77 following 87 followers
-- Fernando Pessoa
‼️OJO A ESTO: Francia le quita el estatuto de medio online a un esparcidor de bulos: no podrá optar a subvenciones, ni ventajas fiscales (y supongo que tampoco a publi institucional).
Luchar contra la financiación de los pseudomedios ES POSIBLE. https://www.elsaltodiario.com/fake-news/medio-frances-france-soir-pierde-estatuto-servicio-prensa-bulos-covid
@ewenmcneill Possibly worth noting that the versions of grub revoked by this are known insecure
A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from a developer working on a new site for a mutual client. The message was: "I uploaded the new WordPress and plugins to your hosting (dedicated FreeBSD jail with PHP 8.3, MySQL, etc.), but there seem to be issues. The site is behaving strangely - possibly due to an incompatible plugin. Could you install PHP 7.4 for full compatibility, or consider moving the current development server to production?"
The "development server" is a small VPS with Docker on their infrastructure, where they set everything up without much oversight from me.
I pointed out that installing PHP 7.4 in 2024 is not advisable, as it has been unsupported (including security updates) for quite some time. I suggested upgrading to PHP 8.2, or 8.1 for temporary testing.
They proposed creating a production server based on Docker so they could "manage versions and dependencies independently." I was open to this idea but rejected the notion of putting such an outdated setup into production in 2024.
The client called, frustrated because "I refused to install what they asked." I explained that what they were asking was risky and outdated, and that a plugin requiring PHP 7.4 was clearly obsolete and would cause problems quickly.
Then, everyone disappeared. This morning, the client called in a panic: "Our server's been hacked! Do something!"
Upon investigation, I found that:
- They had gone live with their development server without informing me.
- They had been hacked through a plugin and malicious software was installed for phishing and other purposes, consuming bandwidth and CPU.
- All antivirus/antispam systems flagged the site as malicious.
I explained to the client that the server itself wasn't hacked (especially not mine), but rather the "site" was compromised - a different issue altogether. I advised them to restore the DNS settings and bring the previous site back online.
Their site is a simple institutional one, which is updated every 2-3 years by the developer. It doesn't need dynamic CMS features. The previous site was static, created with Simply Static, and remained online and problem-free for years.
Unfortunately, this is a common trend today. Some developers deploy outdated, vulnerable systems and then blame others when the site is compromised.
#WebDevelopment #Security #PHP #CMS #ServerManagement #Vulnerability #IT #Infosec #SysAdmin
A motivational message 🫶🏻
#motivation #mindset
@brucknerite @RichardJMurphy @25kV
Es que de hecho ocurre que es una balanza presupuestaria muy clara: si el estado se endeuda, las familias no lo hacen; si el estado no se endeuda, lo tienen que hacer las familias. Vivimos en un sistema económico impulsado por el crédito, lo queramos o no; y la relación entre los estados y las familias en cuanto a la deuda es casi de vaso comunicante.
tenemos que dejar de decir lo de noseque no, lo siguienteEsto es casi más rancio que lo de la cerveza sin plomo.
Secret Panel HERE 🙂 https://tapas.io/episode/3241718
#OtD 23 Jul 1944 19-year-old French resistance fighter Madeleine Riffaud saw a Nazi officer walking in Paris. She took out her gun and shot him twice in the head. Captured by French collaborators, she survived a concentration camp and lives to this day https://stories.workingclasshistory.com/article/9570/madeleine-riffaud-assassinates-nazi?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Solo tienes una gatita muy muy especial.
La referencia solo la pillarán los de la Generación X, pero aquí está el documento original:
Trump to the press: I will crush you like the bugs you are.
Journalists: Haha there goes Trump again.
Biden: I'm incredibly disappointed in your coverage:
Journalists: How dare you? Resign immediately, you ungrateful pathetic SOB.
Okay. Big move for me.
I have started serialising my novel, There Will Be No Violins.
"Reality has an expiration date. Consume at your own risk."
It's free to read on Wattpad.
I hope you like it.
Usuarios de Linux/OpenBSD: ay que se me ha partío el ojete de la risa
In case you're using Firefox on mobile - so myself and like four others - disabling Firefox' new Facebook data collection feature is quite a bit harder than on desktop, but it can be done:
and enable itabout:config
and set it to falseDone. This only works on Android, because Firefox on iOS is just a Safari skin.
Echas una mano a alguien a que tenga presencia en Internet (por poner un ejemplo real), con buena disposición, amplia disponibilidad y coste cero por aquello de la "amistad" y de que eres un magnífico profesional cuya carrera hacia la indigencia es inexplicable y bla, bla, bla ...
Y resulta que cuando le dices que tiene un precio mínimo, chiquitito, lo que se ha llamado de siempre precio de coste y voy a la ruina (pero de verdad porque nunca acierto con el cálculo), justo en ese momento, VayaPorDios, ya no tiene tanto interés. Y por supuesto, está en otro sitio a una décima parte de lo que tú le dices.
A partir de ahí supongo que cada cual tendrá una historia diferente donde habrá de todo. Yo hasta ahora podía ignorarlas pero ahora, que necesito de verdad el dinero, va a doler más saber que a) no eres tan bueno, b) no es tan importante y c) no necesitaban tanto.
Me sorprende que en ese hospital no vendan cervezas con alcohol, yo me tomé una la última vez que estuve.
El guardián entre el centeno solo es un peñazo si lo ves desde un punto de vista capacitista y neurotípico.
Puede que se haya quedado antiguo en muchas cosas, ahí puedo coincidir.
"Paul Dirac's remarks on God and religion (1927)
If we are honest — and scientists have to be — we must admit that religion is a jumble of false assertions, with no basis in reality. The very idea of God is a product of the human imagination. It is quite understandable why primitive people, who were so much more exposed to the overpowering forces of nature than we are today, should have personified these forces in fear and trembling. But nowadays, when we . . . "