Qué pena que no sepamos los nombres de las 136 personas que dicen vivir fuera de España pero que les han cazado, porque seguro que ahora nos estaríamos riendo de algún youtuber andorrano...
Os lo cuento en @ElSaltoDiario https://www.elsaltodiario.com/fraude-fiscal/agencia-tributaria-cazo-136-contribuyentes-simulaban-vivir-fuera-espana-2023
@EconoCabreado @ElSaltoDiario ya habría salido alguno diciendo que la agencia tributaria les persigue para robarles
@EconoCabreado @ElSaltoDiario No sé vosotres, pero yo ya me río de los youtubers andorranos aunque vivan en Andorra.
@EconoCabreado @ElSaltoDiario
Y qué pena que se hable poco o nada de cuándo se van a devolver los (60.000?) millones del rescate a la banca.
Can you eye-dentify this person?
The answer will be revealed tomorrow.
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon Tom Cruise? =)
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon gonna say Cillian Murphy but im sure it’s not. Just can’t pluck the correct name out!
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon has to be Toby McGuire
Benedict Cumberbatch?
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon cilian murphy
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon Makes me think of Juaquin Phoenix, but I don’t think that’s right.
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon not sure, did think Robert Patterson, but eyebrows might be too thin.
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon gotta be Tobey Maguire
@The_Whore_of_Blahbylon Tobey Maguire
very simply put:
#procrastination is when you put off tasks because your todo list overwhelms you.
#avolition is when you can't even do basic everyday tasks like brushing your teeth or getting out of bed.
#anhedonia is when you can't do any basic tasks and can't even distract yourself with time killers, because absolutely nothing can bring you any pleasure.
#lazyness is what giant assholes call any of the above.
Hoy he descubierto que hay una red social peor que Twitter y es threads. Menudo estercolero. Menos mal que no estoy dentro.
@angel pues me dio muy mal rollo, de verdad
@angel pues te prometo que ni en los peores momentos de Twitter había leído yo las barbaridades que leí en threads. Así que vaya... Espero que no se filtren demasiadas
🗞️ El cerebro de los racistas envejece más rápido.
La hipótesis es que el cerebro ante una amenaza real o imaginaria (imaginaria en este caso) reacciona con una respuesta de estrés. Que a largo plazo causa muchos daños.
Me imagino que si sacaran en España con la falsa amenaza de los okupas saldría algo similar.
Así que amiguites, si queréis envejecer bien para disfrutar de Benidorm, haced sudokus y dejad el racismo.
#Racismo #Psicología #Estrés #Envejecimiento
@CorioPsicologia En verdad, si el problema es el estrés, me temo que la gente de izquierdas vamos a vivir menos. La gente de derechas se estresará con falsos problemas de derechas (la invasión inmigrante), pero para compensar les bastará con ignorar los de verdad (las desgracias de los más vulnerables, el cambio climático) y, para algunas de esas personas, con ser ricas.
Curiosa forma de reivindicar amnistía , ponerse del lado de los especuladores inmobiliarios . Amnistía del ladrillo. https://elpais.com/espana/catalunya/2024-09-19/junts-amenaza-con-mas-plantones-para-boicotear-al-gobierno-si-no-se-amnistia-a-puigdemont.html
ohh england experiencing a little colonization and being real crybabies about it tbh
Is it weird that I would enjoy telling a boss, "Sorry, I can't come in today. My train was attacked by squirrels"?
@IntentionallyBLANK no. Our lives need more whimsy and basically harmless menance now and then
@ElleGray @IntentionallyBLANK I think you just won the awesome band name of the day contest with “harmless menace”
@ElleGray “Aggressive Rodents Inconvenienced By Squirrels On Same Train”
@crowbriarhexe hehe nice
It's a good thing that England has highly-skilled professionals who know how to remove rodents with a gentle vacuum.
They sound like Reform voters.
@ElleGray the revolution has begun!
@ElleGray That’s not pandamonium. That’s squirrelmonium 😀
Meanwhile, in #Australia...
@ElleGray Oh they were just amateurs! 😆 🫶🐿️🖖
@ElleGray the Rosa Parks of squirrels
@ElleGray no nuts, no glory
@ElleGray I miss Cybersquirrel1
@ElleGray I watched an interview with people in the UK who were trying to protect native red squirrels, by killing enormous numbers of gray squirrels. It was very uncomfortable to listen to them, both for the direct violence against animals, and for how it was painfully obvious that it sounded a lot like a metaphor for racist attitudes about immigration escalated to genocide, which everyone carefully avoided mentioning.
