

curmudgeon / cascarrabias

Ann Hell Musichttps://exode.me/accounts/annhell
YO NO SOY PAVEL (novela)https://distrito93.com/catalogo/yo-no-soy-pavel/

The Whore of Blahbylon »


Can you eye-dentify this person?

The answer will be revealed tomorrow.


Russ Sharek »

I continue to receive the best mail.

Thank you, @stefano, for the cool stickers!

A bsd cafe sticker, featuring a cute demon head popping out of a coffee mug.

Alt...A bsd cafe sticker, featuring a cute demon head popping out of a coffee mug.


Stefano Marinelli »

@RussSharek I'm glad they safely made their way to you

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Ángel »

I love the design of these stickers.

CC: @stefano@bsd.cafe


Stefano Marinelli »

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Ángel »

Did you design the cute daemon-in-a-cup yourself, Stefano?


Stefano Marinelli »

@angel Not totally. I started, but the result wasn't excellent. So I asked for some help and this is the final result.

gyptazy »

They're awesome!

CC: @stefano@bsd.cafe


EnigmaRotor ⁂ »

@gyptazy wow can they only be obtained during conferences? Not that I am a true collector by nature, but these stickers have a certain appeal :-)


gyptazy »

Yes and no :)
I share them whenever possible at meetings, conferences and so on :)


Ángel boosted

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Yo, Beatriz, soy quien te hace caminar;
vengo del sitio al que volver deseo;
amor me mueve, amor me lleva a hablarte.

Ross Burton »

And now I have Vienna by Ultravox in my head and I suspect won't leave for a week.


Matthew Garrett »

@ross You going to be there?


Ross Burton »

@mjg59 yeah, Monday-Thursday as I couldn’t justify Plumbers.


Matthew Garrett »

@ross Fuck yeah is this the first time we'll see each other in a decade?

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Ángel »

This means nothing to me

Pavel Korytov »

Hey @stefano,

I've got a question about rules on your instance. #8 says "Any kind of attacks are strictly prohibited" (by the way, spaces are missing around the sentence).

Does this mean only personal attacks, or also attacks/critique of people in the world, organizations, or things? Can I (very occasionally :3 ) say that ACLED's conflict index has bad methodology, Lenin's vague language promoted violence, or disagree that cryptocurrency is a scam (or argue that it is, for that matter)?

Ángel boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

@sqrtminusone Hi Pavel, the BSD Cafe is a place with a positive mood, PRO and not against. This doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with something. I myself sometimes criticize specific choices, methodologies, or situations. What’s important is that things always stay within the realm of expressing your opinion rather than attacking or discriminating against someone. It is perfectly fine to express your opinion (e.g., “I love systemd and would like to see it on BSDs!”) or your discontent (e.g., “I am extremely opposed to the systemd approach”), but not to discriminate against or attack those who use systemd.

I hope I’ve conveyed my idea clearly. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask!


Pavel Korytov »

@stefano Thanks for the explanation! Works for me


Information Is Beautiful »


A humorous map of Europe displays bands of culinary quality radiating out from Italy, the apparent centre of "real food". The further from Italy the more advisory becomes more severe. From "fattening" in Germany to "literally tasteless" in the UK to "toxic" in Northern Europe and Russia

Alt...A humorous map of Europe displays bands of culinary quality radiating out from Italy, the apparent centre of "real food". The further from Italy the more advisory becomes more severe. From "fattening" in Germany to "literally tasteless" in the UK to "toxic" in Northern Europe and Russia

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Ángel »

😆 I agree that probably the best food can be eaten in Italy, but I find the graphic a bit unfair with Portugal, where food is also fantastic.

Ángel boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

A small compendium of the Fediverse platforms I use/know well.

In the past few days, I revisited some of my old Fediverse instances since some friends asked me to help them set up a new one. I also took the chance to perform maintenance on some leftover instances. Here's my experience:

Akkoma: My oldest instance still running, opened in 2022. It was offline for a few months (3/4). I updated everything to the latest version and restarted it. I’m not sure why, but it’s extremely slow, with a heavy load on Postgres and many queries just to open the main page. I like Akkoma - I'll investigate further.

