingly Catholic. Two years before, in 1983, the Republic had put a ban on abortion into their constitution. Condoms were illegal when I got there. In 1980 Bob Geldof had summed up his home town as “police and priests”.

It seemed a bit more patriarchal than the US in the Reagan years. But I didn’t know the half of it. It wasn’t until years later that I learned about the Magdalene Laundries where “troubled” girls were imprisoned in workhouses operated by orders of nuns, the Mother and Baby homes where women who were pregnant out of wedlock were kept out of sight to have their babies in secret, who were then taken from them and sold to American Catholic couples — and underneath it all the decades-long, quietly suppressed crime of the clergy sexually abusing boys and girls.

This stuff was not talked about in 1980s Ireland. But Sinéad did. She would not shut up. She would not stay in her place. She made original, passionate music. But if you think she caused an uproar in the US when she tore up a photo of the Pope on SNL in 1992 … well, in Ireland it was more of what she already was known for.

It was only later, in the late 1990 and 2000s that the scandals broke, and everyone could see that the crazy woman who would not shut up was right. She had been right all along.

The 2022 biographical film Nothing Compares is good. If you want to get the flavor of what she means to people in Ireland, go scroll through the expressions of grief pouring out on mastodon.ie

The woman was a giant.

elDiario.es »

Feijóo duda si presentarse a la investidura ante la evidencia de que no tiene apoyos

Los barones del PP consideran que pese al 'no' del PNV su líder tiene que acudir al Congreso a intentar convertirse en presidente del Gobierno. “No está decidido”, admiten en Génova eldiario.es/politica/feijoo-du

Feijóo, entre sacerdotes con casullas rojas, durante la celebración del día de Santiago en la catedral compostelana

Raul »

@eldiarioes Ojo, que se viene Ayuso Time


Salva Doménech 🦮 »

@cansino21 @eldiarioes Si Ayuso es presidenta del PP nacional démonos por jodidos en la izquierda porque, en caso de que haya repetición de elecciones, se lleva una mayoría absoluta clarísima.


Víctor Moral »

@sdomenechmiguel @cansino21 @eldiarioes ¿después de todos los menosprecios que ha tenido con todos los que no son de Madrid? Dudo mucho que eso llegase tan lejos con esta criatura.

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Ángel Ortega »

Yo no estaría tan seguro. Madrid es muy peculiar en muchas cosas. Lo que aquí funciona no tiene por qué funcionar en todo el país.

CC: @cansino21@comunidad.nvda.es @eldiarioes@mastodon.world


Raul »

@angel @eldiarioes Ojalá que no, de verdad

Víctor Moral »

The world's first all-18wheels-drive electric ATV



Víctor Moral »

No se veía el trasto y me parece que mola mucho.

No description

Víctor Moral »

Me recuerda al Equipaje de MundoDisco(TM)

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Ángel Ortega »

Ya sé lo que me tienes que regalar para Reyes.


Víctor Moral »

@angel supongo que con el equipamiento de serie que incluye ametralladoras y un lanzallamas.


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Ángel Ortega »

Pues claro. Y si puedo elegir configuración, quiero el Flammenwerfer 35, nada de mierdas chapuceras.


Víctor Moral »

@angel anda que te conformas con poco. Bueno, veremos qué se puede hacer.

Thiago Ferrer Morini »

El artículo 99 de la Española es uno de los que reformaría sin dudar. Otorga al un papel político del que, por la propia salud de la monarquía, debería estar exento. En la mayoría de monarquías europeas (donde hay tradición de Gobiernos de coalición) es otra figura la que se encarga de llevar al Rey un potencial candidato. Debería ser el presidente del Congreso el encargado de esas negociaciones


Thiago Ferrer Morini »

En la anterior crisis de este estilo, hasta me atreví a reescribir el artículo 99 adoptando además algunas ideas de la Constitución portuguesa (siento la errata)

Reescritura del artículo 99 de la Constitución Española. Siento la errata.
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Ángel Ortega »

Pero el presidente del Congreso siempre es un cargo propuesto por el gobierno en curso, ¿no? Ya sé que la cámara tiene que refrendarlo, pero siempre es (o al menos que yo recuerde) un componente del partido gobernante. Me temo que siempre habría (o se le podría acusar de) sesgo en sus propuestas.


Riquiñez »

@angel @tferrer Todas las propuestas van a tener sesgo en política... Al menos ese presidente/a del Congreso demuestra que ese partido va a poder reunir apoyos (ya los reunió para conseguir la presidencia del Congreso!).

Sería peor al revés, que por proponerlo el rey, éste sea el que parezca parcial... No?

nev »

Absolutely the funniest shit is the article 'List of cetaceans' putting [cetacean needed] for the ones they don't have a picture of.