@ElleGray 😅 squirrels have every right to board trains
@ElleGray I can't stop thinking that "aggressive rodents" would be a great name for a British rock band.
@ElleGray hey some of our squirrels are pretty big😑😑😑 i bribe my local ones so they don't mug me😋
Those are some squirrel-ous accusations.
🥥 Elle, your impeccable intro to this story is: Chef's Kiss!
Mad propz! 🥥
@ElleGray I am so sorry but is that squirrel thing from the ice age movies the squirrel king arthur because it pulled the acorn from the ice? anyway. the sun never sets on the squirrel empire.
@ElleGray for a moment I thought this was Surrey BC, in Canada
They were just checking if there were nuts on board.
The NYPD would have taken care of these fare jumpers. /s
@ElleGray but they are nice and fluffy!!!
@ElleGray Beatrix Potter led me to believe that British squirrels were better behaved than that. Perhaps they just hadn't had their tea yet.
@ElleGray I lol'd way too hard at this whole post
@ElleGray If anything, this is squirrel disobedience huehue
@ElleGray Sounds like Green Goblin has been up to mischief: https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Meet_Squirrel_Girl
@ElleGray I really had to look that up, it seemed implausible:
@ElleGray I'm still musing on "refuse to leave". There's an amount of interspecies communication going on here that I don't understand.
@ElleGray Privatised UK rail will just refuse to run for any old reason now 😆
So, @MAJ1, been having a party I hear? 😁
And while publishers generally demand Microsoft Word compatible DOCX files so that their production workflow can be standardized [...] nothing much has changed since 2013 when I wrote about why Microsoft Word must Die. (TLDR: it's a terrible tool, and if the only good argument for using it is that everyone else uses it, then you might as well eat shit like all the trillion other houseflies.)https://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2024/09/zen-and-the-art-of-writer-deck.html
Can you eye-dentify this person?
The answer will be revealed tomorrow.
Martin Sheen?
@RussSharek I'm glad they safely made their way to you
@angel @RussSharek thanks!
@angel Not totally. I started, but the result wasn't excellent. So I asked for some help and this is the final result.
@gyptazy wow can they only be obtained during conferences? Not that I am a true collector by nature, but these stickers have a certain appeal :-)
And now I have Vienna by Ultravox in my head and I suspect won't leave for a week.
Hey @stefano,
I've got a question about rules on your instance. #8 says "Any kind of attacks are strictly prohibited" (by the way, spaces are missing around the sentence).
Does this mean only personal attacks, or also attacks/critique of people in the world, organizations, or things? Can I (very occasionally :3 ) say that ACLED's conflict index has bad methodology, Lenin's vague language promoted violence, or disagree that cryptocurrency is a scam (or argue that it is, for that matter)?
@sqrtminusone Hi Pavel, the BSD Cafe is a place with a positive mood, PRO and not against. This doesn’t mean you can’t disagree with something. I myself sometimes criticize specific choices, methodologies, or situations. What’s important is that things always stay within the realm of expressing your opinion rather than attacking or discriminating against someone. It is perfectly fine to express your opinion (e.g., “I love systemd and would like to see it on BSDs!”) or your discontent (e.g., “I am extremely opposed to the systemd approach”), but not to discriminate against or attack those who use systemd.
I hope I’ve conveyed my idea clearly. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask!
@stefano Thanks for the explanation! Works for me
@sqrtminusone Glad to read that!
A small compendium of the Fediverse platforms I use/know well.
In the past few days, I revisited some of my old Fediverse instances since some friends asked me to help them set up a new one. I also took the chance to perform maintenance on some leftover instances. Here's my experience:
Akkoma: My oldest instance still running, opened in 2022. It was offline for a few months (3/4). I updated everything to the latest version and restarted it. I’m not sure why, but it’s extremely slow, with a heavy load on Postgres and many queries just to open the main page. I like Akkoma - I'll investigate further.
GoToSocial: I updated a friend's instance - GoToSocial itself was up-to-date, but the underlying system wasn’t. I noticed that once it exceeds 2000 followings, it becomes a bit slow. The database is PostgreSQL, but that's not the issue. The GoToSocial process becomes somewhat heavy on the VPS. Still, it's very usable and a software with great potential, in my opinion. The Mastodon API is implemented quite well and works with the major software.