GoToSocial: I updated a friend's instance - GoToSocial itself was up-to-date, but the underlying system wasn’t. I noticed that once it exceeds 2000 followings, it becomes a bit slow. The database is PostgreSQL, but that's not the issue. The GoToSocial process becomes somewhat heavy on the VPS. Still, it's very usable and a software with great potential, in my opinion. The Mastodon API is implemented quite well and works with the major software.

Mitra: It seems well-built. The person had around 1000 followers and followings on a Mastodon account, which they moved from a large instance. No speed issues, though sending a message makes the server “heavy” for a bit, but it’s temporary. The Mastodon API is partially implemented, but the software is advancing quickly, and I find its native interface quite pleasant.

Snac2: I've always had a soft spot for Snac2. The lack of a database and some design choices make it an excellent solution for small instances. For example, sending posts to all known instances increases visibility and interaction. Its basic, JavaScript-free interface is very clear, though it might not be the best for those used to Mastodon. But the Mastodon API is improving version by version, and I think the developer is doing an excellent job. It struggles a bit with larger numbers, but that's due to the underlying file system, not the software itself. If "move" support (both in and out) were added, I would recommend it to anyone starting self-hosting for single-user or small community instances because "move" is one of the options that gives the most freedom in Fediverse software.

Mastodon: My “old” personal instance was stuck at version 4.1.x and had been offline for a few months. I updated the FreeBSD Jail and upgraded Mastodon to 4.2.12 and then to 4.3.0-beta1. No issues. I also helped a friend (who had an old Pleroma-based instance they barely used) migrate. This user has around 5000 followers and followings - Mastodon is running on FreeBSD on a VPS (arm64) for just over 3 euros a month, with no significant issues (apart from media storage, but that's not Mastodon’s fault). Mastodon is sometimes said to be heavy, and that's partly true, but its modularity ensures that even in cases of overload, queues may slow down, but navigation and the local timeline remain reasonably fast. I think this is a good thing for any larger-scale use of an instance.

In short, I think things are moving in the right direction, and the software is evolving nicely. Well done, devs!


grimer »

Would you mind pointing me to the Snac2 repo that you use? I’ve noticed a few forks and am curious which you’d recommend. Thanks!


vv221 »

I've always had a soft spot for Snac2.
By far my favourite option. Without snac2 and the ability to self-host it very easily, I would not be on the Fediverse today. Bonus points for the main developer being very easy to get in touch with, and very reactive when problems are reported.

Keeping in mind that I am not coming from Mastodon or Twitter. Snac2 is my first experience as an active contributor to the Fediverse and more generally to micro-blogging.


Stefano Marinelli »

@vv221 I totally agree. Snac2 is a great piece of software and the dev is a fantastic person.


Amber »

@stefano@mastodon.bsd.cafe @vv221@fediverse.dotslashplay.it The only thing snac is missing is a libncurses based TUI client written in C99. I’m not joking either, I love TUI.


Stefano Marinelli »

@puppygirlhornypost2 I was going to suggest toot, then I saw you asked for a client in C99 😉

L-Theanine »

Tut works with it via the mastodn api.

CC: @stefano@bsd.cafe


Stefano Marinelli »

@eltheanine @puppygirlhornypost2 it's nice, but isn't it written in go?

The Real Grunfink »

I really appreciate those words. Thanks.

CC: @vv221@fediverse.dotslashplay.it

The Real Grunfink »

Thank you so much ❤️

CC: @stefano@bsd.cafe

Poes »

@stefano I ysing Gotosocial for my primary account but lack of ability to edit post is so painful for me because I always tipo anywehre.

Snac2 is good and fast, it’s good except the timeline is messed up even I open it using enafore or phanpy. But I love snac2, I hope someday I can access the API using scope and auth.

Oh Gotosocial also doesn’t support scoped auth right now.

Joan Westenberg »

Remember when the word "cyber" sounded cool, not the cringiest shit known to humankind? Not sure what happened there hey


Andres Jalinton »

The word and the meaning remain the same, we are the ones that changed.