🏴‍☠️ stolen from someone who didn't add alt text

A table listing whales in the genus Mesoplodon, with conservation status, range, size, and photos. There is no photo for Deraniyagala's beaked whale (Mesoplodon hotaula) and in the cell it just says "[cetacean needed]", a pun on the common Wikipedia annotation "[citation needed]".

tedu »

Now that federation with lemmy is working, I can finally receive screenshots of mastodon posts of screenshots of tweets. Excellent work making use of ActivityPub's potential.


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Ángel Ortega »

Technology marches on.

JProl 🌍🎶💾🆓🐦 »

La palabra científica del día: Núcleo tetrapirrólico cíclico C20H14N4 que origina las porfirinas por sustitución en los átomos de carbono de los pirroles.

Ahí queda eso.



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Ángel Ortega »

«Tetrapirrólico» se ha convertido en mi palabra favorita de hoy.

Solène »

Theo de Raadt explains how zenbleed affects and what is the fix.



Alex Holst »

@solene Oh my, the manual installboot step is really unfortunate. I wonder how many will miss that.

Sophie Schmieg »

Important sets:
ℂ the complex numbers
ℕ the natural numbers
ℚ the rational numbers
ℝ the real numbers
𝕏 the set of fascists wannabes
ℤ the integers

Vary, PhD, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩 »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Solo por poner en perspectiva.

Ha habido ocho millones de personas que han votado a un partido dirigido por un fabricante de mentiras profesional, un tipo que no sabe ubicar Huelva o Badajoz en un mapa, un paisano que dice que 2 x 2 = 22, una persona sin la capacidad de dar la cara en un debate, y que se indigna cuando descubren sus mentiras.


Vary, PhD, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩 »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Y más de tres millones de personas han votado por un partido abiertamente machista y homófobo, que niega el cambio climático, que considera que la caza y el toreo son bienes culturales a conservar, mientras censura abiertamente, y apuesta declaradamente por retroceder en derechos. Un partido en cuyo programa se expresaba la intención de subir los impuestos a quienes menos ganan, mientras proponen bajárselo a quienes más tienen.

Tres millones.


Vary, PhD, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩 »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

A cambio, otros tres millones de personas han votado al partido que ha marcado la iniciativa para que haya más avances sociales que en ningún otro momento de la historia. Los que han hecho posible que se suba el SMI, los que han logrado un ingreso mínimo vital, los que han salvado a miles de empleados durante la pandemia, los que han reducido la temporalidad y bajado el desempleo a niveles mínimos...


Vary, PhD, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩 »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Y 7,76 millones más, al partido que ha estado a la cabeza del gobierno que ha soportado una pandemia, un volcán y los efectos de una guerra, marcando niveles de recuperación superiores a la mayoría de países del entorno.

No lo entiendo. De verdad que no lo entiendo.

Que prefieran perder derechos en lugar de ganarlos.
Que prefieran las mentiras manifiestas en lugar de los datos avalados por organismos internacionales.


Vary, PhD, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩 »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Que prefieran retroceder antes que avanzar.




Once millones de personas. ONCE MILLONES.


Víctor Moral »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

@VaryIngweion Vary, no sé si tus quejas son retóricas pero ha sido un milagro que la izquierda tenga esos votos teniendo la maquinaria mediática en contra desde el 2019.

Mis padres, trabajadores de toda la vida, están plenamente convencidos de que viven en un país terrorífico. No les des datos, no les sirven de nada. Esto ya es sólo eslóganes y vísceras.


Vary, PhD, el del sombrero 🔻🐀🦩 »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

@VictorMoral ya. Es que esa es otra movida que tampoco entiendo. Pero debe ser que el problema lo tengo yo por mi neurodivergencia.


Víctor Moral »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

@VaryIngweion de eso no entiendo. Creo que si la inmensa mayoría de las informaciones que recibes de tu entorno son negativas lo esperable es que te angusties y te asustes.

Sí luego te dan un culpable directo (y asesinable) ya tienes la tendencia creada.

boss »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Perdón pero la izquierda tiene la maquinaria mediática en contra desde el 1939.


Víctor Moral »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

@boss @VaryIngweion sí, eso también pero la maquinaria propagandística del franquismo me ha parecido siempre burda. Destacable.

La de ahora es sibilina y está muy dirigida. Creo que es peor.

Es más, coño, que ni siquiera dieron un respiro con la pandemia. Se la sudó muy fuerte y siguieron presionando.


boss »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

@VictorMoral @VaryIngweion I cada vez va a ser más sutil porque se van perfeccionando los mecanismos. Primero fueron las religiones, después vino la tecnología, y ahora, con Internet móvil y las apps, estamos casi casi en un mundo feliz.

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Ángel Ortega »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

No lo entiendo. De verdad que no lo entiendo.
Que prefieran perder derechos en lugar de ganarlos.
No es tan complicado de entender. La burguesía acomodada, reaccionaria y falta de empatía no siente que esté perdiendo derechos; ellos solo sienten que el estado les cobra más impuestos de los que ellos quieren pagar. Tienen sus seguros médicos privados, sus redes de seguridad entre conocidos, su colchón económico. Los derechos que se pierden con los partidos a los que votan no son sus derechos, son los de otros.