Mitra: It seems well-built. The person had around 1000 followers and followings on a Mastodon account, which they moved from a large instance. No speed issues, though sending a message makes the server “heavy” for a bit, but it’s temporary. The Mastodon API is partially implemented, but the software is advancing quickly, and I find its native interface quite pleasant.
Snac2: I've always had a soft spot for Snac2. The lack of a database and some design choices make it an excellent solution for small instances. For example, sending posts to all known instances increases visibility and interaction. Its basic, JavaScript-free interface is very clear, though it might not be the best for those used to Mastodon. But the Mastodon API is improving version by version, and I think the developer is doing an excellent job. It struggles a bit with larger numbers, but that's due to the underlying file system, not the software itself. If "move" support (both in and out) were added, I would recommend it to anyone starting self-hosting for single-user or small community instances because "move" is one of the options that gives the most freedom in Fediverse software.
Mastodon: My “old” personal instance was stuck at version 4.1.x and had been offline for a few months. I updated the FreeBSD Jail and upgraded Mastodon to 4.2.12 and then to 4.3.0-beta1. No issues. I also helped a friend (who had an old Pleroma-based instance they barely used) migrate. This user has around 5000 followers and followings - Mastodon is running on FreeBSD on a VPS (arm64) for just over 3 euros a month, with no significant issues (apart from media storage, but that's not Mastodon’s fault). Mastodon is sometimes said to be heavy, and that's partly true, but its modularity ensures that even in cases of overload, queues may slow down, but navigation and the local timeline remain reasonably fast. I think this is a good thing for any larger-scale use of an instance.
In short, I think things are moving in the right direction, and the software is evolving nicely. Well done, devs!
#Fediverse #Akkoma #GoToSocial #Mitra #Snac2 #Snac #Mastodon #SelfHosting #InstanceManagement #FreeBSD #OpenSource
Would you mind pointing me to the Snac2 repo that you use? I’ve noticed a few forks and am curious which you’d recommend. Thanks!
@grimer I'm using the official, original one: https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2 by @grunfink
I've always had a soft spot for Snac2.By far my favourite option. Without snac2 and the ability to self-host it very easily, I would not be on the Fediverse today. Bonus points for the main developer being very easy to get in touch with, and very reactive when problems are reported.
Keeping in mind that I am not coming from Mastodon or Twitter. Snac2 is my first experience as an active contributor to the Fediverse and more generally to micro-blogging.
@vv221 I totally agree. Snac2 is a great piece of software and the dev is a fantastic person.
@stefano@mastodon.bsd.cafe @vv221@fediverse.dotslashplay.it The only thing snac is missing is a libncurses based TUI client written in C99. I’m not joking either, I love TUI.
@puppygirlhornypost2 I was going to suggest toot, then I saw you asked for a client in C99 😉
@eltheanine @puppygirlhornypost2 it's nice, but isn't it written in go?
@stefano I ysing Gotosocial for my primary account but lack of ability to edit post is so painful for me because I always tipo anywehre.
Snac2 is good and fast, it’s good except the timeline is messed up even I open it using enafore or phanpy. But I love snac2, I hope someday I can access the API using scope and auth.
Oh Gotosocial also doesn’t support scoped auth right now.
Remember when the word "cyber" sounded cool, not the cringiest shit known to humankind? Not sure what happened there hey
MOVIE QUIZ FOR 2024.09.10
Do you know which movie this picture is from?
Give your answer below, even if you have to guess.
Please boost for more responses.
The answer will be revealed tomorrow.
Yesterday’s movie still was from Snow White: A Tale of Terror.
From Wikipedia: Snow White: A Tale of Terror[a] is a 1997 American dark fantasy gothic horror film based on the fairy tale of the same name. It was directed by Michael Cohn and stars Sigourney Weaver, Sam Neill and Monica Keena. It premiered on Showtime on August 24, 1997.
What's the best non-Kindle e-reader these days? I'm looking for an e-ink screen, so an iPad or phone won't cut it.
look, correlation doesn't necessarily imply causation, but everyone who's ever drunk water has eventually died
@Daojoan Too late to stop now. 🤷🏻♂️
A great Fediverse software, written in https://codeberg.org/grunfink/snac2
«No obstante, el eurodiputado de ultraderecha Alvise Pérez, líder de la plataforma Se Acabó La Fiesta, ha votado este jueves en el Parlamento Europeo en contra de las subvenciones al toro de lidia por considerarlo un espectáculo de “brutalidad, crueldad y tortura”, en una posición muy diferente a la de PP y Vox.»Vaya, el tarado este votando cosas razonables. Vivir para ver.