Delia Christina »


The truck.
More specifically, Elon.
Elon happened.

Viss »

@Daojoan back in the 90s? yep

Don Ray »


For me it lost all its cool when tRump started talking about “the cyber” in 2016

James »

@Daojoan this happened

Cybertruck with Trump flag wrap

Alt...Cybertruck with Trump flag wrap

Curt Brown »

I also remember a time when "trump" and "meta" were just words that you could use as intended and not be all ick

MR.e »

It started with "cyberspace" in where we started collectively dreaming of the Internet.

David B »

@Daojoan they put the word “sex” after it

mudbungie »

@Daojoan maybe we can reclaim it by pronouncing it with a hard 'c' like it would be in ancient greek. Maybe then we would give it a pass.

Lyricismist »

@Daojoan Actual conservative British government ad campaign. (Additional comments by humans)

ex or current IDF unwelcome »

@Daojoan Never seen Dr Who? Here's a cybermen from way back

Matt Panaro »

@Daojoan still beats "information super-highway"…😛

Things in space and time »

Bill Gibson accidentally gave the wrong people a template.


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Ángel »

I remember when "cyber" was applied only to robots. And also remember when "robot" sounded cool, before all the chatbots / web bots / AI crap / killer cars.

Ángel boosted

Damien Marie AtHope »

The Whore of Blahbylon »

MOVIE QUIZ FOR 2024.09.10

Do you know which movie this picture is from?

Give your answer below, even if you have to guess.

Please boost for more responses.

The answer will be revealed tomorrow.


Ethan »

@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon It looks like Johnathan Frakes but I have no idea what movie it would be from, even if it is.

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Ángel »

I think he's Gil Bellows, but can't fathom what movie this is from

The Whore of Blahbylon »

Yesterday’s movie still was from Snow White: A Tale of Terror.

From Wikipedia: Snow White: A Tale of Terror[a] is a 1997 American dark fantasy gothic horror film based on the fairy tale of the same name. It was directed by Michael Cohn and stars Sigourney Weaver, Sam Neill and Monica Keena. It premiered on Showtime on August 24, 1997.


billy joe bowers - Harris2024 »


I remember loving that back then.

There was a shop in the SFV somewhere that sold random stuff, and when they closed down they had the stone baby prop for sale. I was so ready to buy it and the guy said it was already sold.

I was so bummed, especially when he told me that he practically gave it away to someone he wasn't even sure wanted it because he had to get rid of it and no one was interested.

Ben Werdmuller »

What's the best non-Kindle e-reader these days? I'm looking for an e-ink screen, so an iPad or phone won't cut it.

Ángel boosted

Jonathan Corbet »

@ben I, too, have a Kobo and am *mostly* happy with it. The device (a Libra) works nicely, is reasonably open (you can put apps like KOReader on it, for example), and it works well with Calibre, easily enabling all of the useful things that a suitably extended Calibre can do for you.

My biggest complaint is that, after a few years, the battery is failing, and the device was not made with repairs in mind. The new Libra they offer now claims to have addressed that, making battery repairs feasible.

Ángel boosted

Victor Moral ⁂ »

The Whore of Blahbylon »


Can you eye-dentify this person?

The answer will be revealed tomorrow.


4_InTheMorning »

@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon Weirdly I want to say Michael J Fox? I'm terrible at these eyes but I actually got Cher's right somehow!

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Ángel »

Paul Reiser


Obot 50549535 »

I gotta say, every time you do this I look at the pic and have absolutely no foggiest idea, but this time I immediately thought Paul Newman. I have no idea why.

EvilTw1n »

@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon Paul Newman!

(...he said with certainty, like a fool.)

The Whore of Blahbylon »

Yesterday's Eye-Dentity was Anderson Cooper. No one answered correctly.

Joan Westenberg »

look, correlation doesn't necessarily imply causation, but everyone who's ever drunk water has eventually died


GeePawHill »

@Daojoan I never touch the stuff. Fish fuck in it.

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Ángel »

I tried that water thing once and meh.