A ellos ni siquiera les parece que poder elegir si te sientes hombre o mujer sea un derecho; para ellos, es una perversión. A ellos les jode que se paguen «paguitas» a gente que está a una semana de la bancarrota total; para ellos, es su culpa, porque no se esfuerzan y son unos parásitos que viven de sus impuestos. Según ellos, el estado les «roba» su dinero para dárselo a inmigrantes, viciosos y vagos.

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Ángel Ortega »

política -- quejándome fuerte [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

Siendo cierto, no hay que perder la perspectiva de que en 2019 fueron votados por 3656979 personas y ayer por 3033744: una pérdida del 17 %, que no es baladí. Eso quiere decir que ha habido 623235 votantes que han decidido que YA NO era la opción correcta para ellos.

No podemos saber si esa gente que les ha retirado el voto lo ha hecho por «el voto útil» o porque han visto que las políticas de zoquetes y analfabetos que están empezando a poner en marcha no les gustan.

Aral Balkan »

Elon Musk: “And now, I will literally piss in people’s faces…”

Mainstream media:

- Five health benefits of urine
- How to stay hydrated like Elon
- I was first in line, here’s how it felt
- Jack Dorsey also unzips his pants
- Swallow or spit, readers have their say

★ Amy Star ★ »

being autistic is great because you see the average person bitch and whine about a thing only to see them turn around and willingly and whole-hog submit themselves to said thing because all of their friends are doing it, and yet you're considered an asshole for pointing out the mind-numbing stupidity of it all


★ Amy Star ★ »

I mean, it's been fifteen fucking years. we know what Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey are about. they've shown us their whole entire asses. we've seen them radicalize our uncles and put Nazis onto the streets.

but the second they dangle a toy in front of us with the vague scent of FOMO and ground floor clout, that whole history gets thrown away and we're back to repeating everything like it's 2007 all over again.

tedu »

#azorius 0.1 is done. Link, laugh, love!

I wrote a full blog post to read should you care. Covers some more of the background, design and future.

As for the az1 instance, I'm going to leave it up for a little longer, then restart without the subdomain.

If you ran a prerelease version and at any point had to run sqlite3 to fix the database, please discard and start again. There's some other minor damage to the database that will cause chaos later. Moving forward, there will be a database upgrade command. (I was going to increase the dbVersion for release just in case, but forgot.)


Peter Sanchez »

@tedu I'm pretty excited about this. Is there any roadmap documented anywhere?

2 Things I'd really like to see is

1. Notifications or notices of replies to posts/comments
2. Private messages

Any thoughts on whether or not you'd like to include those at some point?


tedu »

@petersanchez finding replies is probably pretty important.

Messaging may be inevitable, though I hate the return of jwz's law. Now every site must grow to become email.

I think HN has done pretty well for a forum with no messaging capability, although they may be operating in a slightly different space. I do know I'd always get annoyed whenever somebody would find my lobsters handle and send me a message about something entirely unrelated. I don't want 76 inboxes.

tedu »

What would be an example of an ActivityPub extension that would make people switch to Threads and abandon software that doesn't implement it? The extension could only be useful if other software implements it. If nobody implements it, it's literally just a local only feature.

Víctor Moral »

Esta noche no ha sido la indicada para probar de verdad el ventilador de techo, ha hecho algo de fresquete, y aún así ha estado muy bien lo del "viento de sueño". Eso de cambie cada 20 segundos la velocidad le quita monotonía al asunto.
Y creo, para no variar, que lo he dimensionado mal y que uno más pequeño bastaría.


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Ángel Ortega »

¿Cambia de velocidad cada 20 segundos? Eso está muy bien. Sería ya la bomba si cambiase de sentido de rotación.


Víctor Moral »

@angel se supone que eso es para la función "invierno". Mueve el aire caliente hacia abajo así que no sé qué tal resultaría si lo hiciese ahora.


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Ángel Ortega »

¡Ah, que tiene esa función! Genial. Pues pruébala también ahora. Así el «viento» te viene desde más de un sitio y permite que el sudor se te evapore por todas partes.


Víctor Moral »

@angel a ver qué le parece a la mastín, que es menos adaptable que algunas plantas. Qué cabezonería.

the happy leftist (they/it) »

See how easy it is to forgive debt?

A letter from a music school to a mother struggling to make payments on her son's trumpet, just straight up forgiving the rent and giving the kid the trumpet.

Lauren Weinstein »

Once upon a time -- many, many years ago and late one night -- I entered the ARPANET (the Internet's ancestor) computer room at UCLA to do some work on ARPANET host #1 -- the DEC PDP-11/45 that was UNIX UCLA-ATS.

But something was wrong. The system was behaving very oddly. It was up, and not under heavy load, but ... it was as if it kept starting and stopping. When I'd type there'd be activity -- I could see it on the front panel lights, but when I stopped typing ... everything seemed to stop. I could get keyboard echos, and then a response ... but then everything would stop again.