"Natural selection, as it has operated in human history, favors not only the clever but the murderous."
Barbara Ehrenreich
(08/26/1941 – 09/01/2022)
US writer
the right are obsessed with "owning the libs" because they miss the good old days when their ancestors also owned people
-- Fernando Pessoa
‼️OJO A ESTO: Francia le quita el estatuto de medio online a un esparcidor de bulos: no podrá optar a subvenciones, ni ventajas fiscales (y supongo que tampoco a publi institucional).
Luchar contra la financiación de los pseudomedios ES POSIBLE. https://www.elsaltodiario.com/fake-news/medio-frances-france-soir-pierde-estatuto-servicio-prensa-bulos-covid
@ewenmcneill Possibly worth noting that the versions of grub revoked by this are known insecure
A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a developer working on a new site for a mutual client. The message was: "I uploaded the new WordPress and plugins to your hosting (dedicated FreeBSD jail with PHP 8.3, MySQL, etc.), but there seem to be issues. The site is behaving strangely - possibly due to an incompatible plugin. Could you install PHP 7.4 for full compatibility, or consider moving the current development server to production?"
The "development server" is a small VPS with Docker on their infrastructure, where they set everything up without much oversight from me.
I pointed out that installing PHP 7.4 in 2024 is not advisable, as it has been unsupported (including security updates) for quite some time. I suggested upgrading to PHP 8.2, or 8.1 for temporary testing.
They proposed creating a production server based on Docker so they could "manage versions and dependencies independently." I was open to this idea but rejected the notion of putting such an outdated setup into production in 2024.
The client called, frustrated because "I refused to install what they asked." I explained that what they were asking was risky and outdated, and that a plugin requiring PHP 7.4 was clearly obsolete and would cause problems quickly.
Then, everyone disappeared. This morning, the client called in a panic: "Our server's been hacked! Do something!"
Upon investigation, I found that:
- They had gone live with their development server without informing me.
- They had been hacked through a plugin and malicious software was installed for phishing and other purposes, consuming bandwidth and CPU.
- All antivirus/antispam systems flagged the site as malicious.
I explained to the client that the server itself wasn't hacked (especially not mine), but rather the "site" was compromised - a different issue altogether. I advised them to restore the DNS settings and bring the previous site back online.
Their site is a simple institutional one, which is updated every 2-3 years by the developer. It doesn't need dynamic CMS features. The previous site was static, created with Simply Static, and remained online and problem-free for years.
Unfortunately, this is a common trend today. Some developers deploy outdated, vulnerable systems and then blame others when the site is compromised.
#WebDevelopment #Security #PHP #CMS #ServerManagement #Vulnerability #IT #Infosec #SysAdmin
A motivational message 🫶🏻
#motivation #mindset
@brucknerite @RichardJMurphy @25kV
Es que de hecho ocurre que es una balanza presupuestaria muy clara: si el estado se endeuda, las familias no lo hacen; si el estado no se endeuda, lo tienen que hacer las familias. Vivimos en un sistema económico impulsado por el crédito, lo queramos o no; y la relación entre los estados y las familias en cuanto a la deuda es casi de vaso comunicante.
tenemos que dejar de decir lo de noseque no, lo siguienteEsto es casi más rancio que lo de la cerveza sin plomo.
Secret Panel HERE 🙂 https://tapas.io/episode/3241718
#OtD 23 Jul 1944 19-year-old French resistance fighter Madeleine Riffaud saw a Nazi officer walking in Paris. She took out her gun and shot him twice in the head. Captured by French collaborators, she survived a concentration camp and lives to this day https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9570/madeleine-riffaud-assassinates-nazi?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Solo tienes una gatita muy muy especial.
La referencia solo la pillarán los de la Generación X, pero aquí está el documento original:
Trump to the press: I will crush you like the bugs you are.
Journalists: Haha there goes Trump again.
Biden: I'm incredibly disappointed in your coverage:
Journalists: How dare you? Resign immediately, you ungrateful pathetic SOB.
Okay. Big move for me.
I have started serialising my novel, There Will Be No Violins.
"Reality has an expiration date. Consume at your own risk."
It's free to read on Wattpad.
I hope you like it.
Usuarios de Linux/OpenBSD: ay que se me ha partío el ojete de la risa