Mark Kristensson »

@Daojoan Dihydrogen monoxide is the toxin that no one will acknowledge dhmo.org/facts.html

Chris Vreeland, Again »

@Daojoan Too late to stop now. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Ángel boosted

Church of Jeff »



Ángel boosted

Code Crafters Cafe »

A great Fediverse software, written in codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2

Ángel boosted

The Whore of Blahbylon »


Victor Moral ⁂ »

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Ángel »

«No obstante, el eurodiputado de ultraderecha Alvise Pérez, líder de la plataforma Se Acabó La Fiesta, ha votado este jueves en el Parlamento Europeo en contra de las subvenciones al toro de lidia por considerarlo un espectáculo de “brutalidad, crueldad y tortura”, en una posición muy diferente a la de PP y Vox.»
Vaya, el tarado este votando cosas razonables. Vivir para ver.

florian »

So my org-mode agenda view informed me that yesterday was labor day.
Which I found confusing. First of all it's spelled wrong, it's supposed to be May Day. And well, it's the wrong day. It should be May 1st.

I doubt a patch to the holiday-general-holidays variable in holidays.el would be accepted though.


Peter N. M. Hansteen »

@florian It's a US specific thing, I think. The rest of the world has mainly May 1st, but Wikipedia informs me that is not world-uniform either. Something to read up on when other things seem boring, possibly.


florian »

@pitrh I read up on it, hence my comment that a patch would not be appreciated...


otto@openbsd »

@florian @pitrh May 1st is a commie/socialist thing in the eyes of our American friends, so that probably diminishes the chances of a diff

florian »

(setq holiday-general-holidays nil)

Seems to fix it.

Ángel boosted

Quotey McQuoteface »

"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous."

Barbara Ehrenreich
(08/26/1941 – 09/01/2022)
US writer

Ángel boosted

Joan Westenberg »

the right are obsessed with "owning the libs" because they miss the good old days when their ancestors also owned people

Ángel boosted

Dana Fried »

Just a reminder that the "existential risk" from AI is not that somehow we'll make Skynet or the computers from The Matrix.

Nobody is going to give a large language model the nuclear codes.

The existential risk is to marginalized people who will be silently refused jobs or health care or parole, or who will be targeted by law enforcement or military action because of an ML model's inherent bias, and that because these models are black boxes, it will be nearly impossible for victims to appeal.

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Ángel »

Pariah Nexus (Playlist de cortos de Warhammer 40000):


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Ángel »

It seems that people there is more interested in Bluesky or Threads:


CC: @mastodonusercount@mastodon.social

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Ángel »

Joan Allen?

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Ángel »

I'm from the Fediverse, and you?

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Ángel »

We all died on September 26, 1983. All these is just the brainwave echoes.

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Ángel »

Love the face and shrug of the brain in the last panel 😆

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Ángel »

The Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Ángel boosted

Latte macchiato »

casual eldritch horror is my favorite

a dark, misty road winding through a forest with tall trees on either side. The central focus is a large, ominous red monolith floating in the middle of the road. 

"God I hate these fucking floating monoliths. They always go, like, 10mph below the speed limit and if you try to pass them they just fucking distort reality around them until you're back behind them again. One of them cut me off on the highway once and when I honked it banished me to a hoary netherworld where I wandered, lost and alone, for untold centuries, trapped in the liminal space between what could have been and what never was, black stars dotting the bright infinity yawning out around me as I drove out of thought and time, through endless ruined cities and blighted lands unmarked by the sun's cold rays, and when I finally got out I was more than 20m late for my dentist appointment and they had to reschedule me."

Alt...a dark, misty road winding through a forest with tall trees on either side. The central focus is a large, ominous red monolith floating in the middle of the road. "God I hate these fucking floating monoliths. They always go, like, 10mph below the speed limit and if you try to pass them they just fucking distort reality around them until you're back behind them again. One of them cut me off on the highway once and when I honked it banished me to a hoary netherworld where I wandered, lost and alone, for untold centuries, trapped in the liminal space between what could have been and what never was, black stars dotting the bright infinity yawning out around me as I drove out of thought and time, through endless ruined cities and blighted lands unmarked by the sun's cold rays, and when I finally got out I was more than 20m late for my dentist appointment and they had to reschedule me."