Normal boot wasn't working either, but it was possible to reboot from the emergency DECtape.

But still clearly failing overall.

When we ultimately found out what the problem was, I was quite amused. The real-time clock hardware had failed, so the process scheduler was not cycling properly. However, whenever someone typed, the keyboard interrupt would push the scheduler so there'd be some action -- but then it would stop again until there was more typing and more interrupts.

Basically, the system was operating as if on a hand crank. Live long enough, and you see almost everything. -L


Robin »

I'm sure many here have had a slightly similar thing with older PCs and modems. When I first set up the modem, I accidentally put it on the same IRQ as the mouse. The result was data could only be received through the modem if I was moving the mouse at the same time.

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Ángel Ortega »

Si alguna vez vuelvo a desarrollar algo para Windows (bastante improbable), lo llamaré Wasura. Y te pondré como co-autor 😆

CC: @VictorMoral@mastodon.social

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Ángel Ortega »

No sé qué es Wasura (hace décadas que no uso Windows en mis equipos), pero el nombre me encanta.

CC: @VictorMoral@mastodon.social

Víctor Moral »


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Ángel Ortega »

También se puede usar xargs con la opción -P.

tedu »

Today is the day I announce my reddit clone. Or preannounce. It's pretty early and incomplete. If you don't like unfinished work, skip this and wait til next week.

It's called azorius. It lets people post links to groups and comment on them. It lets you follow groups you're interested. Does it need explaining? It federates via activitypub.

The primary federation compat target is lemmy, which almost works. You can follow both ways. The representation of posts and groups should be similar. azorius can receive posts from lemmy, but lemmy currently rejects announce activities from azorius because the data did not match any variant of untagged enum SharedInboxActivities. Rustaceans are welcome to start here and embark on a journey of awe and splendor.

Compat with AP microblogging is pretty low priority. I've already got one of those.

There's a test instance at az1.azorius.net. You can't post anything until your account is approved, to control how much mess I need to clean up, but should be able to follow and subscribe if you'd just like a reader. If I know you, probably approved, but don't run to tell all your friends. Again: early access, low expectations.

The azorius source can be checked out and built on sufficiently powerful computers. It's only like 50%, or even 25%, done, but the work that's left should generally slot in to what's there. The major technology choices like javascript framework and build system have been decided.


andyc »

@tedu Sounds interesting. How does it differ from Lemmy? What advantages does it offer?


tedu »

@andyc it compiles in under an hour.

ptd »

@tedu shouldn't the color scheme be blue/white?


tedu »

@ptd it is? but it's pretty subtle. need to add some more colorful accents.

elle mundy »

who called it object oriented programming and not class struggle

jonathan w. y. gray 🐼 »

just arrived in san francisco and learning about "coning" or "unicorning" - the practice of "placing traffic cones on self-driving cars" 😂🦄🚗🚫

more at
@SafeStreetRebel safestreetrebel.com/

photograph of a cone placed on top of a self-driving car posted by @SafeStreetRebel@sfba.social
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Ángel Ortega »

Son como esa gente que se cabrea porque otros no usen el signo de interrogación de apertura. Menuda tropa.

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Ángel Ortega »

It's the emoticon for an eldritch abomination.

🌹 Rosey Posey »

I miss big pockets 😂

Meme, left side reads "Girls pockets" and has "Half a phone listed", the other side reads "Boys pockets" and has:
* A phone
* Keys
* UTAX CD12445 multi-purpose laser printer with built in scanner
* Wallet
* A train
* Portugal

ティージェーグレェ »

@usul @h3artbl33d

Similarly, there's @jr's guide to running @grunfink's snac on OpenBSD:


Though, technically snac (codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2) is an ActivityPub implementation in highly portable C, with some Mastodon compatibility, it is not Mastodon (github.com/mastodon/mastodon).

Upshot: snac also is savvy with regards to OpenBSD's "pledge" & "unveil" security functions.

Additionally, I maintain the snac MacPort (ports.macports.org/port/snac/) [note: I have submitted a PR for 2.36, but it has not yet been merged at the time of this toot].

Albeit, I am not too sure how many would argue that macOS is a BSD? Essentially macOS is a mach microkernel with a BSD userland (primarily derived from FreeBSD largely thanks to jkh's former tenure at Apple as "Director of Engineering of Unix Technologies", with some bits yoinked from OpenBSD such as LibreSSL, OpenSSH, pf).

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Ángel Ortega »

Afirmaciones extraordinarias requieren demostraciones extraordinarias.

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Ángel Ortega »

Nuke the computer from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

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Ángel Ortega »

Your post is food for thought. Given that there are out there a significant number of instances that are Nazis and defederated from our instances, we can assume that they federate with one another. Then... Are we the "real" Fediverse? Are we the "good" Fediverse? Can we take the "Fediverse" name for ourselves, and assume "the other side" to be the "imposter" Fediverse?

Nifflas »

When an app asks for permissions, the OS should not only let you answer yes or no. Every category should have a "yes, but feed the app fake data" option.

Want my contacts for no reason? Have these generated fake ones! Wanna listen to my microphone? Here's random ambiance sounds! Location? I'm on a tiny 5x5m island!

Hell yeah! Put it all in your databases mfers!

Actively punishing services wins over boycotts any day. Didn't want that junk in the database? Don't ask for it!

Víctor Moral »

Karl Fogel »

I appreciate a truly great rant, and this is one: https://jogblog.substack.com/p/facebooks-threads-is-so-depressing

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Ángel Ortega »

Lo de la «hipoteca inversa para complementar la jubilación» es algo, por lo que yo sé, que BobPop le escuchó decir a Feijoo en una conversación telefónica en un tren, así que hay que tomarlo con pinzas. Me cuesta creer que realmente haya dicho esto. ¿Por qué? Porque aquellos a los que afectaría esta cosa, es decir, la gente que espera heredar la casa de sus padres, son gran parte de sus potenciales votantes.

Una hipoteca inversa es cuando vendes una propiedad y te dejan seguir viviendo en ella mientras vivas, pero cuando te mueres, el bien pasa a los nuevos propietarios (generalmente una empresa, una aseguradora o un fondo buitre).

Esto es como decir: «si me votas, la casa de tus viejos se venderá para pagar su jubilación y tú te quedarás sin ella». Y eso como propaganda electoral 😆

Aunque, no sé, Feijoo me parece más perdido que Wally, así que igual lo piensa de verdad.

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Ángel Ortega »

Si lo que quieres es lanzar una aplicación en concreto con limitaciones de ancho de banda, la aplicación trickle lo hace. Creo recordar que usaba algún truco tipo LD_PRELOAD para retrasar el tráfico, sin tocar el QoS.

Esto es de memoria de hace unos años, igual ya no existe.

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Ángel Ortega »

De tontería nada. Usar el efecto Doppler y el comportamiento de la luz como una onda para explicar la deriva política es un chiste científico muy fino.


Una 🍺 para usted.

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Ángel Ortega »

I suggest to embroid QR codes to URLs of a domain you control.

CC: @diegor@social.gl-como.it

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Ángel Ortega »

If I discover an author that I really like on Youtube, I usually buy their songs on digital or CD (even though I haven't own a CD player since decades).

I think it's my duty to pay for what I love.

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Ángel Ortega »

Oh my. So, the HTML entity for < should really be &ft; ?

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Ángel Ortega »

Y, antes de eso, «...en LP y cassette».

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Ángel Ortega »

¿Quién es "El Pinzas"? (pregunta sincera)

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Ángel Ortega »

I think it's worth the money for the text: crispy clear fonts.

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Ángel Ortega »

El enlace no carga si tienes instalado el plugin de Firefox «I still don't care about cookies» ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Jordan Reger »

automatic light/dark mode is awesome, you can enable it with literally one meta tag:

meta name="color-scheme" content="light dark"

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Ángel Ortega »

The Fediverse is a network where we comment news about Twitter, its policies and the brainfarts of its owner. Sometimes, we talk about other things.

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Ángel Ortega »

Recuerdo que cuando era joven era capaz de oír las frecuencias altas que emitían los CRT (pantallas de tubo de rayos catódicos). Así que podía saber si el monitor estaba encendido o apagado en la habitación de al lado solo escuchándolo.

Fui perdiendo ese superpoder con el tiempo.

Ahora que soy viejo y tengo acúfenos (o tinnitus) todo el rato, es como si tuviera una pantalla de tubo encendida todo el rato al lado de mi cabeza. De vez en cuando, la busco para apagarla.

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Ángel Ortega »

That's inexact.

does not provide feeds; some implementations, like , or provides RSS feeds of an actor's timeline, but as an added value, not as part of the protocol. You can be fully ActivityPub compatible without generating RSS.

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Vosotros que tenéis la mente sana,
observad la doctrina que se esconde
bajo el velo de versos enigmáticos.

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Ángel Ortega »

Random floating point numbers:


Manuel Zamora »

Ayer estuve en la presentación del libro "Yo no soy Pavel" de mi gran amigo Ángel Ortega @angel.
El libro está genial, divertidísimo y trepidante.

La presentación con Fernando Cámara y Ángel Ortega Ángel Ortega (el autor) firmándome un ejemplar

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Ángel Ortega »

¡El placer fue todo mío! Muchas gracias por venir.

#FediPact! »

aaaaaaaand another big tech person does an article about The Pact lol

and it's actually good, wow


Dave Dawkins »

What kind of history do you write for your world?