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Ángel »

Damn, I see Charles Manson

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Ángel »

Julianne Moore?

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Ángel »

El poeta es un fingidor;
finge tan completamente
que hasta finge que es dolor
el dolor que de veras siente.

-- Fernando Pessoa

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Ángel »

Looks refreshing

Ángel boosted

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

No entristecen martirios aquel sitio
sino tinieblas sólo; y los lamentos
no suenan como ayes, son suspiros.

Ángel boosted

El Infierno de Dante » 🤖

Me pareció que contra mí venía,
con la cabeza erguida y hambre fiera,
y hasta temerle parecía el aire.

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Ángel »

¡Qué curioso!

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Ángel »


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Ángel »

The water was really beer, but yes, I did

Ángel boosted

Yago Álvarez Barba »

‼️OJO A ESTO: Francia le quita el estatuto de medio online a un esparcidor de bulos: no podrá optar a subvenciones, ni ventajas fiscales (y supongo que tampoco a publi institucional).

Luchar contra la financiación de los pseudomedios ES POSIBLE. elsaltodiario.com/fake-news/me

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Ángel »

Where does the "clone the repo, do the change and send a diff" (avoiding Github as much as possible) go? Because that's how I do it.

Ángel boosted

Matthew Garrett »

@ewenmcneill Possibly worth noting that the versions of grub revoked by this are known insecure

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Ángel »

Distracted by Marge's hotness.

Ángel boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

Long post about web security issues, outdated technology, vulnerabilities, scapegoating [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a developer working on a new site for a mutual client. The message was: "I uploaded the new WordPress and plugins to your hosting (dedicated FreeBSD jail with PHP 8.3, MySQL, etc.), but there seem to be issues. The site is behaving strangely - possibly due to an incompatible plugin. Could you install PHP 7.4 for full compatibility, or consider moving the current development server to production?"

The "development server" is a small VPS with Docker on their infrastructure, where they set everything up without much oversight from me.

I pointed out that installing PHP 7.4 in 2024 is not advisable, as it has been unsupported (including security updates) for quite some time. I suggested upgrading to PHP 8.2, or 8.1 for temporary testing.

They proposed creating a production server based on Docker so they could "manage versions and dependencies independently." I was open to this idea but rejected the notion of putting such an outdated setup into production in 2024.

The client called, frustrated because "I refused to install what they asked." I explained that what they were asking was risky and outdated, and that a plugin requiring PHP 7.4 was clearly obsolete and would cause problems quickly.

Then, everyone disappeared. This morning, the client called in a panic: "Our server's been hacked! Do something!"

Upon investigation, I found that:
- They had gone live with their development server without informing me.
- They had been hacked through a plugin and malicious software was installed for phishing and other purposes, consuming bandwidth and CPU.
- All antivirus/antispam systems flagged the site as malicious.

I explained to the client that the server itself wasn't hacked (especially not mine), but rather the "site" was compromised - a different issue altogether. I advised them to restore the DNS settings and bring the previous site back online.

Their site is a simple institutional one, which is updated every 2-3 years by the developer. It doesn't need dynamic CMS features. The previous site was static, created with Simply Static, and remained online and problem-free for years.

Unfortunately, this is a common trend today. Some developers deploy outdated, vulnerable systems and then blame others when the site is compromised.

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Ángel »

Pier Angeli?

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Ángel »

The Ninth Gate

Ángel boosted

Bartz »

A motivational message 🫶🏻

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Ángel »

Para los abogados cristianos igual habría que hacer una colecta

CC: @hispa@social.hispabot.freemyip.com

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Ángel »

Nada de desprecio. Yo no uso "dale duro", pero suena cojonudo. Igual empiezo ahora.

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Ángel »

"Dale duro" no, pero sí "dale caña", "dale candela", "dale cera" y "dale" pelao.

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Ángel »

Esto era muy divertido. También había como una especie de pulpitos hechos del mismo material, que al lanzarlos a lo alto de un pared bajaban como arrastrándose y era un descojone.