Rocky Horror is turning 50 next month and people still act like being gay was invented by Ellen in 1997

I fully know what you mean! but! I did also think "Oscar Wilde published The Picture of Dorian Gray 133 years ago as of 2 months from now, and people still act like being gay was invented by the Rocky Horror Show in 1973" and now I cannot stop laughing making more gay history comparisons

But honestly! Renowned French poet Théophile de Viau wrote the poetic ode to King James titled "The Duke of Buckingham,' containing the immortal lines "One man fucks Monsieur le Grand de Bellegarde/ Another fucks the Comte de Tonnerre/And it is well known that the King of England/Fucks the Duke of Buckingham" exactly 400 years ago and people still act like being gay was invented by Oscar Wilde in 1890

Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep were buried together in the 25th century BC and people still act like being gay was invented by renowned French poet Théophile de Viau 400 years ago

Gilgamesh and Enkidu "loved each other like man and wife" in 2700 BC and ppl STILL act like being gay was invented by Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep in the 25th century BC

Matthew Garrett »

I know there are people reading this who work for major companies still advertising on Twitter (Apple, Google, and Amazon at least), so: two days before the SF Trans March, Elon is making it even more explicit that Twitter is a transphobic platform. You have the ability to influence the behaviour of your employers. Maybe do that?

Screenshot of a tweet from Elon Musk reading:

"Repeated, targeted harassment against any account will cause the harassing accounts to receive, at minimum, temporary suspensions. 

The words “cis” or “cisgender” are considered slurs on this platform."
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Ángel Ortega »

I see Linux's penguin here

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Ángel Ortega »

según una inteligencia artificial que recoge datos de varias fuentes
Y, si no tiene datos suficientes, se los inventa.

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Ángel Ortega »

The same as cat's ice.

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Ángel Ortega »

My environment-aware self feels a little guilty for liking it, but the pixellated, toxic, sky-darkening factory in the twilight is awesome.

CC: @320x200@post.lurk.org

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Ángel Ortega »

The most eco-friendly computer is the one you already own and it's off.

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Ángel Ortega »

Este es el hilo más deliciosamente friki que he encontrado hoy.

CC: @euklidiadas@red.niboe.info

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Ángel Ortega »

Liking this post because I would like to become your internet soulmate. I don't have a clear position on caniballism, though.

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Ángel Ortega »

Yo sí tengo las pruebas: Si mides la productividad como una proporción entre resultados (sea lo que sea eso) divididos por el número de horas trabajadas, y teniendo en cuenta que por la ley de los retornos decrecientes cada hora que pasa se rinde menos, nuestro índice de productividad se va a la mierda.

Jesse Pinkman gritando Science, Bitch!
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Ángel Ortega »


Not a bird expert at all, but most probably the baby bird was already dead and its parents drop it off the nest on purpose. They may even have another baby up there.

Linus Torvalds »

@morgthorak I think you might want to make sure you don’t follow me.

Because your “woke communist propaganda” comment makes me think you’re a moron of the first order.

I strongly suspect I am one of those “woke communists” you worry about. But you probably couldn’t actually explain what either of those words actually mean, could you?

I’m a card-carrying atheist, I think a woman’s right to choose is very important, I think that “well regulated militia” means that guns should be carefully licensed and not just randomly given to any moron with a pulse, and I couldn’t care less if you decided to dress up in the “wrong” clothes or decided you’d rather live your life without feeling tied to whatever plumbing you were born with.

And dammit, if that all makes me “woke”, then I think anybody who uses that word as a pejorative is a f*cking disgrace to the human race. So please just unfollow me right now.

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Ángel Ortega »

Why is Nine Inch Nails so far from ANGRY?

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Ángel Ortega »

JSON is fine for me. A Windows-style .ini is also fine.

Solene % bot » 🤖

Backport OpenBSD 7.3 pkg_add enhancement

In this blog post, you will learn how to backport a huge speedup to pkg_add for OpenBSD 7.3




Elvira »

😮 !!! 😂

No description

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Allí estoy con los niños inocentes
del diente de la muerte antes mordidos
que de la humana culpa fueran libres.

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Ángel Ortega »

El 22 de junio a las 7 de la tarde presentaré mi libro YO NO SOY PAVEL en La Casa del Libro de la calle Alcalá, 96 de Madrid.

Me acompañará mi compinche Fernando Cámara, que ha estado a mi lado en tantas cosas.

¡Os espero!

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Ángel Ortega »

Números de las elecciones a la Comunidad de Madrid 2023, comparados con las de 2021:

El PP ha perdido 44623 votantes.
Vox ha perdido 88188 votantes.
El PSOE ha ganado 2904 votantes.
Más Madrid ha perdido 4044 votantes.

Los números son los oficiales, sacados de la web del diario El Mundo.

Jason Gorman »

We spend roughly 10x as much time reading code as we do writing it. A tool or technique that makes you twice as "productive" at writing code *at best* makes you 5% more productive over all. Making your code easier to understand will have 10x the impact. But that doesn't sell tools or put developers out of work, so you won't be reading about it in Forbes.

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Ángel Ortega »

A "choose you own adventure" text game, but implemented using private polls.


Un juego de texto tipo «elige tu propia aventura», pero implementado mediante encuestas privadas.

tedu »

@trwnh I wanted to respond to this. I'm not sure how to articulate, but I think there's sometimes a benefit to some redundant explicitness in protocols. So a chat message and note are the same, yeah. But mastodon at least has a confusing interface where you mention somebody in a purportedly secret note and now they get a copy, too, because addressing and scope is all mixed up with content.

Introducing a new object type means a new UI means a new interpretation. Necessary? Not at all. But practically, pushing people to add a new code path sometimes requires a new case for their switch statement.

JamesB »

@revk @foone

And the original poster was you, ten years ago and you'd forgotten all about it.

WesDym »

English has two different terms for words that come into English from other languages. A 'calque' is translated from the source language. (E.g., flea market, beer garden, paper tiger) A 'loanword' is ported in its original form. (E.g., cafe, bazaar, kindergarten) Perhaps ironically, the word 'calque' is a loanword, while 'loanword' is a calque (from Ger. 'lehnwort').

C & C++ Weekly » 🤖

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Ángel Ortega »

Fair enough.

Sindical Today » 🤖

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Ángel Ortega »

Seems like an awful design decision to me.

What development environment is it, if you can disclose?

CC: @bagder@mastodon.social

John-Mark Gurney »

Ok, to install [and build] git-tiny, you need Ruby, tcl, Python, ipython, cython, Lua, Perl, mercurial. gcc (despite clang being part of the system), redis, subversion, and w3m.

A total of 604 ports.

This is f'ing insane for a "tiny" port. (yes, a majority of it is build tools that aren't needed at runtime, but still it shows how bloating modern software packages are.

Elvira »

Happy 🖤🦇🖤

No description

Steven Saus [he/him] »


IMHO, the real concern isn't the technology itself, but the economic pressures from the investor class and capitalism.

(Longer take on that, especially regarding the arts):


Jason Gorman »

Liberal arts majors: "A.I. will make science and engineering degrees obsolete"

STEM majors: "A.I. will make liberal arts degrees obsolete"

Plumbers: "First hour is £150, then every hour after that is £90"

SuperSantiEgo »

RT @cunado_medieval

No description

Moritz Heiber »

@doot this you?

Screenshot of the top of a Wikipedia entry for the North Atlantic garbage patch. It says to not confuse the garbage patch with Great Britain.

The Real Grunfink »

The powers that be have provided links to manual pages in HTML format:

https://comam.es/snac-doc/snac.1.html - User Manual
https://comam.es/snac-doc/snac.5.html - Message Formatting and File Format Documentation
https://comam.es/snac-doc/snac.8.html - Administrator Manual


daniel:// stenberg:// »

@mjgardner @icing actually, being liberal in accepting things is not a good idea either. If it violates the protocol, eject, close, kill, abort. At once. That leads to better code and protocols in the longer run.

Mark Riedl »

@petealexharris @cstross It's true. A running joke amongst my peers is that any AI news headline can replace "AI" with "capitalism" and remain 100% true.

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Ángel Ortega »

What would happen if the EICAR text string was posted in an post? Would the Fediverse collapse? Fun to try.

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Ángel Ortega »

Filomena destruyó muchos árboles en Madrid (según este artículo de El Diario, 80.000):


No sé si el artículo que enlazas menciona este hecho, no lo he leído.

En parques que conozco bien, como la Quinta de la Fuente del Berro, fue una catástrofe.

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Ángel Ortega »

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Ángel Ortega »

Let's hope nobody creates a .com TLD

CC: @tac0shell@hackers.town

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Ángel Ortega »

Qué raro y qué trágico. No sé cómo irá la legislación allí en la «land of the free», pero aquí es obligatorio que las salas refrigeradas (y otras salas estancas como salas limpias) tengan picaportes para abrirlas desde dentro.

helleano)))r »

brennen »

young me: i wonder if this new technical thing is cool

middle-aged me: i wonder if i can avoid knowing about this new technical thing until it goes away

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Ángel Ortega »

If you use the vi text editor or one of its derivatives, $ moves to the end of the line.

CC: @Perl@chirp.social

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Ángel Ortega »

@VictorMoral@mastodon.social @rb3n@mastodon.social Puf. Los mensajes de audio.

Al menos puedes "silenciar" el grupo para que no te interrumpa con notificaciones y solo mirarlo de cuando en cuando.

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Ángel Ortega »

@charlie_root@annihilation.social is great for the desktop. I've used it on my laptop for years; had to replace the OS back to just for the battery usage, but will get back to it whenever possible.

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Ángel Ortega »

@rb3n@mastodon.social @VictorMoral@mastodon.social sí que es un lujo poder tener una vida "Whatsapp-free". Yo tengo a tanta gente ahí que me es imposible zafarme de él.

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Ángel Ortega »

Mi novela YO NO SOY PAVEL ya se puede comprar desde la página web de la editorial Distrito 93.