Ángel boosted

Marcos M. 🚲 »

@brucknerite @RichardJMurphy @25kV

Es que de hecho ocurre que es una balanza presupuestaria muy clara: si el estado se endeuda, las familias no lo hacen; si el estado no se endeuda, lo tienen que hacer las familias. Vivimos en un sistema económico impulsado por el crédito, lo queramos o no; y la relación entre los estados y las familias en cuanto a la deuda es casi de vaso comunicante.

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Ángel »

No sabía que a la gente no le gustase. Ha sido una de las series con las que más he disfrutado de toda mi vida, en su momento estuve enganchadísimo. ¿El final? Pues bueno, no me gustó mucho, pero da igual, porque lo importante fue el viaje.

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Ángel »

Joé, cómo te entiendo. Yo también veo penes y culos por todas partes.

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Ángel »

A mí me pasa igual, que suelo postergarlos para cuando pueda leerlos (voy en el bus, o estoy con otra gente, o leyendo en el parque). Y muchas veces se me olvida que están ahí y tengo que andarme disculpando por oírlos tarde.

CC: @fanta@mastodon.green

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Ángel »

Apenas escribo a mano, así que no me gasto el dinero en cosas de escribir desde los 80. Si hay que usarlo, el último que me hayan regalado (a día de hoy, el que me dieron al donar sangre).

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Ángel »

No lo había oído en mi vida, y mira que soy viejo ya.

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Ángel »

El tal Tamayo, en las elecciones siguientes, montó un efímero partido cuyo lema era «honradez probada».

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Ángel »

nudo de cables

Alt...nudo de cables

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Ángel »

Al pasado, a matar al que inventó la pizza con piña

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Ángel »

They were indeed from Germany, if I recall correctly. In Spain they were pretty popular.

CC: @The_Whore_of_Blahbylon@mastodon.social

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Ángel »

Rodrigo Tortilla, tú me has matado.

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Ángel »

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Ángel »

tenemos que dejar de decir lo de noseque no, lo siguiente
Esto es casi más rancio que lo de la cerveza sin plomo.

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Ángel »

Best song ever

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Ángel »

La putada es que no es con carácter retroactivo.

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Ángel »

Man on Fire. Mu buena.

Ángel boosted

J. L. Westover »

Secret Panel HERE 🙂 tapas.io/episode/3241718

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Ángel »

¿Quita algo de luz o nada de nada?

CC: @louzao@masto.louzao.network

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Ángel »


Ángel boosted

Working Class History » 🤖

23 Jul 1944 19-year-old French resistance fighter Madeleine Riffaud saw a Nazi officer walking in Paris. She took out her gun and shot him twice in the head. Captured by French collaborators, she survived a concentration camp and lives to this day stories.workingclasshistory.co

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Ángel »

Por lo que yo sé, el quimerismo no implica ningún problema de salud y son gatos tan sanos como cualquier otro. Solo es una característica genética, como la heterocromía (gatos o perros con un ojo de cada color).

Solo tienes una gatita muy muy especial.

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Ángel »

Los gatos quimera tienen diferentes genes en cada uno de los lados de la simetría axial; genéticamente, son dos gatos en uno. Generalmente se nota en que tienen pelaje diferente en cada lado del cuerpo:


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Ángel »

Madre mía qué guapa. Es una gata quimera total.

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Ángel »

Mi agüita amarilla, versíon sinfónica 😆. Si me lo hubieran contado en su momento, no me lo habría creído.

CC: @fanta@mastodon.green

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Ángel »

Que después de beber más de 40 cervezas hoy y tener que expulsarlas fuera de mí, mi agüita amarilla sigue su camino hasta el mar, allí se evapora y luego llueve y algo de eso.

La referencia solo la pillarán los de la Generación X, pero aquí está el documento original:


CC: @fanta@mastodon.green

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Ángel »

Lo único que recuerdo sobre el ciclo del agua es lo que me enseñaron los Toreros Muertos.

Ángel boosted

Dan Gillmor »

Trump to the press: I will crush you like the bugs you are.

Journalists: Haha there goes Trump again.

Biden: I'm incredibly disappointed in your coverage:

Journalists: How dare you? Resign immediately, you ungrateful pathetic SOB.

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Ángel »

Respecto a la mesita no sé que decirte (la tengo igual en negro, para tener los ordenadores), pero respecto a tu gata te digo que es preciosa y que esa carita como de dos colores es lo mejor.

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Ángel »

Fantastic, never heard before. Budgie is a hell of a drummer.

Ángel boosted

Joan Westenberg »

Okay. Big move for me.

I have started serialising my novel, There Will Be No Violins.

"Reality has an expiration date. Consume at your own risk."

It's free to read on Wattpad.

I hope you like it.


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Ángel »

Usuarios de Windows: ay que se me ha partío el Crowdstrike o no se qué

Usuarios de Linux/OpenBSD: ay que se me ha partío el ojete de la risa

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Ángel »

Margaret Hamilton?

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Ángel »

Get better soon

Ángel boosted

The Whore of Blahbylon »

I do now!

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Ángel »

Todd Browning's Freaks

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Ángel »

Kilroy was here

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Ángel »

¿Me están acusando a mí de robar el bolso o solo me están preguntando?

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Ángel »

Jacqueline Susann?

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Ángel »

Fascinante ❤️

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Ángel »

... [SENSITIVE CONTENT]Te he leído bien, de nada. Por eso yo mismo he dicho que no es «estrictamente» necesario. Siento haberte molestado, adios.

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Ángel »

... [SENSITIVE CONTENT]No es estrictamente necesario destruirlas, se pueden reconvertir en bibliotecas, salas de conciertos o gimnasios, que son fresquitas y no necesitan aire acondicionado. En Alemania y Bélgica me encontré con unas cuantas y todo bien.

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Ángel »

Los huevos de gorrión son así de moteados.

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Ángel »

Esto es «gore» de cables.

Ángel boosted

Derek Powazek 🐐 »

Hey for no particular reason let’s all read up on this, kay?

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Ángel »

Can't take my eyes from this 😱

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Ángel »

¿Farda de que el coche nuevo consume más que el viejo?

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Ángel »

And the weakest single rupture point in the whole Internet

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Ángel »

"Plutón no existe"

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Ángel »

Isn't Tweeter more alive than ever?

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gyptazy »

Including running a full OS…. Not much!

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Ángel »

Eso no te haría menos turista.

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Ángel »

Casi siempre hay un parque cerca que supera con creces el valor de cualquier banalidad humana. Siempre hay un canto de mirlo, o jugueteo de perros, o reflejo de la luz del sol en una fuente que desborda cualquier debate estéril sobre qué cosa nos permite o no hacer un ser inventado.

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Ángel »

El libre albedrío es la capacidad de elegir erróneamente desperdiciar una hora hablando sobre el libre albedrío en lugar de estar dando un paseo por el parque.

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Ángel »

From these four, clearly The Good..., but Unforgiven is my favourite.

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Ángel »

¿Por qué el bicarbonato?

CC: @CorioPsicologia@mastodon.social

Ángel boosted

Victor Moral ⁂ »

"No ofrezcas gratis nada que luego tengas que cobrar". Me he descubierto diciendo esto hoy y me he dado cuenta de que es una de las raíces de mis problemas.

Echas una mano a alguien a que tenga presencia en Internet (por poner un ejemplo real), con buena disposición, amplia disponibilidad y coste cero por aquello de la "amistad" y de que eres un magnífico profesional cuya carrera hacia la indigencia es inexplicable y bla, bla, bla ...

Y resulta que cuando le dices que tiene un precio mínimo, chiquitito, lo que se ha llamado de siempre precio de coste y voy a la ruina (pero de verdad porque nunca acierto con el cálculo), justo en ese momento, VayaPorDios, ya no tiene tanto interés. Y por supuesto, está en otro sitio a una décima parte de lo que tú le dices.

A partir de ahí supongo que cada cual tendrá una historia diferente donde habrá de todo. Yo hasta ahora podía ignorarlas pero ahora, que necesito de verdad el dinero, va a doler más saber que a) no eres tan bueno, b) no es tan importante y c) no necesitaban tanto.


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