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Ángel Ortega »

Me parece razonable que se muestre en lugar de descargarlo (de hecho, creo que la operación por defecto de cualquier Content-Type text/XXXX debería ser mostrarlo).

Pero dado que Markdown no es una especificación clara ni única (hay un montón de variantes), preferiría que Firefox no se hiciera aún más gordo con otro intérprete + validador + conversor a html.

wakest is a 🦎 »

new twitter encrypted messenger sounds real secure

No description

wsb »

@pi protip: don't use a relational database if you already have the filesystem.

brennen »

on computer botherers as an endless supply of enthusiastic marks [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

i was thinking about stuff like big web APIs for social media sites going paywalled (or just breaking because of mismanagement by jackass oligarchs), and i was like i wonder if this will teach programmers a lesson - some kind of "gosh, maybe protocols were good after all" moment.

and then immediately: of course it won't. programmers are eternally looking to get scammed.

and then i thought: "you can't cheat an honest man."


brennen »

on computer botherers as an endless supply of enthusiastic marks [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

that's the root of it, a lot of ways. as a class, we are not honest persons. we're grifters and cheaters and scabs, almost definitionally. our stock in trade is the betrayal of labor, the extraction of surplus value from angles on automation, or often more honestly from ideas that assholes with money have about how surplus value will be extracted, or whatever.

and then we get scammed so hard because we think we're doin' the scams.

Dan Gillmor »

"(W)hat we are witnessing is the wealthiest companies in history (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon …) unilaterally seizing the sum total of human knowledge that exists in digital, scrapable form and walling it off inside proprietary products, many of which will take direct aim at the humans whose lifetime of labor trained the machines without giving permission or consent."


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Ángel Ortega »

Un pavo real macho subido a un tejado / a male peacock up on a roof
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Ángel Ortega »

Everytime I read people experiences like this one (and it's getting increasingly common), I wonder why people keep using Apple systems at all.

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Ángel Ortega »

Are cw links clickable? (Should be.)
In , it's clickable.

Jared Davis »

“People who criticize new technologies are sometimes called Luddites, but it’s helpful to clarify what the Luddites actually wanted. The main thing they were protesting was the fact that their wages were falling at the same time that factory owners’ profits were increasing, along with food prices. They were also protesting unsafe working conditions, the use of child labor, and the sale of shoddy goods that discredited the entire textile industry. The Luddites did not indiscriminately destroy machines; if a machine’s owner paid his workers well, they left it alone. The Luddites were not anti-technology; what they wanted was economic justice. They destroyed machinery as a way to get factory owners’ attention. The fact that the word is now used as an insult, a way of calling someone irrational and ignorant, is a result of a smear campaign by the forces of capital.”

Ted Chiang in the New Yorker.

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Ángel Ortega »

Ayer vi a este perro en el parque.

Estaba jugando él solo: subía su pelota a lo alto de la pendiente, esperaba a que cogiera velocidad y cuando casi se le escapaba corría a por ella, la cazaba y la volvía a subir hasta lo alto. No fue casual: lo hizo varias veces. Lo hacía adrede.

He tenido perro y sé lo listos que son pero no dejan de sorprenderme.

Radical Graffiti »

"Replace capitalism with a good nap"
Stencil seen in Marseille, France

Red and blue stencil on a wall that says "Replace capitalism with a good nap" in French
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Ángel Ortega »

The thing is, if you suppress comments like that, then you may think that people like that aren't out there, and that they won't use these systems in that way.
This is a devastating truth.

Please, Jon, forget about the goats, we need you.

@LWN@fosstodon.org @delroth@delroth.net

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Ángel Ortega »

Escuchado por casualidad en el bar:

"El capitalismo es una máquina creada para impedir que los mercados se vean afectados por la democracia".

Matto F »

@raspbeguy @solene I have my $HOME in ramdisk for over 20 years, wouldn’t want to have in other way :-)

The technic, how to get there, has varied over the years, see for example




El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Y aquella que las tetas se recubre,
que tú no ves, con trenzas desatadas,
y todo el cuerpo cubre con su pelo,
fue Manto, que corrió por muchas tierras;
y luego se afincó donde naci,
por lo que un poco quiero que me escuches:
Después de que su padre hubiera muerto,
y la ciudad de Baco esclavizada,
ella gran tiempo anduvo por el mundo.

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Ángel Ortega »

Micro-rant: if you are writing software that asks for a password, please tell me which password you mean. My Mac password? My 1Password password? OneLogin? ssh key?
Software: "please tell me all your passwords, I'll try them one by one until I find the one that works"

The Real Grunfink »

Regarding , no longer crashes and is pretty usable.

CC: @nick@norden.social

Chema Hernández Gil »

It has *two* external dependencies (openssl and curl) and no database or cookies. This is amazing!


El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Mientras que en verlo todo me ocupaba,
me miró y con la mano se abrió el pecho
diciendo: «¡Mira cómo me desgarro!


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